
(Duration – 1 hour and 1 minute)

Coordinator: A’uzu billahi minash shaytan nir-rajeem, Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem….Allahumma Salli Alaa Sayidina Muhammad Wa Ala Alihi Ashaabi Ajma’een

My dear brothers and sisters respected elders ….Assalamu Alaikum wa Rehmatullahi wa Barkathu. I am honored and privileged to welcome on behalf of the common centre managing committee Brother Dr. Zakir Naik, the world famous scholar in Qur’an and comparative religions. Also I welcome him to Bradford. May I inform him that we are proud to call Bradford little Pakistan or the curry centre of the world.

Indeed I feel we are blessed to be in the company and to be guided by his proper knowledge of Islam at this testing time for Muslims and non-Muslims alike in Britain.

Brother Zakir must have received many accolades in his lifetime but the one that may is the most fitting a description that I have read of him calling him ‘Ahmed Deedat +’ at this time may we all take this opportunity to make Dua for brother Ahmed Deedat who passed away yesterday. May Allah (swt) grant him Jannah, Aameen. Also I must congratulate Islam Bradford for organizing this event, the young people who have organized the event and seeing them at work at first hand has made me proud of their undevere and hard work. May Allah (swt) reward them for their efforts.

Last but not least I make dua to Allah (swt)that he opens our hearts and minds so that we can take full benefit from Dr. Zakir Naik’s lecture. JazakAllah Khair.

Chairman: Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem The talk is titled ‘Islam – Misconceptions’ which of course is very relevant title especially in this day and age. So there are many misconceptions regarding Islam from both Muslims and non-Muslims. So Alhumdulillah we have invited Dr. Zakir Naik to shed some light on some of these misconception.

To give some background about Dr. Zakir Naik, he’s from Mumbai in India. He’s a medical doctor by professional training and he is an international orator. He is well known throughout the world. He has delivered hundreds f lectures on all continents. The former of the talk will be Dr. Zakir Naik who will speak for approximately one hour and then there will be questions and answers. The questions of brothers will be taken on the roofing mike and the questions from the sisters will be taken on paper only. So if the sisters have any questions then please write them and pass them to the brothers. So without any further due I would like to handover to Dr. Zakir Naik.

Dr. Zakir Naik: Alhamdulillah, Was Salaatu Was Salaam Aala Rasoolillah Wa Ala Aalihi Wa Ashaabihi Wa Ajma’een, Amma Baad.

A’uzu Billahi Minash Shaytan Nir-Rajeem, Bismillah Hirrahman Nirraheem.

“Ud`u ‘Ila Sabili Rabbika Bil-Hikmah Wal Maw`izatil Hasanah Wa Jaadilhum Bilati Hiya ‘Ahsan”

Rabbish rahli Şadri Wa Yassir Li ‘Amri Wa Ahlul `Uqdatan Min Lisani Yafqahu Qawli

My respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters, I welcome all of you with the Islamic greetings… ‘Assalaamu Alaikum, Wa Rahmatullahi, Wa Barkatahu’… ‘May Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah (swt) be on all of you.

The topic of this evenings talk is – ‘Misconceptions about Islam’

And it’s a pleasure for me to be once again back in Bradford. I had been here twice before, last time in the year 2002 and in 1999 just for a short charity dinner and Alhumdulillah I’m happy to be back again with the people of the Bradford as I’m aware it’s called as a Pakistan of UK, some told me Bradistan.

Today InshaAllah we will discuss Misconceptions about Islam.

It is a duty of every Muslim that he should convey the message of Islam, the religion of truth and peace to all who are not aware of it. It is compulsory, it is Fard. There are various different methodologies of how to convey the message of Islam to the others. Some are less effective while the others they are more effective. One of the common strategies used by most of the Muslims is that they speak a hundred good points about Islam to the Non Muslims even if that Non Muslim agrees with all the hundred points you have mentioned about Islam yet at the back of his mind he will think… “Ah you are the same Muslim who is a terrorist.” “Ah you are the same Muslim who is a fundamentalist”. “Ah you are the person who marries four women”. “Ah you are the people who spread the religion with the sword”. These few negative points at the back of his mind prevent him from accepting the beauty of Islam.

What I prefer, whenever I meet a Non Muslim I ask him upfront, what do you feel is wrong with Islam? With your limited knowledge, whether right or wrong, what to you feel is wrong with Islam? And I make him comfortable, you can speak against Islam you can criticize Islam, I make him comfortable. You can ask any questions. What do you feel is wrong with Islam? And after making him comfortable and at ease, that Non Muslim may ask about three or four questions and in the experience that I have for the past more than a decade I have realized there are 20 most common questions that a Non Muslim may pose, and when he asks three or four questions invariably it falls amongst these 20 most common questions. So if the Muslims memorize and know the answer to these 20 most common questions with quotations from the Qur’an, Hadith and the other religious scriptures of the Non Muslims with reason, logic and science, even if he cannot make the Non Muslim accept Islam, at least he can neutralize the animosity that the Non Muslim may have against Islam.

How have these 20 most common questions come in the mind of the Non Muslims? It is depending upon how the Media portrays Islam and today we find that there is virulent propaganda about Islam in the international Media. The International media is bombarding people with misinformation about Islam. When we read the International newspapers, the international magazines or the international radio broadcast stations, on the international satellite channels, we find that they are giving misinformation about Islam. It’s the duty of every Muslim that we should clarify these misconception and depending upon how the media portrays Islam this set of 20 common questions may change.

A few decades earlier this set of 20 common questions was different. May be in a next couple of decades it will again change. Depending upon how the media portrays Islam, this set of 20 common questions keep on changing. And Alhumdulillah I’ve traveled to different parts of the world whether it be USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, India, these 20 common questions are the same. There may be one or two additional questions based on the surrounding of that area, but the remaining 20 common questions are the same.

Time may no permit me to discuss all the replies to these 20 common questions, due to the limitation of the time, I’ll try and cover atleast half, InshaAllah. However you can go to the website www.irf.net where I have written a book ‘Replies to the common questions asked by Non Muslims’

Today the most common question asked by the Non Muslim about Islam, especially after 9/11 is that Muslims they are Fundamentalist, they are Extremist, they are Terrorist. In my original book which I wrote before 11 September, this was number four and number five. Now it has come on the top of the charts. We Muslims we are labeled as Fundamentalist.

What is the meaning of the word Fundamentalist? Fundamentalist by definition means a person who strictly follows the fundamentals of one particular subject or one particular field.

For example if a Mathematician has to be a good Mathematician, he should know, follow and practice the fundamentals of Mathematics. Unless he is a fundamentalist in the field of Mathematics, he cannot be a good Mathematician.

For a Scientist to be a good scientist, he should know, follow and practice the fundamentals of science. Unless he is a fundamentalist in the field of science, he cannot be a good scientist. We cannot paint all fundamentalists with the same brush that all are good or all are bad. Depending in which field the person is a fundamentalist, you have to label him accordingly.

For example, if we have a fundamentalist robber, whose profession is to rob, he is bad for the society. On the other hand, if we have a fundamentalist doctor, who saves thousands of human lives, he is good for the society. We cannot paint all fundamentalists with the same brush, that all are good or all are bad. Depending in which field the person is a fundamentalist; you have to label him accordingly.

As far as I am concerned, I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim. Because I know, I follow and I strive to practice the fundamentals of Islam and I know that there is not a single fundamental of Islam, which is against humanity as a whole, there may be a few fundamentals of Islam which the Non Muslims may feel is against humanity, but the moment we give them the background, why these fundamentals are there in Islam, the reason and the logic to it and the statistics, there is not a single human being who’s unbiased who can point out a single fundamental of Islam, which is against humanity. That’s the reason I say I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim.

When we read the Webster’s Dictionary it says that ‘The word fundamentalism was first used to describe a group of American Protestant Christians in the early part of the 20th century.’

This group of Protestant Christians they protested against the Church. The Christian Church they believed that the message of the Bible is from God. This group of American Protestant they said not only is the message of the Bible from God, every word, every letter of the Bible is from God. If anyone can prove that the Bible is the word of God, this movement of fundamentalism, it is a good movement. On the other hand if someone can prove that the Bible is not the word of God, then this movement is not a good movement. But this word ‘Fundamentalism’ was first used to describe a group of American Protestant Christians.

When we refer to the Oxford dictionary it says that, ‘Fundamentalist’ is a person who strictly adheres to the ancient doctrine of any religion, but when I refer to the revised edition of the Oxford Dictionary, there’s a slight change, it says that “‘fundamentalist’ is a person who strictly adheres to the ancient doctrines of any religion, especially Islam!”

The word ‘Islam’ has been added in the revised edition. The moment you think of a Muslim he has to be a fundamentalist, he has to be an extremist. I tell the people, I am proud to be an extremist. I’m extremely kind, I’m extremely merciful, I’m extremely just, I’m extremely honest. What’s wrong in being extremely kind, extremely just, extremely honest? I’m an extremist Muslim.

The Qur’an teaches us, Allah’s Kalaam, the last and final testament of Almighty God, it says that every Muslim should be extremely kind, extremely just, extremely honest, extremely merciful, extremely loving. What’s wrong? What’s wrong in being an extremist? But we should be extremist in the right direction. We find on the Media, you know this Muslims are extremist, I say yes, I’m an extremist Muslim, extremist Muslim, not any other extremist, I’m an extremist Muslim.

Qur’an says in Surah Nisa, Chapter 4, Verse 171,

“La Taghlu Fi Deenikum”

“Do not commit excesses in your religion”

Committing excesses is wrong but going to an extreme as long as it is in the right direction it is good for humanity. We should not be extremely unkind, extremely unjust, extremely dishonest, extremely violent. We should be extremist in the right direction.

The problem with us Muslims today is, after the Media is attacking we have become apologetic. You no, I’m not a fundamentalist, I’m not an extremist, we go on the defense, why? Why do we go on the defense? And we find especially after 9/11 many of the Muslims they have changed their attitude; they have become so apologetic, why? We have the Deen of Haqq with us, the religion of truth, which is the religion of peace also.

Muslims are labeled as terrorist. What it the meaning of the word ‘Terrorist’? ‘Terrorist’ by definition means a person who causes terror. Whenever a robber sees a policeman, he is terrified. So for the robber, the policeman is a terrorist. So in this context every Muslim should be a terrorist. Whenever any robber sees a Muslim he should be terrified. Whenever a rapist sees a Muslim he should be terrified. Whenever any anti social element sees a Muslim he should be terrified. We Muslims should selectively terrorize the anti social elements and this is what

Allah says in the Qur’an, in Surah Anfaal, Chapter No. 8 Verse No. 60,

“Cause terror in the hearts of those who reject the truth, the anti social elements”

And this word I’m using it’s not from my own mind in Bombay just a couple of years back there was an article which came in the headlines, there was an inspector by the name of Inspector Angrey, it says that ‘Inspector Angrey terrorizes the underworld’. This is English language of this very country but I’m aware that ‘Terrorist’ is more commonly used for a person who terrorizes an innocent human being, who causes aggression to an innocent human being, in this context no Muslim should ever terrorize a single human being, whether Muslim or Non Muslim. It is not allowed in Islam that we should terrorize any innocent human being.

Many a time, two different labels are used for the same activity of that same individual.

For example the country where I come from, India more than 60 – 70 years before we were ruled by the British Government, by the Britishers. Many Indians they were fighting for the freedom, these people by the British Government they were called as ‘Terrorists’ but the common Indians, we called them as freedom fighters, as patriots. Same people, same activity, two different labels. If you agree with the view of the British Government that they had a right to rule over India, you have to call these people as terrorist but if you agree with the view of the common Indians that the Britishers came to India to do business, they had no right to rule over us then you would call these people as freedom fighters, as patriots. Same people, same activity, but two different labels and such examples you can give in human history, several examples.

For example we know about the American Revolution which took place in 18th Century, 1776 they got the freedom. Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, by the British Government they were called as terrorist but the same people, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington by the common Americans they were called as ‘Heroes’, as freedom fighters, as patriots. Same people, same activity, two different labels.

Later on, this very terrorist George Washington becomes the President of USA. Imagine a terrorist becoming the President of one of the most advanced country today in the world America and he sets an example to all the future Presidents to come including George Bush today, his hero is who? George Washington, he was called Terrorist by this government. Imagine all the Presidents they look up to George Washington, who was a terrorist and now we find that both the countries are the best of friends, imagine. Therefore before you give a particular label to any person you have to first try and find out for what reason for what cause is the person striving.

We have the example of Nelson Mandela. Before South Africa got it’s freedom, previously it was ruled by the White Apartheid Government. They called Nelson Mandela as a terrorist and they arrested him and they had imprisoned him in Robin Islands for more than 25 years. Later on he is released and he becomes the President o f the New South Africa and later on he gets a Noble Prize for Peace. Imagine the ex-terrorist is getting the Noble Prize for Peace. Therefore before agreeing with anything first we have to check up.

As Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Hujuraat, Chapter 49, Verse No. 6,

“Whenever you get an information check it up before you pass it on to third person”

Check up the information, why is the person calling him. Is it the fact? Is it right? It may be right it may not be right. I’m not saying that all the people who are labeled terrorist are good human beings they may be good they may be bad, they may actually be terrorist who have being terrorizing innocent human beings but before we agree with any information we have to first check up whether the information is right or wrong that is the duty of every human being, whether he’s Muslim or Non Muslim.

The second most common misconception regarding Islam is regarding the word ‘Jihad.’ Not only Non Muslims but there’s misconception even amongst the Muslim. Non Muslims as well as Muslims think that any war fought by any Muslim for any reason, whether it be for a personal gain, whether it be for property, whether it be for region, whether it be for language, it is called as Jihad. Any war fought by any Muslim for any reason, whether it be personal gain, property, fame, region, it is not called as Jihad.

‘Jihad’ comes from the Arabic word ‘Jahada’ which means to strive which means to struggle, in Islamic context it means to strive and struggle against one’s own evil inclinations. Jihad also means to strive and struggle to improve the society. Jihad also means to strive and struggle in self defense in the battlefield. Jihad also means to fight against oppression. Jihad basically means to strive and struggle.

For example if a student is striving and struggling to pass the examination in Arabic we will say that he is doing Jihad. So Jihad basically means to strive and struggle.

Many people, Non Muslims as well as Muslims they have a misconception that Jihad can only be done by Muslims.

There are several verses in the Qur’an which point out that even Non Muslims did Jihad. Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Luqmaan, Chapter No. 31, Verse No. 14,

“We have enjoined on the human beings to be kind to their parents, in travail upon travail did the mother bore them and in pain did she give them birth”

It’s saying that all the human beings should be kind to their parents especially the mother. Immediately the next verse says in Surah Luqmaan, Chapter No. 31, Verse No. 15

“But if your parents do Jihad, strive and struggle to make you worship somebody else besides Allah (swt) of whom you have no knowledge then don’t obey them but yet live with them with love and compassion.”

Here Qur’an is saying that when the Non Muslim parents, they force their children to do Shirk, worship somebody else besides the true Almighty god, Allah (swt) then don’t obey them but yet live with them with love and companionship.

Qur’an repeats this message in Surah Ankaboot, Chapter No. 29, Verse No. 8,

“We have enjoined on human beings to be kind to the parents but if the parents do Jihad, strive and struggle to make them worship somebody else besides Allah (swt) don’t obey them but yet live with them with love and compassion”

Qur’an says in Surah Nisa, Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 76,

“The believers, they fight in the way of Allah (swt), the unbelievers they fight in the way of the Satan”

Here Qur’an is talking about Jihad Fi Sabilillah, which is right and Jihad Fi Sabili Shaitan, If you strive in the way of the evil, it is called as Jihad Fi Sabili Shaitan…so there are various types of Jihad but if Jihad is mentioned alone it is taken for granted, in most of the cases it is Jihad Fi Sabilillah, unless it is specified. Otherwise it’s understood that when a Muslim uses the word Jihad, it is understood it is Jihad Fi Sabilillah, unless it is specified depending upon the context.

The other misconception regarding this word Jihad is that it is usually translated, not only by the Non Muslims but even by so called Muslim scholars as Holy War.

This word Holy War was initially used to describe the Crusades, the Christians in the name of their religion they killed thousands of human beings these Crusades were described as Holy War and today that word is used for Jihad when the orientalist used this word Holy War for Jihad, unfortunately, some of the so called “Muslims scholars”, in inverted comas, even they translate Jihad as Holy War. In Arabic, the word for Holy War is ‘Harbum Muqaddasah’ the word Harbum Muqaddasah is no where to be found anywhere in the Qur’an, neither it is found anywhere in any Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Jihad basically means to strive and to struggle. What we should do? We should strive and struggle against our own evil inclination, we should strive and struggle in the way of Allah (swt). We should strive and struggle to follow the guidance Allah has given us in the Qur’an and according to me one of the important forms of Jihad today is Da’wah. Is conveying the message of Islam to those who are unaware of it.

The third common misconception today is, the religion of Islam was spread by the sword.

Islam comes from the word ‘Salam’ which means Peace, its also derived from the Arabic word ‘Silm’ which means to submit your will to Allah (swt). In short Islam means peace acquired by submitting your will to Almighty God, to Allah (swt) so if you translate “Islam was spread by the sword.” It means ‘Peace was spread by the sword’, it is rather contradicting, Peace was spread by the sword and if we analyze, every country in the world it has a police force, this police force it uses violence, sometimes against the anti social elements to maintain peace in that country. This police force its job is to use force or violence against the anti social elements so that peace will prevail in that country. Similarly in Islam it’s a religion of Peace, it’s the religion that spreads peace, but as a last resort if there are certain anti social elements who are trying to create corruption in the land, trying to create mischief in the land, violence can be used as a last resort to maintain peace in the world.

And the reply to this allegation that Islam was spread by the sword is very well given by a famous historian by the name of De Lacy O’Leary, he writes in the book ‘Islam at the Crossroads’ on page no. 8 and he writes,

“History makes it clear, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping across the world, forcing Islam at the point of the sword over conquered races is the most fantastic absurd myth that historians have ever repeated.”

“The legend of Muslims sweeping across the world, forcing Islam at the point of the sword over conquered races is the most fantastic absurd myth that historians have ever repeated.”

We Muslims, we ruled Spain for about 800 years. Later on the crusaders came, they wiped out the Muslims – there was not a single Muslim who could openly give the Adhaan. We Muslims, we have been the lord of the Arab lands for the past 1400 years. For a few years the Britishers came, for a few years the French came but over all we have been the masters, lord of the Arab land for the past 1400 years. Yet today, there are more than 14 million Arabs who are Coptic Christians. Coptic Christians means Christians since generations. These 14 million Arab who are Coptic Christians, they are giving Shahadah, they are bearing witness that Islam wasn’t spread by the sword.

We Muslims ruled India for more than a thousand years today more than 80% of the Indian’s they are non-Muslims, these more than 80% non-Muslim in India they are giving Shahaadah, that Islam wasn’t spread by the sword. If we wanted we could have forced every Non Muslim to accept Islam at the point of the sword but we didn’t do it. Islam does not permit us to do that. These more than 80%, Eight hundred million Non Muslims in India they are bearing witness, they are giving Shahadah that Islam wasn’t spread by the sword.

Today the country which has the maximum number of Muslims is Indonesia. more than two hundred million Muslims. Which Muslim army went to Indonesia? Which Muslim army went to Malaysia? Which has more than 50% Muslims. Which Muslim army went to the East Coast of Africa? Which sword? It is the sword of the intellect.

As Thomas Carlyle the famous historian he writes in his book “Heroes and Hero Worship”, according to him Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is his hero number one, that,

“Yes we have to get the sword, where will we get the sword, initially every idea originates in one mans head, in one human being it looks alone, it will do little good that he picks up a sword and he propagates it, he has to first find his sword…..” Thomas Carlyle is talking about the sword of the intellect.

As Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Nahl, Chapter No. 16 Verse No. 125, the Ayah I started my talk with, Allah says,

“Ud`u ‘Ila Sabili Rabbika Bil-Hikmah Wal Maw`izatil Hasanah Wa Jaadilhum Bilati Hiya ‘Ahsan”

“Invite all to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them and reason with them in the ways that are best and most gracious.”

There was an article that came in Reader’s Digest Almanac year book 1984 which was repeated in the “The Plain Truth” Magazine. It gave the statistics of the increase in the major world religions in a span of 50 years, from 1934 to 1984 and number one maximum increase in percentage was Islam 235%, Christianity only 47%. I’m asking the question, which war took place between 1934 to 1984, in the span of 50 years, which forced the Non Muslims to accept Islam? Which war?

Today the fastest growing religion in America is Islam, the fastest growing religion in Europe, is Islam. I’m asking, who is forcing these Americans to accept Islam at the point of the sword? Who is forcing the Europeans, the Britishers to accept Islam at the point of the sword? And do you know the media always says that the woman in Islam are subjugated, do you know? Amongst those people accepting Islam, whether it be in America or Europe or any part of the world 2/3rd of them are women, If Islam subjugates the women then why will the American women accept Islam? Why will the European women accept Islam? Because they know that ‘Islam has the solution for the problem of womankind.’

And what ever the Media does, I believe in the verse of the Qur’an as Allah says in Surah Ale Imran Chapter No. 3, Verse No. 54,

“Makaru Wa Makarallaahu Wallaahu Khayrul Maakirin”

“They planned and plotted. Allah too planned, Allah is the best of planners”

Salman Rushdie, a citizen of this country born in my city Bombay, citizen of this country he wrote a book Satanic Verses against Islam, against our Prophet. Act is wrong it should be condemned, net result, many Non Muslims want to read what is this Satanic Verses. They read the Qur’an and many of them accepted Islam. Intention was wrong, act was wrong, end result,

“Wallaahu Khayrul Maakirin”

“Allah is the best of planner”

What happened on 11th of September, World Trade Centre, more than 5000 human beings were killed, innocent, it is wrong. Act has to be condemned. The media had a hype against the Muslims, “War on Terror”, people want to know that what is this religion? Qur’an became one of the best sellers in the USA and according to a report in the span of 9 – 10 months 34,000 Americans accepted Islam. According to Yvonne Ridley in the span of ten months in Europe, 22,000 Europeans accepted Islam.

Normally it should be the opposite that you know, Da’wah should go down. Alhumdulillah, however much the Media is trying to suppress Islam and malign Islam, Alhumdulillah the tables are being turned over. Alhumdulillah.

We Muslims should not be apologetic. We should speak the truth, we should stand for truth, we should propagate this religion of Peace.

And Allah gives the promise in no less than three different places.

Allah says in Surah Saff Chapter No. 61, Verse No. 9, and Surah Tawbah Chapter No. 9, Verse No. 33,

“Huwal ladhi ‘Arsala Rasulahu Bil-Huda Wa Dinil Haqq Liyuzhirahu `Alad-Dini Kullih Walaw Karihal Mushrikoon ”

“Allah has sent his Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth so that it will prevail over all the other religions, over all the other ‘Ism’s, over all the other ways of life however much the Mushriks don’t like it’”

And Allah repeats the message in Surah Fath Chapter No. 48, Verse No. 28,

“Huwal ladhi ‘Arsala Rasulahu Bil-Huda Wa Dinil Haqq Liyuzhirahu `Alad-Dini Kullih Wa Kafa Billaahi Shahidaa”

“Allah has sent his Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth so that it will prevail over all the other ways of life, all the other ‘Ism’s, And enough is Allah is a witness”

Allah does not require you and me to make his Deen prevail, the rubbish that we are, Allah does not require you and me Allah Himself is sufficient. Allah doesn’t require us Allah is giving us an opportunity to make hay while the sun is shining, do you think that if we don’t speak about Islam, Islam will not spread? Do you think Islam is spreading because you are doing Da’wah? Believe me, Wallah! We Muslims are not doing our Job, what is happening is because of Allah we don’t at all get the credit. We don’t get the credit. We aren’t conveying the message, according to me… we aren’t. We are afraid to open our mouth to speak the truth. So Allah is telling in these verses, this Deen is going to prevail, with or without you, with or without me the rubbish that we are. He is giving us an opportunity to do a Prophets job and to earn a Prophets reward.

And I would like to end this answer of this misconception with the quotation from Dr. Adam Pearson.

Dr. Adam Pearson said “People who worry that one day nuclear weaponry will fall in the hands of the Arabs, they fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has already been dropped, it fell the day Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born”.

The fourth common question asked by the Non Muslim is why does Islam permit a man to have more than one wife?

Before 11th September this was question number one. Now it has gone down the charts, question number four but yet it is there, it is there in the top twenties.

Qur’an is the only religious book on the face of the earth which says marry only one, there is no other religious scripture whether you read the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Bible, the Mahabharata, the Ramayan, the Bhagavad Gita, no religious scripture on the face of the earth except the Qur’an says marry only one.

If you read the Hindu scriptures, Ramayan, the father of Ram, King Dashrath he had more than one wife, If you read Mahabharata, Sri Krishna, how many wives he had? Four? Ten? Thousand? He had 16,108 wives. Sri Krishna can have 16,108 wives so why cant we Muslims maximum have four? If you read the Old Testament, Abraham (pbuh) he had three wives. Solomon (pbuh) he had 700 wives. So according to the Jewish and the Christian scriptures you can marry as many women as you wish, there’s no upper limit. 10, 20, thousand, 10,000, no upper limit, It is the Christian Church which has put a restriction that Christian should marry only one, It is the Jewish Chief Rabbi Genshom ben Yehudah who passed a synod in 960 C.E to 1030 C.E, he passed a synoid that Jew should marry one women and if you observe in the Sephardic Jewish Community which lived amongst the Muslims, till as late as 1950 they married more than one woman.

Similarly according to the Hindu scriptures, Christian scripture, Jewish scripture you can marry as many as you wish, even Hindu scripture, it is the Indian Government which has passed a law in 1954, known as Hindu Special Marriage Act which says that a Hindu should marry only one but the scriptures give them permission to marry as many as they wish.

And when we refer to a report by the government on Status of Women in Islam on page no. 66 – 67 it says that polygamous marriages done by the Muslims in India in a span of 10 years from 1951 to 1961 is 4.31% and Hindu’s in the same span 1951 to 1961, 5.06%. So Hindus are .75%, 3/4th percent more than the Muslims though the Indian Government does not give the permission, yet they do more polygamous marriages than the Muslims.

Let’s analyze what does the Qur’an have to say.

Qur’an says in Surah Nisa, Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 3,

“Marry women of your choice in two’s, three’s or four’s, but if you can’t do justice, marry only one.”

This statement if you cant do justice marry only one is only given in the Qur’an and no other religious scripture, You can marry women of your choice in two’s, three’s or four’s but if you cant do justice marry only one.

And Qur’an says in Surah Nisa, Chapter 4, Verse 129 that,

“You cannot do justice between your wives but do not turn away from them altogether”

That means its difficult, therefore marrying more than one wife in Islam is not compulsory, Fard, msany people think marrying four wives is Fardh It is optional you can it gives you permission, maximum upto four, but if you marry more than one wife and if you cant do justice between them, then you’re in problem.

Let’s analyze what are the logical reasons why Islam has given permission for some men to have more than one wife.

By nature male and female are born in equal proportion. But medical science tells us today that the female child can fight the germs and diseases better than the male child that’s the reason there are more deaths among males children as compared to female children you ask any Pediatrician and he will testify to you that the female child medically is a stronger sex, can fight the germs and diseases better than the male child, so in the pediatric age itself there are more females as compared to males. As life goes on there is death due to cigarette smoking, due to drug addiction, due to alcoholism, due to accidents, due to war, there are more males dying as compared to females.

The longevity of life span of a female is more than the male. So today in the world there are more females as compared to the males. Except in a few third world countries like India etc the female population female population is less than the male population and the major reason is because of female infanticide.

According to a BBC report, there was a reporter by the name of Emily Buchanan, in the programme Assignment, the title was ‘Let Her Die’ she says that “everyday in India more than 3000 fetuses are being aborted after they are identified that they are females.” If you multiply the figure by 365, every year more than a million fetuses are aborted after they are identified that they are females.

And according to the Tamil Nadu Government Hospital Report out of 10 females born alive, four are put to death, If you stop this evil practice of female feticide and female infanticide, even in India within a few decades the female population will out number the male population.

In New York alone there are one million females more than males. In USA alone there are 7.8 million females more than males. In UK alone in this very country of yours there are 4 million females more than males. In Germany alone there are 5 million females more than males. In Russia alone there are 9 millions females more than males and Allah alone knows how many millions of females are more than the males throughout the world.

Suppose I agree with the Non Muslims that one man should only have one wife and suppose my sister happens to live in USA or happens to live in Britain in UK and the market is saturated or suppose you are living here, if the market is saturated and you have a sister here, market is saturated, every man has found a woman for himself, yet there will be 4 million females in this very country who will not have life partners. So only option remaining for my sister, Alhumdulillah she happens to live in India, she is not living here, its only a hypothetical question, if she happens to live here in UK and the market is saturated or your sister is living here and the market is saturated, every man has found a woman for himself, the only option remaining for her is that she either marries a man who already has a wife or become public property. ‘Public Property’, Brother Zakir such a harsh word, I say it is the most sophisticate word I can use. I cannot think of a better word. People normally take offense, what do you mean public property, I say that is the most sophisticate word that I can use there’s no better word I can use.

In America the statistics they tell us a person, before he settles down with a life partner he has 8 different sexual life partners on an average before he settles down with one, some may have 3, some may have 4, some may have 10, some may have 20 and after settling down how many he has that’s not mentioned in the statistics but before he settles down with the permanent life partner, he has eight different sexual partners.

There in the western countries, even here, even in America, having mistresses, 5, 10, 20, no problem, having more than one, having two legal wives doesn’t go down their throat. When the lady is a mistress she doesn’t have her rights, she’s dishonored, she doesn’t have facilities. In Islam when a woman becomes a second wife she gets equal rights, she gets honor, she gets grace, but this does not go down the throat. Polygyny, a man being permitted to marry more than one wife is actually for both, it is even to maintain the modesty of the woman and I’m very frank with you I do agree that no woman under normal circumstances would ever like to share her husband We have to agree, let’s be honest with that, under normal circumstances no women would ever like to share her husband. But, the Islamic Shariah says, ‘Let a small loss take place to prevent a big loss’. A true Muslimah, a true Muslim women who knows this, she would not mind bearing a small loss, of sharing her husband to prevent a big loss that is another Muslimah sister becoming a public property. So she’s letting a small loss take place to prevent a big loss, we have to be frank, no women would like to share her husband but a good Muslimah is willing to let a small loss take place to prevent a big loss.

The next question that can come, question number five. If Islam allows a man to have more than one wife, why doesn’t Islam allow woman to have more than one husband? But natural the statistics itself tell us that if this is allowed then the proportion will go more haywire but the main answer is, that if a man has more than one wife and if a child is born you can easily identify who the mother is and who the father is. but if a woman has more than one husband, if she has two husbands and if a child is born you can identify the mother but you will not be able to identify the father. So if he goes for admission in the school and if the column is there what’s the name of the father, may be you’ll have to mention two names.

And today physiologist they tell us that if you do not know the name of your parents, anyone of them or both of them the child has a very bad childhood, that’s the reason, the children of the prostitutes etc, I mean they have very bad childhood. I being a medical doctor I’m aware today that the technology has improved, there is DNA testing by which there are high possibilities where you can come to know who the father or who the mother is, but than came into existence recently. Even if we agree it is 100% accurate, Islam is there since time immemorial and this is not the only reason, there are various other reasons.

For example, man is more polygamous in nature than the woman a man biologically can do a role of multiple husbands as compared to a woman doing a role of multiple wives, because of the menstrual cycles she undergoes, the changes in psychology etc, that’s the reason Hadith says that during the menstrual cycle you have to be kind to your wife, and you cant do many things, you cant divorce etc, you know. Because we know.. imagine in this situation if she’s a wife of more than one man, for her to do the role of wife is more difficult.

And furthermore today science tells us that if a woman has more than one sexual partner and even if all of them are loyal to one another there are high possibilities of sexually transmitted diseases emerging in the women and being transmitted back to the man, which is not the case in man, If a man has more than one sexual partner and all of them are loyal to one another then this doesn’t happen. This is medical science.

So Allah in his divine wisdom knows, that’s the reason he has mentioned in Surah Nisa Chapter 4 Verse No. 24,

“Do not marry the women whose already married.”

The sixth common allegation or misconception is that Islam subjugates the women by keeping her in the veil, in Hijab. Before we discuss this answer we have to know the background.

When we read the History we come to know, in the History of Babylon, Babylonian history, Babylonian civilization, it says that if a man committed murder instead of him being punished, his wife

was put to death.

When we read the history of the Greek civilization, women were ill-treated, they were degraded, they believed in an imaginary women whose name was ‘Pandora’ who was the cause of all the evil in society, prostitution was very common.

When we read the history of Roman civilization, women were only used for sex and pleasure, there was nudity and promiscuity.

In Egyptian civilization the women was considered as the sign of the devil.

In the Arab civilization, before Qur’an was revealed very often when a female was born she was put to death.

Alhumdulillah, Summa Alhumdulillah after the Qur’an was revealed this evil practice has stopped, in the Arab lands, but unfortunately it yet continues in other parts of the world including the country where I come from, India.

Islam has prescribed Hijab for the women, not to degrade her, but to uplift her. Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) they are the major benefactors for uplifting the status of the women in Islam and they have showed a way, after they gave rights to the women, you can refer to my video cassette “Women’s Rights in Islam” they even showed a way how to maintain that rights. Only giving rights is not enough, it shows a way how to maintain that right and Hijab maintains that status of the woman.

Many speakers talk about Hijab for the women, Hijab for the women, but Allah first speaks about the Hijaab for the man and then for the women.

Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Noor, Chapter No. 24. Verse No. 30,

“Say to the believing man that he should lower his gaze and guard his modesty.”

Whenever a man looks at a women and if any brazen thought, any unashamed thought comes in his mind he should lower his gaze, once a Muslim was staring at a girl for a long time. I told him brother what are you doing? It’s not allowed in Islam. He told me our beloved Prophet said the first glance is forgiven, the second is prohibited I’ve not completed my half my glance. What did the Prophet mean when he said that the first glance is forgiven, the second is prohibited? That does not mean you can look at a woman and stare at her for 10 minutes without blinking and saying I’ve not completed my glance, what the Prophet meant, was if you unintentionally look at a woman do not intentionally look at her to feast on her beauty.

The next verse of the Qur’an Surah Noor, Chapter No. 24. Verse No. 31, speaks about the Hijaab for the woman.

Allah says in the Qur’an,

“Say to the believing women that she should lower her gaze and guard her modesty; and display not her beauty except what appears ordinary of; and draw a veil over the bosoms and display not her beauty except in front of her husband, her father, her sons ……..”

And a big list of Mahram, the close relatives who she can’t marry is given.

There are basically six criteria for Hijab given in the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith.

The first is the extent, for the man it’s from the naval to the knee, for the women the complete body should be covered, the only part that can be seen are the face and the hands upto the wrist.

The remaining five criteria are the same for the man and the woman.

The clothes they wear it should not be tight so that it reveals the figure.

Third, it should not be transparent, so that you can see through.

Fourth, it should not be so glamorous so that it attracts the opposite sex.

Fifth, it should not resemble that of the opposite sex.

And Sixth it should not resemble that of the unbelievers.

These are basically six criteria for Hijab which mainly relates clothing, but this does not constitute the complete Hijab, the complete Hijab includes the way a women talks, the way a women walks, the way a women thinks, the way a women behaves, or a man talks or a man behaves or a man thinks, there’s Hijab of the heart, Hijab of the eyes, Hijab of the mind all this put together constitutes the complete Hijab.

And our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) said it’s mentioned in Surah Ahzaab, Chapter No. 33, Verse No. 59,

“O Prophet tell your wives and your daughters and the believing woman when they go abroad they should put on the cloak, so that they shall be recognized and it will prevent them from being molested.”

Qur’an says Hijab has been prescribed for the woman so that it will prevent them from being molested.

I would like to give you an example there are two identical twin sisters, very beautiful, equally beautiful, if they are walking down the streets of Bradford and one twin sister she is wearing the Islamic Hijab, the complete body covered except the face and the hands upto the wrist. And the other twin sister she is wearing the western clothes, the mini skirts or shorts and if both of them are walking down the streets of Bradford and if round the corner there is a hooligan who’s waiting for a catch, who’s waiting to tease a girl, I would like to ask you the question which girl will he tease?……Will he tease the girl wearing the Islamic Hijab? Or Will he tease the girl wearing the western clothes? Which girl will he tease? Which girl? but natural the girl wearing the western clothes, Qur’an rightly says that Hijab has been prescribed so it will prevent the women from being molested.

And after this, the Islamic Shariah says, if any man commits rape, capital punishment, death penalty, non Muslim say, “death penalty in this age of science and technology, Islam is a barbaric religion, it’s a ruthless way of life”. But when you ask this question and I’ve this question to thousands of Non Muslims that God forbid, someone rapes your mother and if you are made the judge and the rapist is brought in front of you, what punishment will you give him? Believe me, 100%, of them they said we will put him to death, some went to the extreme of saying we will torture him to death. So why these double standards? Someone rapes your mother you want to put him to death. Someone else rapes somebody else’s mother you say death penalty is a Barbaric Law. Why these double standards?

America who we look upon as one of the most advanced country in the world, do you know it has one of the highest rates of rapes in the world. According to the FBI statistics of 1990, in the year 1990 alone, on an average every day 1756 cases of rapes took place.

According to the statistics of US Department of Justice Crime Bureau, in the year 1996, six years later 2713 cases of rape took place every day. 1990, 1756…. 1996, 2713, may be the American got more bold that means every 32 second one rape is taking place in America, USA. We are here in this auditorium for more than an hour; already more than a hundred rape may have taken place in U.S.A. since the time we are here, since the time we are sitting in this auditorium more than 100 rapes may have taken place in USA.

I’m asking you the question, that if we implement the Islamic Shariah in USA, that whenever man looks at the woman, if any brazen thought, any unashamed thought comes in his mind he should lower his gazes, the woman should be completely covered, complete body covered except the face and the hands upto the wrist, after this if any man rapes a woman, capital punishment, death penalty. I’m asking you the question will the rate of rape in USA will it increase, will it remain the same or will it decrease? It will decrease. It’s a practical law. You implement the Shariah and you get results.

We’ll discuss the seventh most common question that is, that if Islam prohibits idol worship why do the Muslims bow down to the Ka’bah? Why do they worship the Ka’bah? The Kabah is the stone which is maximum worshipped in the full world….The seventh misconception.

Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 144 that

“Wherever you are face in the direction of sacred mosque, face in the direction of Ka’bah”

For your Salaah you have to face and bow down to the Ka’bah. No Muslim ever worshipped the Ka’bah. Ka’bah is our Qibla, it’s our direction and we Muslims we believe in unity.

For example if we want to offer Salaah here, some may say lets face north, some may say south, some may say east, some may say west, where do we face, so for unity all the people around the world they face in one direction that is the Ka’bah,It is for unity. So if we live in the north, we face towards the south, If in the south you face towards the north. If in east, toward the west, If in west towards the east.

And the Muslims were the first people who drew the world map. In 1154 the person Al Idrusi, he was the first person who drew the world map and when he drew the world map Alhumdulillah the Ka’bah was in the centre. Later on the western cartographers came and they turned the map upside down. North pole top and south pole down, but yet Alhumdulillah Ka’bah is yet in the centre.

When we Muslims go for Umrah or for Hajj we do Tawaaf, circumambulation round the Ka’bah, why do we do it? We do it because it is the commandment of Allah (swt) but if I have to think logically, I can think that every circle has got one centre, when we circumambulate round the Ka’bah we are testifying that there is one Allah (swt).

And the statement of Hazrat Umar, second Caliph of Islam (ra) may Allah be pleased with him. Its mentioned in Sahih Al Bukhari, Vol. No. 2, Book of Hajj, Chapter 56, Hadith No. 675, Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that, he pointed at the Hajr-e-Aswad, the Black Stone and he said,

“This Black Stone can neither benefit me can neither cause me loss. Just because I’ve seen the Prophet kiss it, I’m kissing it.”

This statement that the Black stone can neither benefit me can neither cause me harm is sufficient to prove that we Muslims don’t worship the Ka’bah.

And when we go back to history we know that at the time of the Prophet many Sahabaas they stood on the Ka’bah and gave the Adhaan, call for prayer. I’m asking the question will any idol worshipper stand on the idol he or she worships? Will they? This is sufficient proof that we Muslims we never worshipped the Ka’bah.

Due to paucity of time, InshaAllah, I’ll just answer one more misconception or clarification that’s I think is number nine in the list. Many Non Muslims they say that Islam is the religion for every one for the whole of humanity then why does Islam prohibit Non Muslims from entering Makkah and Madinah, the sacred city.

The reply is that every country has its cantonment area; you know we have the military area tough you are the citizen of that country you are not allowed to go in the restricted area, that’s the cantonment area.

I’m a citizen of India but I cannot enter the cantonment area, I cannot say I am a citizen of India, they’ll say no only those people who are involved in the protection of that country, who have enrolled in the military only they are allowed in that area. Similarly Makkah and Madinah the two sacred cities is the cantonment area of Islam only those human beings who are willing to live and die for Islam are allowed in that place and further more every country you enter it requires a visa and to get the visa you have to fulfill the formalities, If you don’t fulfill the formalities no visa.

For example, the first time when I had been to Singapore several years back it was mentioned in the emigration form ‘Death to drug traffickers’ if you’re caught carrying drugs, death penalty. I cannot say “O death penalty, barbaric”, you don’t believe don’t enter the country. To enter the country I have to believe in the law, to get the visa of USA you have to answer several questions and after 9/11 it has become more difficult. So if you don’t fulfill all those criteria, no visa.

Similarly to enter Makkah and Madinah, the visa for Makkah and Madinah is only to say with your lips, “La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasoolallah” “There’s no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah” and if you say this then you get the visa.

Due to lack of time… InshaAllah if you want the reply to the other common misconceptions you can refer to the website www.irf.net I normally prefer having a question and answer session which is more interesting, dialogue rather than a monologue though this talk was also in a form of question and answer, so InshaAllah we have one hour for the Open question & Answer session.

I would like to end my talk with the verse of the Qur’an from Surah Israa, Chapter No. 17, Verse No. 81 which says,

“Wa Qul Jaa’al Haqq Wa Zahkal Baatil. Innala Baatila Kana Zahuka”

“When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood is by its nature bound to perish”

Wa Aakhiru Da’wana Anilhamdu lillahi Rabbill Aalameen.

“Misconceptions about Islam”

(Bradford, U.K.)


Dr. Zakir Naik

Question and Answer Session

(Duration – 49 Minutes)

Chairman: Bismillah Ar-Rehaman Ar-Raheem. JazakAllahu Khairan to Brother Dr. Naik for that enlightening lecture. Now we will take questions. There’s a mike at the front so if any brothers who are interested in asking questions please queue at the mike. This should remind everybody, the rules are the questions must be brief concise and to the point, no speeches. We also have questions from sisters so we will alternate. So anybody from the brothers who would like to ask a question please make que here at the front. Any Non-Muslims they have preference in asking any questions. So if there are any Non-Muslims present then they’ll have preference in asking the questions.

Dr. Zakir: I’d prefer questions directly from the micro-phone rather than on chits, for the sisters they can put forth the chits. For the gents I prefer a live rather than chits you know because I’m not too much in favour of chits because when we ask chits hundreds of them come and everyone complaints that why didn’t you reply to my question. So we have an open session, you make a queue whoever comes first at the micro phone InshaAllah will be given the chance. Please pose questions on Islam and comparative religion or on the topic misconceptions about Islam, that’s my speciality and if there are any Non-Muslims, I would request the Non-Muslims to come on the micro phone. We’d like to give them the first opportunity, If any Non-Muslims have any questions, any clarifications, any criticism, no problem. I can take it, I’m young I can take it. If any Non-Muslim who has any questions, any clarifications, any query even if its criticism even if you don’t agree with some point of Islam this is the opportunity and you’ll be safe here no problem, I take the guarantee. You can ask any questions, If any Non Muslim has any questions I prefer Non Muslims coming first on the microphone, any clarification and those who would like to ask a question can make a queue so that we know how many would like to ask a question. You can come from the aisle and make a queue here. Yes brother…

Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum.

Dr. Zakir: Walaikum Salam.

Questioner: My name is Akbar Siddique and I am a revert and I would like to ask you a question regarding Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in the Quran in Surah Al Zumur, Surah Zumur he says that ‘Inna Allaha wamala-ikatahu yusalloona ala alannabi’ that Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) and His angels send Durood and Salaam upon Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) and what is the true nature of Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)

in the eyes of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)

Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a question. He’s quoted a verse of the Quran he said it’s from Surah Zumar. If I’m not mistaken its from Ahzaab ch. No. 33 verse no. 56 that “We have to send our blessings, the angels and all of us have to send blessings on Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), The brother asked a question that what was the nature of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Brother as far as the nature of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) he is the messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), the last and final messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) sent to the whole of human kind, In nature he was a human being like you and me as a human being but he is an exemplary human being, he is a human being but as a human being yes he’s like you and me, but in terms of quality and superiority he’s far superior than us. He’s but a human being and he is the best exemplary human being.

As Allah sways in the Quran in Surah Qalam Ch. No. 68 verse no. 4 that

“Verily thou are standeth on the highest standard of character.”

Allah says in Surah Ahzaab ch. No. 33 verse no. 21 that

“Verily in the Prophet you’ll find a beautiful pattern of conduct.”

So he was human being but he was a Messenger of Allah

(Subhanahu wa ta’ala) he was a Prophet of All Mighty God because many people have like other religions, you know, they have All Mighty God coming in the world in the form becoming a human being which is totally illogical. If God comes down in the world how can he be an example to the human being? If I want an example he should be like me, who requires to eat, who requires to sleep so Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) was a human being but he was a exemplary human being. He was the last and final messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) and he was the culmination of all the Prophets.

As Allah says in the Quran in Surah Ahzaab ch. No. 33 verse no. 40

“Ma kana Muhammadun aba ahadin min rijalikum walakin rasoola Allahi wakhatama an nabiyyeena wakana Allahu bikulli shay-in aleeman”

“Prophet Muhammad pbuh is not the father of any of you men but he is a messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets. Allah is All knowing and full of wisdom.”

So you have to realize that Prophet Muhammad pbuh belongs to the categories of Prophets, of messengers of Allah which is the best of the human beings and the Prophets underwent more trials and tribulations than us normal human beings because of the post that they held and Allah gives that post it has to be trials and tribulations. So there’s a Hadith of Muhammad SAW that the Prophets, the Ambiyas and the Rasools they underwent more trials and tribulations than the normal human beings. So he was an exemplary human being, he is the best of example but he is a human being, but he is a Bashar. Alhumdulillah, Suma Alhumdulillah the person who after Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) if we love, we follow, we’re ready to die is Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) but he is the messenger of Allah and the best exemplary Muslim. Hope that answers the question.

Chairman: Question from the sister. There’re many questions on Polygamy and the question is, how can the married woman be encouraged to accept Allah’s decree that husband can take another wife. How can she accept that husband can take another wife?

Dr. Zakir: Sister’s has asked a question that how can a woman accept a husband to take another wife which I have discussed in my answer in detail. I gave the reasons why Islam permits polygamy i.e. a man to have more than one wife how can she accept? If she is a good Muslimah and if the requirement is there and if she feels that… its not a must for every husband to take a second wife, its not must but if she feels that there’s a requirement for the husband to take a second wife she should permit, its preferable and if she feels that there’s a requirement because of society but unfortunately what we find in our society, I am not advocating that every Muslim should have more than one wife, that’s not possible because if that happens then the whole ratio will go topsy turvy but if there is a requirement, it’s a requirement. Sometimes as I mentioned in my talk that some men are hypersexual but is the western society a woman would not mind her husband having extra martial sex, with 5 girls, 10 girls, 20 girls no problem. But taking one more legal wife they can’t tolerate. So if you feel there is a requirement that the husband is there, if he is good etc. it is preferable, if there is a requirement that he takes one legal wife and gives her, her right rather than have mistresses which can cause problem to him. There can be diseases which can come back to her also and but natural it is not following the Qur’an alos. Hope that answers the question.

If there is any Non-Muslim who would like to ask a question and would like to come up in the micro phone. Non Muslims, Reverts they are most welcome or I feel people get scared to come in Pakistan. You’re most welcome.

Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum! This is one atheist who asked me this question on his behalf I am asking this question to you. If there is a one true God as it is in Taurat, the Bible and the Quran why does each book create so much hatred in within the same religions? This is one of a atheist who asked this question.

Dr. Zakir: Brother asked a question that atheist who doesn’t believe in God that if everyone believes in one God why is the hatred within the religion? I have read the Qur’an, I have read the Bible. Nowhere does the Qur’an say that you should have hatred amongst… Some people may have a misconception that Qur’an says that you should kill the Non-Muslims, it’s a misconception again. Qur’an, Alhumdulillah, if you read the Qur’an there is nowhere in the Qur’an does it mention that you should spread hatred, infact the Qur’an says repel evil with good, repel evil with good. Yes sometime as a last resort as I mentioned in my talk that we have to use force so that peace will prevail, peace will prevail but it does not advocate hatred. Qur’an does not advocate hatred that you should hate whether Muslims should hate Muslims or Muslims should hate Non-Muslims It’s not like that. The Qur’an advocates that you should convey the message to the Non-Muslims if Allah gives them Hidaaya, Alhumdulillah. So your job is as

Allah says in Surah Gashiaya ch. No. 88 verse no. 21

“Fazakkiir innama anta muzakkir” that

“You convey the message for your job is to deliver the message.”

Giving Hidaaya is in the hands of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala). So that’s the misconception of that Atheist may be he hasn’t read the Qur’an or the other scriptures but no scripture in the true since ever says that you should have hatred within or with the others. Hope that answers the question.

Questioner: The question is regarding the London bombings. What advice you would give to the Muslims living in the west after the bombings and is it allowed for a woman to take her Hijaab off?

Dr. Zakir: There are 2 questions posed. What is the advice after the London bombing that took place just last month and regarding the Fatwa given by a Muslim that the Hijaab should be taken off.

As far as the first question is concerned we normally find Muslims on two sides when I keep on traveling, one group saying what happened is totally wrong, absolutely wrong and they condemn other group totally right. And we find…I’m a person who believes that we should take the middle path.

My reply is that what happened in London last month where more than 50 human beings were killed, more than 50. Killing any innocent human being is Haraam.

Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Maidah ch. No. 5 verse no. 32

“If anyone kills any other human being unless it be for murder or for creating corruption and mischief in the land it is as though he has killed the whole of humanity.”

Qur’an says any human being kills any other human being whether Muslim or a Non Muslim whether he kills a Hindu, Jew, Christian or a Muslim it is as though he’s killed the whole of humanity and if anyone saves any human being it is as though he has saved the whole of humanity. So more than 50 innocent human beings were killed the act should be condemned.

We find that many of the Muslim organizations’ head, scholars, America front page, UK we condemn the act, we condemn the act. Alhumdulillah what they said is right but I feel it’s incomplete. I agree what happened in London was wrong, It’s against Islam, we condemn it…We even condemn what happened in 9/11, World Trade Center more than 5,000 people were killed but we don’t stop there. We also condemn the thousands of people killed in Afghanistan, we also condemn thousands of people killed in Iraq in the same breath why are double standards? We also condemn the thousands of people killed in Gujrat what’s unfortunate has happened that we Muslims have become apologetic you k now I don’t like using the word we have lost all the vigor, what you call impotent. Why, Why are we afraid? What is wrong is wrong; we condemn it but why double standards? Why double standards? Here infact we don’t even know who did it….We don’t know who did it. Why when the media portrays Islamic terrorism, Muslim terrorism….

See what happened you know IRA, IRA …Irish? Haan… who calls it a Catholic terrorism? Does anyone call it a Catholic terrorism? It is Catholicism. They are Catholic but they are not called as Catholic terrorism any Muslim does it Muslim terrorist. The media picks up black sheep of the community and they portray as though as they are exemplary Muslims.

We have black sheep in our community, I’m not trying to support, we have imagine the person who killed maximum human beings in the world, who was he? Who? Hitler, Hitler. 6 million Jews, 6 million….do we say that Christianity says you should kill 6 million Jews? Mussolini, who was he? He was a Christian. When the media says you know you should put a ban to Madarsaa. You know Madarsaa because Madarsaa creates violence and trains people to kill other human beings, which Madarsaa did Hitler go to? Which Madarsaa Mussolini went to? Which Madarsaa? So here what happens that we should realize we should speak the truth what is wrong is wrong.

I was In Australia and I gave a talk on terrorism and Jihaad and the American Conciliate General he asked me a question, “Brother Zakir, do you consider Osama Bin Laden to be a terrorist?” So I told that terrorist if you mean terrorizing innocent human being… I personally have not met Osama Bin Laden, I don’t know, I’m neither his friend I’m neither his enemy.

Qur’an says in Surah Hujurat ch. No. 49 verse no. 6

“Whenever you get any information check it up before you pass it on to the third person.”

I cannot base my comments on BBC and CNN. So I personally I am not in favour of Osama Bin Laden, I am not against him because I haven’t met him. Fine if I met him and do my research on him fine then I can give my comments. See certain things of the media we can come to know it is a fact but certain things. He’s a Prime Suspect, see there are so many theories. If you go on the net, on the internet there are theories that it was an inside job some people say it that George Bush did it himself. Now based on that theory I cannot say that George Bush, he’s the culprit and when Afghanistan is asking for proof why Osama Bin did it. George Bush gives the proof to Tony Blair, he gives it to Musharaf. Even if we agree for sake of argument, for sake of argument even if we agree that Osama Bin Laden did it, how can you kill thousands of innocent human beings in Afghanistan just for one man. Can you do it? Which religion permits that? Which religion? And this is, you don’t have to check up, we are seeing it he’s telling on the television, ‘we’re going to attack Afghanistan and thousands of people are being killed. And we could see the bombing on CNN, BBC absolutely clear.

So if you ask me who is terrorist no. 1? I would say George Bush and it came as headlines in the Australian news paper “Dr. Zakir Naik calls himself a fundamentalist Muslim and says terrorist no. 1 is George Bush”, it came as headlines.

I was giving this talk a couple of years back in London and there was a youngster I don’t want to name from which group he was. After the talk on Islam and Terrorism he was very happy, he got up Takbeer… Allahu Akbar.. then he says “Death to George Bush” and he had a few supporters so all my talk… so I got up and I said our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)

,.. the two staunchest enemy of Islam both their name was Umar. Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) he prayed to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) that give Hidaaya to at least one Umar and Umar (r.a.), the second Khalifa of Islam, he became a Muslim.So our dua should be give Hidaaya to George Bush.

So the problem with us Muslims we open our mouth and we don’t know how to open our mouth, If I tell give Hidaaya to George Bush, can anyone blame me? I say give Hidaaya to Tony Blair also, May Allah give him Hidaaya, may Allah give him guidance. So the problem is that if we don’t read the Seerah of the Prophet… imagine if Hazrat Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, who was one of the staunchest enemy, when he became a Muslim, he became a staunchest supporter. He got the title ‘Al Farooq’, so imagine if George Bush tomorrow becomes a Muslim, that is better, why do you want to kill him? So we pray to Allah that may He give him Hidaaya, give Tony Blair Hidaaya and all these people.

So where it comes to condemning what happened in Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, No weapons of mass destruction were found, what’s happened? See we agree that the previous ruler Saddam Hussain, we agree that he was not a good Muslim, we agree that he was not good but now when I meet somebody from Iraq, they tell me that when Saddam Hussain was there it was bad but now it is worse, the situation was bad but now it is worse. There is more robbing, there in more problem in Iraq, more women are being raped, there is more insecurity, imagine in the name of war on terror and peace. So you realize that this is nothing but open terrorism.

And no one is opening their mouth, no one. So if you condemn about 53, 54 people killed in London, it is wrong. We don’t condole it, we condemn it. But if like someone said that lets have a 2 minute silence we agree with it. So how many minutes silence we should have for Afghanistan and Iraq? If 50 people have died in London, you want to have two minutes silence, we aren’t against it what happened is wrong, we don’t condole it, we condemn it but imagine thousands of people being killed in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Gujrat you know, Gujrat just a few years back, the Gujrat riots, there were more people killed in Gujrat than on 11 September in New York. 5 to 10 thousands Muslims were butchered and killed. Thousands of women were raped, did the international media speak about it? Just few clippings here and there finished. The economic loss that took place in Gujrat was much more than the World Trade Center, the survey done.

Who speaks about that? As though if one European dies or Britishers die it makes no difference that Palestinians are dying, Iraqis are dying, Afghanis are dying. In Islam all human beings are equal except by virtue.

Allah says in Surah Hujurat Ch. 49 vverse no. 13

“Ya ayyuhannasu inna khalaqnakum min zakarin wa onsa waja’alnakum shu’ooban waqaba-ila lita’arafoo inna akramakum inda Allahi atqakum inna Allaha’aleemun khabeer.”

“O humankind we have created you from a single pair of male and female and I have divided you into nations and tribes so that you shall recognize each other not that you shall despise each other. And the most honored in the sight of God, in the sight of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) is the person who has Taqwa.”

The only criteria that one human being can be superior to the other it is not sex, its not wealth, its not the color of the skin, its not nationality, it is Taqwa, it is God consciousness, it is piety, it is righteousness. It’s the same.

A few European westerners tourist die, they are killed it comes as headlines, hundreds and thousands of Palestinians, Afghanis are being killed where does the media speak about it? So why these double standards? What we are against is the double standards. Yes we condemn what happened in London, we condemn what happened in New York 11th September but we condemn even what happened in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Gujrat.

And when the media poses they take, you know what does the media do they pick up black sheeps they pose a question are you a Muslim first or British first? What are you? Answer is not wrong but it’s not Hiqma. Answer is right but I would answer it in a different way, if they had asked me am I an Indian first or a Muslim first everywhere? If someone asks you next time are you a British first or a Muslim first you counter question and ask are you a man first or a British first? Counter, turn the tables over. Is he a man first of a British first? What’s the reply? Man, MAN! Are you Anti-British? Are you Anti-National? Turn the tables over. Why are we apologetic? When he goes to America yet he is a man, correct or not? When he goes to any other country, yet he is a man. So we have to turn the tables over. When they are putting us in the firing line why are we apologetic? You ask him a counter question. Are you a man first or a British first? First he is a man. So same way when you are a man first we are Muslim first. Why we are Muslim first? We are British also, Muslim first, then British. Because Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala), He is our creator, He is our sustainer, He has given us this life, He has given all the facilities. We are allegiance to Him first and then we also have allegiance to the country but if the laws contradict of God and the country, Allah comes first. If the law of humanity and country contradict, who will you follow first? Country or humanity? Humanity because first you are a man, Imagine if any country has a law which is against humanity will you follow it? No! Because you are a man first.

Similarly are you a Saudi first or a Muslim first? You are a Muslim first that doesn’t mean only in Britain we are Muslim first, even in Saudi Arabia first we are a Muslim and then a Saudi. In UAE first we are a Muslim then an Emirati, in Kuwait first you are a Muslim then you are a Kuwaiti, we should know how to turn the tables over. Unfortunately we did not know as Allah says speak with Hiqma. So we have to know how to counter argue. In this way InshaAllah we will be able to clarify.

And what does the media do they pick up the black sheep of the community.

As far as the second question is concerned what do I have to say about the Fatwa that Hijaab should be removed Now what does the media do? Media picks up black sheeps. Like after 11th September there was a survey in Canada, almost all the Muslims say it is wrong, it is wrong killing innocent human beings. One young boy of the age of 14 of Ottawa said ‘what they did is good’ that was put in the news as though he represents al the Muslims. Now here you ask any scholar I am sure 99.9% scholars in UK will say that the women should not remove Hijaab. Now one out of the way, goes and says that Hijaab should be removed, they put him in frontline, this is the devilish act of the media. Fine, you ask any Muslim.. ah… what’s the problem why the Hijaab should be removed? So what the media does? Media picks up such people and they present as though that it is the view of the Shariah… Hijaab should be removed, Why should the Hoijaab be remobved? Unless you want to be molested, so if the person out there wants his daughter to be molested and raped ‘Ahlan wa Sahlan’ we don’t want that… So we have to be careful how the media represents and we are going to have black sheeps in our community. So therefore we should know how to reply but natural, this situation why should the Hijaab be removed? We want the women to be respected, we want them to be revered, we want the modesty to be maintained and even in this situation, MashaAllah, all the more they should maintain their Hijaab, maintained their identity and follow Islam to the best of their ability. Hope that answers the question.

Chairman: There’s a question from the center.

Questioner: My question is just a general question. What does the Qur’an say about Isa coming back and Imam Mehdi? And if he is to come back now please think about it. Will he be a Sunni, Shia or any other?

Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a question that is Isa (a.s.) going to come, is Mehdi (a.s.) going to come and if he’ll come will he be a Shia, Sunni what will he be? Yes there are various Ahadith talking about the coming of Mehdi (a.s.) The Qur’an speaks and says that the sings of Qiyaama would be Isa (a.s.) will come, amongst the signs of Qiyama is the coming of Isa (a.s.)

It’s also mentioned in Surah Maidah ch. No 5 verse no. 116 that Isa (a.s.) says to Allah (Barik ta’ala) that you be my witness I never told them to worship me but I said U’ budullah, worship Allah, Rabbi wa Rabbakum, who is my Lord and your Lord. So Isa (a.s.) is going to come. There are no less than 70 sahih Ahadith saying that Isa (a.s.)is going to come again. Similarly Mehdi (a.s.) So before the Qiyama they are going to come.

Regarding will they be Shia, will they be Sunni what will they be. They will be Muslims.

I had given a talk on ‘Unity in the Muslim Ummah’ in Manchester, I don’t intend repeating here it’s a long talk.

Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Ale Imran ch. No. 3 verse 67 Abraham (a.s.)was not a Jew or a Christian, he was a Muslim. Qur’an says in Surah Ale Imran ch. 3 verse Isa (a.s.)was a Muslim. Qur’an says in Surah Hajj ch. 22 verse no. 78 that “Allah has called you, means us, as Muslims.”

Allah says in Surah Ale Imran Ch. 3 verse 64

“Faqoolosh hadoo bi-anna Muslimoon”

“Say Ye bear witness that we are Muslims.”

Allah says in Surah Fussilat ch. No. 41 verse no. 33

“Qala innanee minal Muslimeen”

“Say that you are a Muslim.” Muslim, Muslim, Muslim no less than 37 times Allah uses the word Muslim, Muslim, Muslim. 22 times as Muslimoon and 15 times as Muslimeen.

So the best is, the best label which Allah has given us that is Muslim. And Isa (a.s.)also and Mahdi (a.s.) InshaAllah they will come as Muslims.

Chairman: We’ll take a question from a Non Muslim.

Questioner: My name is Keith Mansion. I’d like to know if you want to know more about Islam which would be the best book to read? Just obviously in English.

Dr. Zakir: I would like to congratulate the brother MashaAllah. MashaAllah he came upon the microphone and asked the question, his question is that which is the best book if he wants knowledge about Islam in English. The best book brother is, in English, would be the translation of the glorious Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an, if there’s something like the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Glorious Qur’an is the Last Testament of All Mighty God. If the Christian believe in the Old Testament and the New Testament Glorious Qur’an is the Final Testament of All Mighty God. The best book you can read is the translation of the Glorious Qur’an and there are various translations available. One of the good one is the Sahih International written by three American ladies and I am sure Islam Bradford has a copy of that and I had gone to the centre and I’d request that if its available here to give a gift of the copy…. Copy of the translation of the Glorious Qur’an.

This word of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), the Glorious Qur’an it is the most positive book in the world, It is a proclamation to humanity, It is a fountain of mercy and wisdom, a warning to the heedless. It is an assurance to those in doubt, It is a solace to the suffering and a hope to those in despair. So the best book brother is this. And there are other books also, various books depending what is your field of interest. Normally I prefer because there are various aspects… I prefer when I speak to the Non Muslims depending upon his field of interest. If he likes science I’d give him a book on Qur’an and Science depending upon what is his interest. In that way… So the best book is the Qur’an along with the Qur’an there are other books for example ‘Understanding Islam’ written by I.I. Ibraheem. Which I feel even that’s available in the centre in Islam Bradford. Surely I would request the organization to give you a few of the booklets and the best guide is the Qur’an. And the Qur’an also has a index.

One way of reading the Qur’an is reading from first page to last page. Second is that you want to know what does the Qur’an speak about Jesus (pbuh) then you open the index, you come to ‘J’. it will be mentioned there. His birth, Surah Ale Imran ch. No. 3 verse 42, 43, 44

“Wa iz qaalati almala-ikatu ya maryamu inna Allaha istafaki watahharaki waistafaki ala nisa-i al’alameena.” That

“Behold!” The angel said “O Mary…”

And this is a good index, you want to know what the Qur’an speaks about women, look up in ‘W’. So in this way depending upon the subject you want you come to know what is mentioned in the last and final revelation and I would request you to read one of my booklets which is ‘Similarities between Islam and Christianity’ and there is a video cassette also on that topic. The tape would be preferable where I have tried and pointed out that leave aside the differences what differences we have is separate at least let us agree to follow what is common in the Bible and the Qur’an. If you read the bible and the Qur’an both the Bible and the Qur’an both say that you should believe in one God and I have given all the references from the Bible, from the Qur’an. It’s a long talk both the Bible and the Qur’an say that you should believe in the last and final messenger.

There are various Prophesies of Muhammad

(Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) given in the Bible.

In the Book of Deuteronomy ch. No. 18 verse no. 18,

in the Book of Isaiah ch. No. 29 verse no. 12,

in the song of Solomon ch. No. 5 verse no. 16,

in the Gospel of John ch . no. 14 verse no. 16,

in the Gospel of John ch. No. 15 verse no. 26

there are various prophesies and you can give a talk only on Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in the Bible, you can give a talk on concept of God in Christianity. So in this way InshaAllah when you read the Qur’an and you read these booklets InshaAllah. May Allah give you hidaaya. Hope that answers the question brother.

Chairman: If anybody wants any literature from Islam Bradford then please come and speak to me afterwards. Ah… We’d take a question from the sisters. It is said that more women will go to hell than men. Does this make the statement ‘women are the source of evil’ correct?

Dr. Zakir: The sister’s asked a question that more women will go to hell. It’s a Hadith. Does it mean that women are the source of evil? That’s half of the Hadith the complete Hadith is that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that more women will be in hell because the women they gossip, thats is one of the reasons. but logically just to cut the answer short as in the world there are more women than men so but natural even in… hope that answers the question.

Chairman: A question from the center?

Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum! This is Umar from Leeds. As you know that the Muslims of the years have declined in the areas of science, technology and all the fields. Now why have we declined recently? And why are the Muslim nations bowing to western countries for technological help and other help?

Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a very good question that why have the Muslims declined in terms of science and technology. Why do you look up to the western world etc. if you read history from the 8th to the 12th centuries the Europeans they called it as the dark ages dark for whom? Dark for the Europeans. The amount of advances the Muslim Arabs made is phenomenal, It was a golden age and if you read history as I told you earlier the person who drew the first world map was Al Idrussi, 1154. In mathematics the Indians had known about the ‘Zero’. The Arabs came; they got that and invented to put the decimal point. So therefore reason what we call the numerals as Arabic numerals. That 1, 2, 3, 4 the right word for that is ‘Arabic Numerals’ 1, 2, 3, 4 it is by the Arabs.

In Trigonometry if you know the person who was the expert his name was Al-Buruni, was an expert. The Pythagorean Theorem The square of the opposite side is equal to the sum of the other two sides of the triangle, It was Al Ipthusi. So when we read history Muslims were on top of the world, The father of chemistry, who is he? We read in the book Gabber, Gabber. It is Jaabir, Jaabir ibn Hayaan they want to westernize his name, Gabber, Gabber. Sounds like a westerner. It is Jaabir ibn Hayaan… Gabber.

We read in school the person who discovered the blood circulation is William Harvey and 400 years before William Harvey it was Ibn Nafees, Ibn Nafees was the first person to discover blood circulation but in the books we read about William Harvey no one knows about Ibn Nafees.

In medicine Razi, Mohammad, Shakir they were experts in chemistry, in medicine, in small pox we know the Aristotle of the east, Aristotle of the east, Avicina, Avicina, Ali ibn Sina. Avicina, Avicina. So in science we think it’s a westerner Avicina. It is Ali ibn Sina. I can give hundreds of names of Muslim scientists but I agree with you, I agree with you now the Muslims have declined we Muslims were on top of the world.

The reason today Muslims have declined and we are on the receiving end is because that time we were close to our religion, now Muslims have gone away from our religion away from Qur’an and Sahih Ahadith. The westerners have advanced because they too have gone away from their religion. We have declined because we have gone away from our religion, the westerners have advanced because they have too have gone away from their religion. Their religion is not Haqq, our religion is Haqq. The reason we have gone away from Qur’an and Sunnah that’s the reason we are in this situation. If we go back to Qur’an and the Sahih hadith and implement the guidance given by Allah and his Rasool, InshaAllah once again we’ll be on top of the world. I hope that answers the question.

Chairman: Ah.. Question from the sister’s that as Muslims should we be living in a Non Muslim country?

Dr. Zakir: Sister asked the question as Muslims should we be living In a Non Muslim country? Depending on what is your intention and what is your activity. If you are born there then fine, no problem, If you live, live as a Muslim If you live as a Muslim in a Non Muslim country no problem but if you live as a Non Muslim in a Non Muslim country then there is a problem. So if you live as a Muslim and implement o the Qur’an and the Shariah there is no problem at all, you can live there is no problem If you are born there then you have to live.

Regarding migrating there are different views of scholars. Some scholars say yes, some scholars say no, if you migrate it can only be for knowledge, it can be for Da’wah, etc. not for money etc. different views. but if you have been born here fine but see to it that you live like a Muslim. Muslim means a person who submits his will to All Mighty God then there is no problem. Hope that answers the question.

Chairman: We’ll have a question from this side.

Questioner: My name is Aarif Suhail, I’m an engineer. I hope you can write a clarification around the misconception in the Qur’an a few verses where Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) says kill the Jews wherever you find them. What is the context behind that?

Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a question that can I give some clarification regarding the verse of the Qur’an which says kill the Jews wherever you find them. What the brother is referring to the verse of the Qur’an of Surah Tawbah ch. No. 9 verse no. 5 which says “Wherever you find a Kaafir, you kill him.” It is not Jew, it is Kaafir, the word is there.

The clarification is that many of the critics of Islam, they pick up these verses and they say Qur’an says wherever you find a Kaafir, Non Muslim you kill him and when you open the Qur’an it is there. they are quoting this verse out of context…they are quoting this verse out of context.

For the context if you read the first few verses of Surah Tawba ch. 9 it speaks about a peace treaty between the Muslims and the Mushriks of Makkah. This peace treaty was unilaterally broken by the Mushriks of Makkah by the time Allah SWT reaches verse no. 5 He gives an ultimatum to the Mushriks of Makkah to put things straight in 4 months time otherwise a declaration of war and in the battle field Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) says that Muslims don’t get scared wherever you find a Kaafir, you kill this is in the battlefield.

Now any army general to boost up the morale of his soldiers he will but naturally say that wherever you find an enemy you kill. He’ll not say wherever you find an enemy you run away. Imagine if there is a war between USA and Vietnam and the American President says that wherever you find a Vietnami, kill him and today if I quote him out of context that today American President said wherever you find a Vietnami kill him, I will make him sound like a butcher. So it is in context in the battlefield and many people quote this verse including one of the famous critics of Islam in India Arun Shori he wrote a book by the name of ‘The world of Fatwas’. He quotes this Surah Tawbah Ch 9 verse no. 5 & from verse no. 5 he jumps to verse no. 7 you know why? Verse no. 6 has the reply. Verse no. 6 of Surah Tawbah Ch 9 says that

“If the enemy, if the Mushriks, if the Kafir seek asylum, seek peace don’t just give it to them, escort them to a place of security so that they may hear a word of Allah.”

Today, the most merciful army general will say if the enemy wants peace let him go, here the Qur’an says don’t just let him go escort him to a place of security. See all the verses, almost all the verses in the Qur’an which speak about fighting, the next verse speaks about peace even Surah Anfal ch. 8 verse no. 60 which I quote that “cause terror in the hearts of those who reject the truth” but the next verse says if they want peace give them peace almost all the verses that talk about fighting the next verse speaks about peace because Islam is the religion of peace.

Unfortunately they pick it out of context and they just quote that and that’s the reason all this confusion is there. Hope that answers the question.

Chairman: Question from the sisters to prove rape are 3 or 4 witnesses required to prove rape?

Dr. Zakir: The sister’s asked a question ‘are 3 or 4 witnesses required to prove rape?’ It’s not necessary. If its there Alhumdulillah, what is required for adultery if you lay an allegation that so and so man or so and so woman is involved in adultery i.e. Zina then minimum 4 witnesses are required and if you cannot get 4 witnesses the person who lays an allegation according to Surah Nur ch. No. 24 verse no. 4, they get 80 lashes that’s for adultery, for rape if the witnesses is there fine. Even if the witness is not there, if there are circumstantial evidences, if it is proved because in rape it’s not necessary you’ll find 4 witnesses or 3 witnesses. So in rape the circumstantial evidences, whoever is accused if found guilty by whatever method, today there are many scientific methods, there is you can test the even semen etc. and come to know everything any circumstantial evidences to show undoubtedly that person has committed rape then he gets a capital punishment. Witness is not a must if witness is there that is an additional help. Hope that answers the question.

Chairman: We are coming close to the time limit. We’ll take can take other question from the middle.

Questioner: Assalamu Alaikum! My question is that British government and the media in this country they want to separate Muslim community into 2 by saying that there are some Muslims who are extremists and there are some Muslims who are moderate. The extremists are those who speak about Iraq and Afghanistan like you said and they criticize the foreign policy and… So… my question is how Muslims should we show a united fund and what kind of things can we discuss and respond that to show that we are united on this?

Dr. Zakir: Brother asked a question that the government has said that Muslims who are extremist, there are some Muslims who are moderate. A Muslim is a Muslim.

Allah says in the Qur’an ch. 2 verse no. 208

“Udkhuloo fis Silmi Kaaffa”

“Enter into Islam wholeheartedly”

If you are a Muslim you enter Islam wholeheartedly otherwise you are a sudo Muslim. So I call either Muslim or sudo-Mslim. Nothing like an extremist Muslim or a moderate Muslim, either you are a Muslim or a sudo Muslim, you’re a good practicing Muslim or not a good practicing Muslim there’s nothing like extremist. If you have to have to be a Muslim Allah says Udkhuloo fis Silmi Kaaffa You can’t say I want to follow this part of the Qur’an, that part you don’t want to follow. I want to take this Hadith and that Hadith, if it’s a Hadith, its Sahih, you have to take. If its not Sahih and you reject it that is good but if it’s a Sahih Hadith you have to take it.

So there is nothing like extremist and moderate. A Muslim is Muslim if he follows the Qur’an and Sunnah. If the government says those people who speak about Afghanistan and Iraq they are called as extremist Muslim, I said yes. I am extremely kind so my heart does bleed for the people who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, my heart does bleed. If the government has a problem because I am extremely kind then that’s their problem it’s not my problem, It’s my Haqq. I am a human being, any other human being who is a innocent human being who is terrorized, who is killed I will speak on this behalf because I am an human being first before a British, I am a human being. I am not a British at all, I am saying what you have to reply. I am a tourist, I am an Indian.

You have to realize that yes if the government is saying that we are speaking something if we are supporting those people who are terrorizing innocent people then its wrong. We are surely not supporting any human being who is terrorizing innocent human beings but those people who are terrorizing innocent human being if we speak against them yes we do that but we aren’t speaking in favour of them so irrespective whether he is an American or British or whoever he is whether Muslim or Non Muslim so it is the duty of every Muslim as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said.

“If you see any evil, you stop it with your hand if you can, if you can’t stop it with your hand, stop it with your tongue, if you can’t stop it with your tongue, the least you can do is curse in your heart and if you do that you are the lowest level of Momin” lowest category.

So if you feel you can stop it with your hand, stop it, any evil. If Allah has given you the power to speak and if you do not speak, Allah will take away your power to speak. If you feel that fine, if you speak and you have a problem and you don’t have that guts at least curse in your heart. If you do that you are the lowest level but we should know hoe to convey the message. What happens many a times Muslims foolishly make statements MashaAllah I give statement you know in India, believe me to do Da’wah in Bombay is one of the most difficult place to do Da’wah. I don’t know whether you are aware of Bombay, Bombay, you know, it’s difficult It’s very easy here. In spite of that with Allah’s help, Alhumdulillah, Suma Alhumdulillah since the past 8 years we are showing our Da’wah, hardcore Da’wah programmes everyday in morning in the cable TV to more than 1.5 million homes, I speak about the Veda openly I speak about the government but with Hiqma following the guidance of Qur’an, Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)

and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)

So you should speak with Hiqma, I am very vocal but how you do it is very important.

You the incidence that took place about the destruction of the statue of Buddha.. Buddha statue was destroyed by the Talibans. It was shameful that all the people came on the media all the so called Islamic scholars all of them condemned that what they broke the statue is wrong, is wrong, is wrong. When I came on the media I said that if the Muslim scholars feel that speaking in favour of the people who have destroyed the Buddha statue is going to cause problem to the Muslim Ummah the least they can do is keep their mouth shut, least.

So a question asked to me by a Hindu that just because the Afghanis they were in power they destroyed the statue, in India it will never happen, no one will destroy statue so how does Islam permit this?

I told them that in Bombay city outside the domestic airport in Santacruz there was a bid statue of Mahavir. The Jains, they believe in Mahavir. It was unclothed statue. So people took objection, so the government was forced to put a wall on the private part of the statue after a few months they remove the statue so the same people who object on the statue being there today are condemning those people who destroyed the Buddha statue. There are more Jains living in Bombay and India than Buddhist living in Afghanistan, I as a student of comparative religion I said what happened I don’t know but one thing I know for sure that the Afghanis they are educating the Buddhists because Buddha never said make a statue of me. Buddha never said you should do idol worship I am a student of comparative religion, I have read Dharmapadha so these Talibans of Afghanis they are educating the Buddhist that Buddha never said that make a statue of me. He never said do idol worship so they are educating them. So one press reporter asked me that “Brother Zakir, don’t you think that it hurt the feelings of millions of Buddhist? Does Islam give permission to hurt the feelings of human Being?” I said under normal circumstances ‘no’ but sometimes the father is cruel to be kind.

I asked him a question that suppose the Indian government catches a hall of drugs worth about 5 million pounds, 10 crore rupees, whatever it is what does the government do? So the reporter told me the government will burn the drugs. I said do you know millions of human beings for them drug is their god so when the government burns the drug, won’t it hurt the millions of drug addicts? He said yes’. So are you for the government or against the government? I am for the Indian government. I am for the Indian government because the Indian government though it is hurting the feeling of millions of drug addicts they know that see because it will cause harm to them, it will cause health problem so as far as Aakhira is concerned we Muslims know about Aakhira InshaAllah so there they know that it is beneficial for the Buddhists.

And I asked the question to the Hindu that suppose you buy a house and if there is a carving of the Kaaba in your house what will you do? I said won’t you destroy it? He was scared to say ‘I will take it out’ won’t you destroy it? Won’t you remove it out of the house? He said ‘yes’ because you own the house. So when the Afghanis are owning that country the statue belongs to them, who are you to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ are they coming to your country and destroying it?

And all the scholars who said Ud`u ‘Ila Sabili Rabbika Bil-Hikmah it is not Hiqma, it is not Hiqma they don’t know the context.

The context of the verse of Surah Nahl ch. 16 verse 125

“Ud`u ‘Ila Sabili Rabbika Bil-Hikmah if first few verses where the Ruku starts it says that in the lifestyle of Prophet Abraham is a beautiful example. What did Prophet Abraham do (pbuh)? He broke the statue. So Ud`u ‘Ila Sabili Rabbika Bil-Hikmah doesn’t mean speaking soft. Hiqma means conveying the message. Whether you do it softly or you do it harshly, Hiqma is wisdom.

It doesn’t mean only soft, many a times softer Hiqma, sometimes harsher Hiqma.

So if we analyze Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) when he came to power, when he came back to Makkah and he broke all the idols in the Kabah and he said with the verse of the Qur’an

“Wa Qul Jaa’al Haqq Wa Zahkal Baatil. Innala Baatila Kana Zahuka”

“When Truth is hurled against falsehood, the falsehood perishes because falsehood by its nature bound to perish.”

See if we don’t have the power, suppose in India, to do it, no problem it’s not Fard, it is not Fard. When they have the power, they are doing an act which is Musthab so what’s your problem. But in replying you should know how to reply giving examples of the government, when you give. So therefore when you speak unfortunately many of us Muslims out of emotion we say things and then we land ourselves into trouble. So if you say with Hiqma giving examples like today I gave examples of India terrorist and freedom fighters, America, America and British. Where are we? They both are having problems.

See history, Benjamin Franklin, terrorist. George Washington, Terrorist. So when we give examples it opens up the vision….If not of the government at least the Britishers. See the Non-Muslims aren’t fools; the westerners aren’t fools whatever the government policies speak, be vocal but speak with Hiqma so that we can convey the message of peace to the world. Hope that answers the questions.

Chairman: Ah.. Final question from the sisters because Maghrib is upon us. Is a woman allowed to go out on Jihaad?

Dr. Zakir: Question posed is that can a woman go to Jihaad? Jihaad means to strive and to struggle. She’s supposed to do Jihaad everyday of her life, Jihaad means to strive, to struggle. The best form of Jihaad is to convey message of Islam to the Non Muslims. I know what the sister is mainly referring to. Is referring to can she go for war, that form of Jihaad.

There’s a Hadith of Sahih Bukhari Vol no. 4, Hadith no. 2784 when the wife of the Prophet Hazrat Aaisha, may Allah be pleased with her, she asked the Prophet that “should we go for Jihaad” The Prophet said: “the best Jihaad for you is perfect Hajj”.

So he told his wife the best Jihaad for you is to perform perfect Hajj depending upon the situation if the women they feel they can nurse, they can do fostering and they can provide water… there is a full chapter in Sahih Al Bukhari that woman did take part in battlefield providing water, providing first aid etc. there are chapters but depending upon the situation but once the Prophet told his wife the best Jihaad for you is to perform perfect Hajj. So it depends on the situation but the best Jihaad is Jihaad against your own inclination, Jihaad to make the society better which every Muslim whether man or woman should continue doing and even the woman should continue doing. Hope that answers the question.

Wa Aakhiru Da’waana Anil Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Alameen!