Zikra Naik, daughter of renowned Daa’ee Dr Zakir Naik, is a passionate Daa’iyah aspiring to spread the word of Allaah. She started giving short talks at a very young age while accompanying her parents on Da’wah trips worldwide.
Zikra has completed her Cambridge International IGCSE and A Level exams and is currently studying towards a Bachelor’s degree in Islaamic Studies at Princess Noura University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Zikra yearns to inspire young girls and bring them closer to their deen. She has given talks in secular schools for girls in Mumbai, India, where Islaam is not taught as a subject, so as to instill the love of Allaah in their hearts.
Zikra has memorized the Qur’aan and has obtained an Ijaazah in Qur’aan recitation and memorization. She won first place in the university-wide 15-ajza’ hifdh competition held in Princess Noura University, Riyadh. Alhamdulillah, she is also a Black Belt in Karate & Taekwondo.
Zikra enjoys outdoor sports like badminton, swimming, jet-skiing and ice skating. She loves to study the tafseer of the Qur’an and explore the depths of its words, and she hopes to use her graphic designing skills to spread Allaah’s message.
May Allaah help her accomplish her goals. Aameen.