(Duration – 1 hour and 11 Minutes)
Alhumdulillah, was Salaatu was Salaam ala Rasoolillah wa ala aalihi wa ashaabihi wa ajma’een, amma baad. A’uzu billahi minash shaytan nir-rajeem, Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem.
Qul Ya ‘Ahlal-Kitaab Ta`alaw ‘Ilá Kalimatin Sawa’in Baynana Wa Baynakum ‘Allah Na`buda ‘Illallah Wa La Nushrika Bihi Shay’an Wa La Yattakhidha Ba`duna Ba`dan ‘Arbaban Min Dunillahi Fa’in Tawallaw Faqulush hadu Bi’anna Muslimun.
Rabbish rahli Şadri Wa Yassir Li ‘Amri Wa Ahlul `Uqdatan Min Lisani Yafqahu Qawli
My respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters, I welcome all of you with the Islamic greetings Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, May peace, mercy and blessings of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), of Almighty God be on all of you.
It’s a pleasure and honour for me that for the three consecutive sessions in the Peace Exhibition the Vision of Islam I’ve been asked to give the concluding speech.
The topic of this evenings talk is, “The Concept of God in Worlds Major Religions.”
Religion’ according to the Oxford Dictionary means…‘A belief in a Super Human controlling power, especially a personal God or gods, that deserve worship and obedience’. In short according to the Oxford Dictionary, religion means the belief in God.
I started my talk by quoting a verse from the Glorious Qur’an from Surah Al Imran, Ch. No. 3, Verse No. 64, which says,
“Qul Ya ‘Ahlal-Kitaab”,
“Say O people of the Book”
“Ta`alaw ‘Ilá Kalimatin Sawa’in Baynana Wa Baynakum”
“Come to common terms as between us and you”
Which is the first term?
“Alla Na`buda ‘Illallah”
“That we worship none but Allah, Almighty God”
“Wa La Nushrika Bihi Shay’an” “That we associate no partners with him”
“Wa La Yattakhidha Ba`duna Ba`dan ‘Arbaban Min Dunillahi” “That we erect not among ourselves Lords and Patrons other than Allah.”
“Fa’in Tawallaw”
“If they turn back”
“Faqulush hadu”
“Say ye bear witness”
“Bi’anna Muslimun”
“That we are Muslims bowing our will to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).”
This verse of the Glorious Qur’an according to me I call it the Master Key for Da’wah. Whenever we speak to different types of people, people of different religions, the Qur’an says,
“Ta`alaw ‘Ilá Kalimatin Sawa’in Baynana Wa Baynakum”
“Come to common terms as between us and you”
Though the verse begins by saying,
“Qul Ya ‘Ahlal-Kitaab”,
“Say O people of the Book”
This verse can be used for the people of all religions. It specifically refers to the Jews and Christians but in general it can refer to the people of the all religions. And the first term is,
“Alla Na`buda ‘Illallah”
“That we worship none but Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), Almighty God”
One thing common Alhumdulillah in all the worlds major religions is that the followers of any religion they believe that the God they worship is the same for themselves as well as for others. For example, the God which the Hindu’s worship they believe he’s the God for the Hindu’s as well as for the Non Hindu’s. The God which the Christians worship, they believe He is the same God, for the Christians as well as for the Non-Christians. And the God which we Muslims believe, we believe that Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), Almighty God, is the same God for the Muslims, as well as for the Non-Muslims.
The Worlds Major Religions can be broadly classified and divided into Semitic Religions and the Non Semitic Religions.
The Semitic Religions are those Religions which are followed by the Semites. Who are the Semites? The Semites are the descendents of ‘Shem’. And it’s mentioned in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in the Book of Genesis, Chapter No. 5 to 11, ‘Shem’ is mentioned there and he is the son of Prophet Noah Alaihe Salaam (Peace be upon him). So Semitic Religions are those Religions, which are followed by the Semites, descendents of ‘Shem’ the Jews, the Arabs, the Asyrians, the Phoenicians – who speak the language Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Phoenicians, etc. The major amongst the Semitic Religions are, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The Non Semitic Religions can be further divided into Aryan Religions and the Non Aryan Religions. The Aryan Religions are those Religions which are followed by the Aryans – a powerful group of Indo-European speaking people who originated from Iran and Northern India, in the first half of the 2nd Millennium, that’s 2000 to 1500 B.C.
The Aryan Religions can be further divided into Vedic Religion and the Non – Vedic Religions. The Vedic religion is that religion in which the people follow the Vedas. And it’s today called as a misnomer as Hinduism or Brahaminism. But the right word should be a Vedantik’.
The Non-Vedic Religions are those Aryan Religions which do not follow the Vedas like Sikhism, Jainism, etc. And Zoroastrianism also happens to be an Aryan Religion which is not associated with Hinduism.
The Non-Aryan Religions, they are divided depending upon their origin, for example, those that originated from China, like ‘Confucianism’, like ‘Taosim’, those that originated from Japan, like Shintoism etc. But most of these Non Aryan Religions, they do not have a concept of God and they are more often referred to as ethical systems. That’s the reason as far as my talk today is concerned, the Concept of God in Worlds Major Religions, I will be discussing about ‘Aryan’ religions and the ‘Semitic’ religions. The most famous amongst the Aryan religions is the Vedic religion that is called as Hinduism.
Let’s first discuss the concept of God in Hinduism. Before we discuss the Concept of God in any religion, first I’d like to make one point clear that the best and the most authentic way and methodology of understanding any religion is to try and understand what the scripture of that religion has to speak about Almighty God. Trying to understand the concept of God, by observing the followers of that religion may not be correct, because many a time the followers of that religion themselves do not know what is the correct concept of God. That’s the reason the best, the most authentic methodology to understand the concept of God in any religion is to try and understand what the sacred scripture of that religion has to speak about God.
As I mentioned, first we’ll discuss the Aryan Religions. And the most famous among the Aryan Religions is Hinduism which is a Vedic religion. First we’ll discuss the Concept of God in Hinduism.
When we ask any Hindu, that how many gods does he believe in? Some may say 3, some may say 10, some may say thousand, while the others may say, 33 crores, 330 million. But when we ask a learned Hindu, who is well versed with his Hindu scriptures, he will tell you that Hindu’s should actually believe and worship only one God. But the common Hindu he believes in a philosophy known as ‘Pantheism.’ The common Hindu believes that everything is god. The tree is god, the Sun is god, the Moon is god, the human being is god, the snake is god. What we Muslim believes is everything is God’s – GOD with an apostrophe ‘S’, everything belongs to God. The tree belongs to God, the Sun belongs to God, the Moon belongs to God, the human beings belong to God, the snake belongs to God. So the major difference between the Hindu’s and the Muslim’s, the common Hindu say, everything is God, we Muslims we say, everything is God’s. GOD with an apostrophe ‘S’. The major difference is the apostrophe ‘S’. If we can solve this difference of Apostrophe ‘S’, the Hindus and the Muslims will be united. How do you do it? As the Qur’an says,
“Ta`alaw ‘Ilá Kalimatin Sawa’in Baynana Wa Baynakum”
“Come to common terms as between us and you”
Which is the first term?
“Alla Na`buda ‘Illallah”
“That we worship none but one Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).”
So let’s try and understand what is the Concept of God in Hinduism according to the Hindu sacred scriptures. Amongst the Hindu Sacred Scriptures, one of the sacred scriptures are called as Upanishads.
It’s mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishad, Chapter No. 6, Section No. 2, Verse No.1,
“Ekam Evadvitiyam”
It’s a Sanskrit quotation which means,
“God is only one without a second.”
It’s mentioned in Shvetashvatara Upanishad, Chapter No. 6, Verse No. 9,
“Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah.” which means,
“Of that God there are no parents, nor lords. Almighty God has got no father, he has got no mother, he has got no superior.”
It’s mentioned in the Shvetashvatara Upanishad; Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 19,
“Na Tasya Pratima Asti”
“Of that God there is no Prathima.”
Prathima in Sanskrit means an image, it means an idol, it means a sculptor, it means a photograph, it means a picture, it means a painting.
So Shvetashvatara Upanishad; Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 19,
“Na Tasya Pratima Asti”
“Of that God there is no image, there is no idol, there is no statue, there is no photograph, there is no painting, there is no picture.”
It’s mentioned in Shvetashvatara Upanishad; Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 20, it says that
“You cannot see the image of God. The Eye cannot comprehend God.”
And amongst the Hindu scriptures the most widely read scripture is the Bhagavad Gita. This is the Bhagavad Gita which is the most popular and most widely book read amongst the Hindu scriptures.
Its mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter No. 7 Verse No. 20,
“All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship demi gods.”
And if you read the commentary of Bhagavad Gita by Swami Prabhupada, he mentions, the demi god here refers to false god as well as idols. So it says,
“All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship false gods, they worship idols”
It’s further mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter No. 10 Verse No. 3,
“They know me as the unborn, beginning less and the supreme lord of all the worlds.”
And amongst the Hindu scriptures, the most sacred, they are the Vedas. It’s mentioned in Yajurveda Chapter No. 32, Verse No. 3,
“Na Tasya Pratima Asti”
“Of that God there is no Prathima.”
As I mentioned earlier, Prathima is a Sanskrit word which means an image, an idol, a statue, a painting, a picture, a photograph.
So Yajurveda Chapter No. 32, Verse No. 3, says,
“Na Tasya Pratima Asti”
“Of that God there is no image, there is no idol, there is no statue, there is no picture, there is no painting, there is no photograph.”
It’s mentioned in Yajurveda Chapter No. 40 Verse No. 8,
“Almighty God is imageless and pure.”
It’s mentioned in Yajurveda Chapter No. 40 Verse No. 9,
“Andhatma Pravishanti Ye Assambhuti Mupaste.”
‘Andhatma’ means darkness. ‘Pravishanti’ means entering, ‘Asambhuti’ means the natural things like fire, water, air etc. So Yajurveda Chapter No. 40 Verse No. 9, says, “They are entering darkness those who worship the ‘Asambhuti’, the natural things like fire, water, air, etc and the verse continues, they are entering more in darkness those who worship the Sambhuti, those who worship the created things like idols, chair, table etc. Who says that? Yajurveda Chapter No. 40 Verse No. 9.
It’s mentioned in Atharvaveda Book No. 20 Hymn No. 58 Mantra No. 3,
“Dev maha Asi”
“Verily great is Almighty God.”
And amongst the Vedas, the most sacred is the Rigveda. It’s mentioned in the Rigveda Book No. 1, Hymn No. 164, Mantra No. 46,
“Ekkam sad vipra bahudha vidante”
“Truth is one, God is one, sages and saints call him by a variety of names.”
And the same message is repeated in Rigveda, Book No. 10, Hymn No. 114, Mantra No. 5 that “sages and saintly people call God by a variety of names”
And there are no less than 33 different attributes given to Almighty God in Rigveda Book No. 2 Hymn No. 1 alone.
One amongst them is mentioned in Rigveda Book No. 2 Hymn No. 1 Mantra No. 3 as Brahamma. Brahamma is called as the creator. If you translate creator into Arabic, it means Khaliq. We Muslims have got no objection if someone calls Almighty God is Khaliq or the Creator, but if someone says Brahamma is Almighty God who has got four heads and on each head is a crown, you are giving an image to Almighty God. And you are going against Shvetashvatara Upanishad Chapter No. 4 Verse No. 19 which says,
“Na Tasya Pratima Asti”
“Of that God there is no image.”
The other attribute given to All mighty God in Rigveda, Book No. 2, Hymn No. 1, Mantra No. 3 is ‘Vishnu’. Vishnu is called as the sustainer, cherisher. If you translate it into Arabic, it is somewhat similar to Rabb. We Muslims have got no objection if someone calls Almighty God as Rabb or Cherisher or Sustainer, but if someone says that Vishnu is Almighty God who has got four hands and one of his right hands he has the Chakra, the discus. One of his left hand, he has the conch, he’s flying on the bird by the name of Garuda or reclining on the bed of snakes, we Muslims take strong objection to it. Moreover you are giving an image to Almighty God and going against the Yajurveda, Chapter No. 32, Verse No. 3 which says,
“Na Tasya Pratima Asti”
“Of that God there is no image”
It’s further mentioned in Rigveda Book No. 8, Hymn No. 1, Mantra No. 1,
“Ma Chidanyadvi Sansad”
“Do not worship anyone but him alone, praise him alone.”
It’s mentioned in Rigveda, Book No. 6, Hymn No. 45 Mantra No. 16,
“Ya Ekit Mushtihi”
“Praise him alone, worship that one God”
And the Brahma Sutra of Hinduism is, The Fundamental creed of Hinduism is
“Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan”
“Bhagwan ek hi hai doosra nahi hai, nahi hai, nahi hai, zara bhi nahi hai.”
“There is only one God not a second one, not at all, not at all, not in the least bit.”
So, if you read the Hindu scriptures, you shall understand the concept of God in Hinduism.
Let’s try and understand the concept of God in Sikhism. Though Sikhism is not considered one of the major world religions but has a huge following, it is considered as an off shoot of Hinduism and it was founded by Guru Nanak in the late part of the 15th century, in the land of Pakistan and North Western India, called as Punjab, the land of the five rivers. And Guru Nanak Sahib he was born on a Hindu Kshatriya family that’s the warrior caste family. And the word ‘Sikh’ is derived from the word ‘Sisya’ which means a ‘disciple.’ Therefore Sikhism is called as the religion of ten Guru’s, the first and the founder is Guru Nanak Sahib and the last is Guru Gobind Sahib and the sacred book of Sikhism is the Guru Granth Sahib, also know as Adi Granth. And every Sikh has to maintain his five ‘Ks’ .
The first ‘K’ is the ‘Kesh’, that’s the uncut hair which all the gurus kept. The second ‘K’ is the ‘Kanga’, that’s the comb to keep the hair clean. The third ‘K’ is the ‘Kadha’, that’s a metal or a steel bangle which is used for strength.
The fourth ‘K’ is the ‘Kirpan’, or the dagger which is used for self defense.
And the fifth ‘K’ is the ‘Kacha’ or the long under draws or under wear which is used for agility.
Every Sikh according to Sikhism has to maintain his 5 ‘Ks.’ And if you ask any Sikh that what is the definition of Almighty God in Sikhism, the best reply he can give you is quote to you the ‘Mul Mantra’ of Sikhism. That’s the fundamental creed of Sikhism, which is there in the first volume of Guru Granth Sahib, 1st Chapter, 1st Verse, know as ‘Japuji’
It says that God is only One. He is called as the ‘True’, the Creator who’s free from fear and hate, ‘the Immortal, ‘not begotten’, ‘Self-Existing’ ‘Great and Compassionate’. This is the definition of Almighty God in the Japuji which is the Mul Mantra of Sikhism.
And Sikhism is strictly a monotheistic religion. And in the un-manifest form Almighty God in Sikhism is called as ‘Ek Omkara’ and in the manifest form, he’s called as ‘Omkara’. And there are various attributes given to Almighty God in Sikhism, in the sacred scriptures, he is refered to as ‘Akal’… that’s Eternal. He’s called as the ‘Kartar’, the creator. He’s referred to as ‘Satnama’ which is the Holy Name. He’s called as ‘Sahib’ which means the Lord. He’s called as ‘Parvardigar’, which means the Cherisher. He’s called as ‘Rahim’… the Merciful. He’s called as ‘Karim’…‘the Beneficient, he’s also called as ‘Wahe Guru’, means ‘One true God’.
Sikhism besides being a Monotheistic religion, it is against ‘Avtarvada’, which means it is against Almighty God taking incarnation. Against Almighty God incarnating known as ‘Avtar.’ And it is also against idol worship. And Guru Nanak, he was also influenced by Sant Kabir, and in our school days we were taught the couplets, the ‘Dohas’ of Sant Kabir, and one of the famous couplet which I learnt in school was,
“Dukh mein sumren sab kare, Sukh mein kare na koi. Jo sukh mein sumren kare, to dukh kahe hoi.”
Which means,
“During trouble all the people remember God but during Peace and happiness no one remembers God. The person who remembers God in times of peace and happiness, why should trouble touch him?”
This is the same thing which is mentioned in the Qur’an, in Surah Al Zumar, Chapter 39, Verse No. 8, where Almighty God says,
“When trouble touches man, he prays to the Almighty God, Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) and when All mighty God bestows His favours on him, he forgets that he had prayed to Almighty God and he associates partners with him.”
So if we read the Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh scriptures you shall understand the concept of God in Sikhism.
Let’s discuss the Concept of God in Zoroastrianism, ‘Zoroastrianism’ is a Non Semitic, Non-Vedic Aryan Religion, which is also called as ‘Parsism’ and though it has a very small following, less than 130,000 people mostly living in Bombay the city where I come from. But it claims to be one of the oldest religions. It originated more than 2 ½ thousand years ago in Persia and it was founded by Zoroaster and this religion is also called the religion of ‘Fire Worshippers’ or religion of ‘Magianism.’ Almighty God in ‘Zorastarnism’ is called as ‘Ahura Mazda.’ ‘Ahura’ means God or Lord, ‘Mazda’ means wise. ‘Ahura Mazda means wise God or wise Lord and the Sacred Scriptures of ‘Zorastarnism’ or ‘Parsism’ are the ‘Dasatir’ and the ‘Awesta’.
There are various descriptions of Almighty God given in Dasatir. It’s mentioned in Dasatir that Almighty god is One and Only. He doesn’t have a beginning neither does he have an end. He has no mother, no Father, no wife or no son. Nothing resembles Him. Almighty God has got no images, you cannot see Almighty God with your eyes, neither can you comprehend, he is far beyond your understanding and he’s closer to your own self. All these descriptions are given in Dasatir the sacred scripture of Parsis.
If you read the ‘Avesta’, the ‘Yasna’ and the other books there are various attributes given to Almighty God,
He’s referred to as the creator in Yasna, Chapter No. 31 Verse No. 7 and 11 as well as Yasna Chapter No. 44, Verse No. 7, Yasna Chapter No. 50, Verse No. 11, as well as Yasna Chapter No. 51, Verse No. 7.
He’s called as the greatest in Yasna Chapter No. 33, Verse No. 11, as well as Yasna Chapter No. 45, Verse No. 6.
He’s called as the Beneficent in Yasna Chapter No. 33, Verse No. 11 as well as Yasna Chapter No. 48, Verse No. 3.
Almighty God in the Parsi Scripture is also called as the Bountiful
in Yasna Chapter No. 43, Verse No. 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 50
as well as Yasna Chapter No. 44, Verse No. 2 and
Yasna Chapter No. 45, Verse No. 5,
in Yasna Chapter No. 46, Verse No. 9,
as well as Yasna Chapter No. 48, Verse No. 3.
There are various attributes given to Almighty God in the Parsi scriptures. So if you read the Parsi scriptures, you shall understand the concept of God in ‘Parsism’ and ‘Zorastarnism’
Let’s discuss the concept of God in Semitic Religions. As I mentioned the major among the Semitic Religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. First we’ll discuss the Concept of God in Judaism.
It’s mentioned in the Old Testament in the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter No. 6, Verse No. 4, Moses (pbuh) says in Hebrew,
“Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adonai Ikhad.”
It’s a Hebrew quotation which means.
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD”
It’s mentioned in the Book of Isaiah Chapter No. 43, Verse No. 11,
‘I, even I am Lord and there is no Savior besides Me.’
It’s mentioned in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter No. 45, Verse No. 5,
‘I am Lord, and there is none else, there’s no God besides Me.’
It’s mentioned in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter No. 46, Verse No. 9,
‘I am God, and there is none like me’.
It’s further mentioned in the Book of Exodus, Chapter No. 20, Verses 3 to 5, It says,
‘Thou shall have no other Gods besides Me’. This is Almighty God speaking in the Old Testament, Book of Exodus, Chapter No. 20, Verses 3 to 5,
‘Thou shall have no other Gods besides Me. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image of anything, of any likeness, in the heaven above, in the earth beneath, and the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down to them, nor serve them, for I thy God, thy Lord, thy God, am a jealous God.’
A similar message is repeated in the Book of Deuteronomy, Ch. No. 5, V.No.7 to 9, that…
‘Thou shall have no other gods besides Me. Thou shall not make thee any graven image, of any likeness, of anything that is the heavens above, that is in the earth beneath, and in the water beneath the earth. Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them for I the Lord, the God am a jealous God’.
So if you read the Jewish scriptures, the Old Testament you shall understand the Concept of God in Judaism, that you have to believe in one God and Almighty God has got no images.
Before we discuss the Concept of God in Christianity, I would like to make a few points clear.
Islam is the only Non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (pbuh). No Muslim, is ‘a Muslim’ if he does not believe in Jesus Christ (pbuh). We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) – of Almighty God. We believe that he was the Messiah, translated Christ. We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians today do not believe. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission. We believe that he healed those born blind, and lepers with God’s permission. The Christians and Muslims, we are going together, but one may ask then where is the parting of ways? The parting of ways is that there are many Christians who say that ‘Jesus Christ (pbuh), he claimed divinity. Infact, if you read the Bible, there is not a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says, that ‘I am God’, or where he says ‘Worship me’. I would like to repeat that statement; there is not a single unequivocal statement, not a single unambiguous statement in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that ‘I am God’ or, where he says… ‘Worship me’. If any Christian can point out any unequivocal statement, any unambiguous statement, from any where in the Bible, where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that ‘I am God’ or, where he says… ‘Worship me’, I am ready to accept Christianity today. I am not speaking on behalf of my other Muslims; I am a student of comparative religion. I am ready to out my head on the guillotine. If any Christian can point out any single unequivocal statement, in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that ‘I am God’ or, where he says… ‘Worship me’, I am ready to accept Christianity.
Infact if you read the Bible, Jesus Christ (pbuh) he mentioned himself in the
Gospel of John, Chapter No. 14, Verse No. 28, Jesus Christ (pbuh) said
‘My Father is greater than I’
Gospel of John, Chapter No. 10, Verse No. 29,
“My father is greater than all.”
Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No. 12 Verse No. 28,
“I cast out devil with Sprit of God’.
Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 11 Verse No. 20,
“I with the finger of God, cast out devils.”
Gospel of John, Chapter No. 5 Verse No. 30,
“I can of my own self do nothing – as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my will, but the will of Almighty God.”
Anyone who says, “I seek not my will but the will of Almighty God”, he’s a Muslim. Jesus Christ (pbuh) was a Muslim. He never claimed divinity.
Infact he clearly mentioned, its mentions in the Gospel of Mathew Chapter No. 5 Verse No. 17 to 20, Jesus Christ (pbuh) said that,
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law and the Prophets – I have come not to destroy, but to fulfill. Untill the heaven and earth pass away, Not one jot or title shall pass away from the law, untill all be fulfilled. And whosoever, shall break one of the least commandments and teach men to do so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whosoever shall keep the commandments, and teach men the same, they shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and the Pharisees, in no way shall you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
This is a verbatim quotation from the Gospel of Mathew Chapter No. 5 Verse No. 17 to 20 and you can check it up.
Jesus Christ (pbuh) said that if you want to enter Jannah you have to be better than the Jews, better than the Scribes and the Pharisees. You have to follow each and every commandment of Moses (pbuh), even if you break one of the least commandments you shall not enter Jannah, you shall not enter paradise. You have to believe in everything what Moses (pbuh) said earlier. You have to believe in one God, that God has got no images etc. Jesus Christ (pbuh) he never claimed divinity, infact he said it’s mentioned in the
Gospel of John, Chapter No. 14, Verse No. 24, Jesus Christ (pbuh) said that,
“The words that you hear are not mine but my father’s who has sent me.”
It’s mentioned in the Gospel of John, Chapter No. 17, Verse No. 3
“This is eternal life, so that you may know there is one God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has sent”
It’s mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No. 19, Verse No. 16 and 17, once a person he approaches Jesus Christ (pbuh), and he asks him that,
“Good Master, what good things should I do, so that I shall receive eternal life.”
He’s asking Jesus Christ (pbuh), good master what good things should I do so that I will get eternal life, I shall go to paradise. So Jesus Christ (pbuh) replies and says,
“Why Thou callest me good?”
Leave aside God,
“Why thou callest me good? There is only one good and that is Almighty God.…And if thou want to enter eternal life. If you want to enter paradise, you keep the commandments.”
Jesus Christ (pbuh) did not say that if you want to enter paradise believe that I’m God, he did not say that I died on the cross for your sins. He said if you want to enter paradise you keep the commandments. All that there is one God. God has got no images etc.
it’s clearly mentioned in the Book of Acts Chapter No. 2 Verse No. 22, it says,
“Ye men of Israel, listen to this, Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God, amongst you, by miracles, and wonders and signs, which God did by him, and you were witness to it”
‘Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God, amongst you, by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him and you are witness to it’.
And when Jesus Christ (pbuh) was asked, that ‘which is the first of the commandments’? He replies in the
Gospel of Mark, Chapter No. 12, Verse No. 29, exactly verbatim what was said earlier by Moses (pbuh) in the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter No. 6, Verse No. 4 and he says,
“Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adonai Ikhad.”
It’s a Hebrew quotation which means.
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD”
So if you read the Christian Bible, you shall understand the concept of God, in Christianity, that Almighty God is only one, has got no images, we have to worship him alone and no one else.
Let’s discuss the Concept of God in Islam and the best reply that any Muslim can give you regarding the Concept of God in Islam is quote to you Surah Ikhlaas, Chapter No. 112 Verse No. 1 to 4 which says
“Qul Huwallaahu Ahad”,
“Say: He is Allah, One and Only”
“Allahus Samad”
“Allah, the Absolute and Eternal”
“Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad”
“He begetteth not, nor is He begotten”
“Walam Yakullahu Kufuan ‘Ahad”
“There is nothing like Him”
This is a four line definition of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), of Almighty God given in the Glorious Qur’an. If any person says that so and so entity is God, if that entity fits in this four line definition, we Muslims have got no objection in accepting that person as God.
The first is “Qul Huwallaahu Ahad”,
“Say: He is Allah, One and Only”
“Allahus Samad”
“Allah, the Absolute and Eternal”,
‘Samad’ cannot be described in the English language. It means a person who is self existing, he’s eternal, he’s absolute, everything is depended on him, He’s independent of anything and everything. It has a very broad meaning.
“Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad”
“He begetteth not, nor is He begotten”
“Walam Yakullahu Kufuan ‘Ahad”
“There is nothing like Him”
This Surah Ikhlaas is the Touchstone of Theology. ‘Theology’ means it comes from the Greek word ‘Theo’ meaning God, ‘Logy’ means study. Theology means the study of God. And Touchstone means if you want to buy Gold or want to sell God you normally go to a Goldsmith and you want to find out how pure that Gold is. So if you want to buy Gold, you go to a Goldsmith, he takes the Gold and he rubs it against the touchstone and he matches the colour with the card he has got and then he tells you whether the Gold is 24 Karat Gold or 22 Karat Gold or 18 Karat or it may not be Gold at all. Because everything that Glitters is not Gold. And that panel is also there in the exhibition, Surah Ikhlaas the ‘Touch stone of Theology’. So anyone who says that so and so person is God, you put him to the test of Surah Ikhlaas. If he passes the test, we Muslims have got no objection in accepting that person as Almighty God.
For example, there are many human beings who say that Bhagwan Rajneesh he’s Almighty God. Once, during question and answer time, there was a Hindu brother who told me, brother Zakir, we don’t believe Bhagwan Rajneesh to be God. And I told him I have never said that the Hindus believe Bhagwan Rajneesh to be God, I said some people, many people believe Bhagwan Rajneesh to be God. I have read the Hindu scriptures, no where do the Hindu scripture say that Bhagwan Rajneesh is God. Let‘s put this Bhagwan Rajneesh to the test of Surah Ikhlas,
The first is:
“Qul Huwallaahu Ahad”,
“Say: He is Allah, One and Only”
Was Rajneesh one and only? Was he the only human being who has claimed to be God? There are many, hundreds and in this country of ours, in India there are thousands of men who have claimed to be God. But a Rajneesh Bhakt will say, no he is unique. Let’s go to the next test.
“Allahus – Samad”
“Allah the absolute and eternal”
Was Rajneesh absolute and eternal? When you read his autobiography, it’s mentioned in the autobiography of Rajneesh, that he was suffering from diabetes mellitus, from asthma, from chronic back ache. Imagine Almighty God suffering from diabetes mellitus, from asthma, from chronic back ache.
And the third test is
“Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad.”
“He begetteth not, nor is He begotten.”
We know that Bhagwan Rajneesh he was born in the state of Madhya Pradesh, and he had a mother and father. And in the year 1981 he goes to America, he goes to USA and he takes thousands of Americans for a ride and in the state of Oregon, he starts his own village which was called as Rajneesh Puram. Later on, the American government, they arrest Bhagwan Rajneesh and they put him behind bars, in prison and Bhagwan Rajneesh says that the American government gave me slow poisoning. Imagine Almighty God being slow poisoned. And in 1985, the American government kick Bhagwan Rajneesh out of USA and he comes back to India, and goes back to the city of Pune, in Maharashtra, the state where I come from and he goes back to his old centre and gives the name the “Osho Commune.” And if you go to the “Osho Commune” and I have been there for several times, it’s mentioned on his Samaadhi, Bhagwan Rajneesh, “Osho” never born, never died, but visited the earth from the 11th of December 1931 to the 19th of January 1990. Never born, never died but visited the earth from the 11th of December 1931 to the 19th of January 1990. Never born, never died, but visited the earth from the 11th of December 1931 to the 19th of January 1990. They forgot to mention on his Samaadhi that he was not given visas to 21 different countries of the world. Imagine Almighty God coming down to this earth, he wants to visit the world and he requires visas. He was not given visas to 21 different countries of the world. And the Arch Bishop of Greece said if you don’t remove Rajneesh out of this country, we will burn his house and the house of his disciples.
And the last test
“Walam Yakullahu Kufuan ‘Ahad”
“There is nothing like him”
Is so stringent that no one besides that true God can pass. The moment you can compare God to anything in this world, he is not God.
“Walam Yakullahu Kufuan ‘Ahad”
And we know Rajneesh like us human beings, he had 2 eyes, 1 nose, 2 hands, white beard, he wore a white robe. The moment you can compare God to anything in this world, he is not God.
“Walam Yakullahu Kufuan ‘Ahad”
“There is nothing like him”
For example if someone says, Almighty God is thousand times stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger. You might have heard the name Arnold Schwarzenegger, the person who got the title, Mr. World, the strongest man in the world. Mr. Universe, the strongest man in the Universe. If someone says, Almighty God is thousand times stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger. The moment you can compare God to anyone, whether it be Arnold Schwarzenegger whether it be Dara Singh, whether it be King Kong, whether it be a thousand times or million times, the moment you can compare God to anything in this world, he is not God.
“Walam Yakullahu Kufuan ‘Ahad”
“There is nothing like him.”
This is a four line definition which is given in the Qur’an in Surah Ikhlaas, Chapter No. 112, Verse No. 1 to 4, that anyone who you claim to be Almighty God if he fits in this four line definition we Muslims have got no objection in accepting that person as Almighty God. So which ever God you are worshipping, I would like to tell the audience here and all my brothers as well as my sisters, that which ever God you are worshipping put him to the test of Surah Ikhlaas, if that God passes the test of Surah Ikhlaas, he’s a true God. If he does not pass the test of Surah Ikhlaas he’s not a true God.
And we Muslims we prefer calling Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) by the Arabic world Allah instead of the English word God. People ask the question why do you call him Allah, the reason we call Allah by the Arabic word Allah instead of the English word God is because a person can play mischief with the English word God. For example if you add ‘s’ to God, it becomes ‘Gods’, plural of ‘God.’ There is nothing like plural Allah, “Qul Huwallaahu Ahad”, “Say he is Allah one and only.” If you add ‘dess’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘Goddess’, meaning a female God, there is nothing like male Allah or female Allah. Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) is unique, he has got no gender. The moment you add father to ‘God’, it becomes ‘Godfather’. He is my ‘Godfather’, he is my guardian, there is nothing like Allah father or Allah Abba in Islam. If you add a mother to God, it becomes God mother. There is nothing like Allah mother or Allah Ammi in Islam. Allah is a unique word. If you prefix a ‘Tin’ before God, it becomes Tin God meaning a fake God, there’s nothing like Tin Allah in Islam That’s the reason we Muslims, we prefer calling Allah by the Arabic word Allah instead of the English word God. But when the Muslims are speaking to the non Muslims, who may not understand the concept of Allah and when they use this word God instead of Allah I have got no objection. But I would like to remind them that God is not the appropriate translation of the Arabic word Allah. But when we speak to on Muslims and we use this word I’ve got no objection.
There are many Non Muslims who come and ask me that brother Zakir, God can do anything and everything so why do you have a problem if God becomes a human being? God can do anything and everything so what’s your problem if he becomes a human being. I said fine, if I agree with you for the sake of argument that God can do anything and everything and if God can become a human being. If God becomes a human being he ceases to be God, because the qualities of God and human beings, they are opposite. Almighty God is immortal, human being is mortal. You can’t have a person who’s immortal and mortal at the same time. You can either have a immortal person or a mortal person you cant have a immortal mortal person, it is meaning less. Almighty God he has got no beginning, human beings have a beginning. You can’t have a God-Man. A person having a beginning and no beginning at the same time it is meaning less. Almighty God has got no end, human beings have an end. You can’t have a person who has an end and no end at the same time, it is meaningless. It’s like we telling you I saw a tall short man. I can either see a tall man or a short man, I can see a medium man, I can’t say a tall short man, it’s meaning less. I can’t see a fat thin man. I can either see a fat man or a thin man or a medium man but not a fat thin man. Therefore if you say Almighty God became a human being then he ceases to be Almighty God.
If you say Almighty God can do anything and everything. Human beings we require to eat.
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah An’aam Chapter No. 6 Verse No. 14,
“He feedeth everyone but does not require to be fed.”
Almighty God does not require to eat.
We human beings we require sleep, we require rest. Almighty God does not require sleep and rest.
It’s mentioned in the Qur’an in Ayat-ul-Kursi, Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 255,
“Allahu La ‘Ilaha ‘Illa Huwa Al-Hayyu Al-Qayyum La Ta’khudhuhu Sinatun Wa La Nawmun Lahu Ma Fis-Samaawaati Wa Ma Fil-‘Ard”
“He is Allah one and only, The Absolute, the Eternal, no slumber can seize him, nor does He require rest – To Him belongs everything in the heaven and the earth.”
Therefore if you agree with this argument that Almighty God can do anything and everything and if Almighty God becomes a human being, you have to agree that he ceases to be God. So if a person who ceases to be God and becomes a human being like you and me then why should I worship human being like you and me? It does not make sense and if some people say again that human being became God, if human being can become God, even you and I can become God. So where’s the question of human being becoming God?
Therefore this argument that God can do anything and everything, if you go a step further, if God can do anything and everything, God can even tell a lie. But to tell a lie is ungodly – The moment God tells a lie He ceases to be God. In the same argument, Almighty God, if He wants He can do injustice, but it is ungodly to do injustice.
Allah says in Surah Nisa, Chapter 4, Verse No. 40,
“Allah Subhana Wa Taala is never unjust in the least degree.”
The moment God does injustice, He ceases to be God. In the same argument, if God can do anything and everything Almighty God if He wants, He can forget. But to forget is ungodly.
Allah says in Surah Ta Ha, Chapter No. 20, Verse No. 52,
“Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) never forgets.”
The moment Almighty God forgets, then he ceases to be God. If you agree with the same argument that God can do anything and everything, Almighty God can make a mistake, but to make a mistake is ungodly.
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Ta Ha, Chapter 20, Verse 52,
“Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) never errs”
He never makes a mistake. The moment Almighty God makes a mistake He ceases to be God. Therefore if you read the Qur’an nowhere does the Qur’an says Allah can do anything and everything. What does the Qur’an says?
“Innallaaha `Ala Kulli Shay’in Qadir”
“Verily Allah has power over all things”
It’s mentioned in several places in the Qur’an.
In Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 106,
Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 109,
Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 284,
In Surah Al Imran, Chapter No. 3, Verse 29,
In Surah Nahl, Chapter No. 16, Verse 77,
In Surah Fatir, Chapter 35, Verse No. 1
Allah says,
“Innallaaha `Ala Kulli Shay’in Qadir”
“For Verily Allah has power over all things”
And Allah says in Surah Burooj, Chapter No. 85, Verse No. 16, that,
“Allah is the doer of all He intends”
Whatever He intends He can do. But He does not intends doing ungodly things like telling a lie, like making a mistake, like forgetting, like doing injustice, like becoming a human being. The Qur’an says,
“Innallaaha `Ala Kulli Shay’in Qadir”
“For Verily Allah has power over all things”
Allah can do whatever He intends, but He does not intends doing ungodly things like making a mistake, like forgetting, like injustice, like becoming a human being, that’s the reason Almighty God will not become a human being and the Qur’an clearly mentions in
Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 18,
“Summun Bukmun `Umyun Fahum La Yarji`un”
“The Deaf, the dumb, the blind they will not return to the true path”
A similar message is repeated in the Bible, in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter No. 13, Verse No. 13,
“They see yet they see not, hearing they hear not, neither do they understand”
The same message is repeated in Rigveda, Book No. 10, Hymn No. 71, Mantra No. 4,
“They see the word yet they see not, some people hear the word yet they hear not”
All these scriptures, the Qur’an, the Bible, the Veda, they are saying seeing they see not, hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. They are telling clearly that the scripture are explicitly in clear terms mentioning that Almighty God is One, He has got no images, worship him alone, yet there are people,
“Summun Bukmun `Umyun Fahum La Yarji`un”
“The Deaf, the dumb, blind they will not come to the true path”
“Hearing they hear not, neither do they understand”
Rigveda, Book No. 10, Hymn No. 71, Verse No. 4, that
“Some see the word, yet they see not, others hear the word yet they hear not.”
All these scriptures are saying that the definition of Almighty God is given so explicitly in the major world religions, yet people behave like blind people, like deaf people and do not follow the scriptures.
And most of religion except Islam they have a philosophy known as ‘Anthropomorphism’ – that Almighty God, He takes the form of a human being, he becomes a human being. It is known as ‘Anthropomorphism’. Except Islam, most of the religion believes that Almighty God became a human being once; some believe he became a human being many times. And when you ask these people they have a very good logic, that Almighty God, He is so Pure, He is so Holy, He does not know the shortcomings of the human beings. He does not know the difficulties of the human being. He’s so pure; he does not know the feelings of the human beings. So Almighty God, so pure, so pious, so Holy, he became a human being and he came in this world to know what is good or what is bad for the human being so that he could set the rules for the human being. You know Almighty God is so Pure, so Holy, so Pious, he does not know the difficulties of the human beings, the short coming of the human beings, the feelings of the human beings, so he became a human being to set the rules for the human beings, the do’s and don’ts. On the face of it sounds like a very good logic.
But I tell these people, that suppose I manufacture a tape recorder, I create a tape recorder; do I have to become a tape recorder, to know what is good or what is bad for the tape recorder? I write an instruction manual that if you want to play the audio cassette, insert the audio cassette and press the play button. If you want to fast forward, press the FF button. If you want to stop, press the stop button. Don’t drop it from a height it will get damaged – Don’t immerse it in water, it will get spoilt. I write an instruction manual, I don’t have to become a tape recorder to know what is good or what is bad for the tape recorder, because I am the creator of the Tape Recorder.
Similarly, when Almighty God, He’s the Creator of the human begins; He does not have to become a human being to know what is good or what is bad for the human being. What does he do? He reveals the instruction manual and the last and final instruction manual for the human beings, it is the Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the last and final instruction manual revealed by Almighty God to the human beings – The do’s and don’ts of the human beings is mentioned in the Qur’an. Almighty God does not become a human being what does he do? He reveals an instruction manual. And he chooses a man, amongst men and He communicates with them on a higher level, who we call as messengers or prophets of God. He does not have to come down on this earth and become a human being to know what is good or what or bad for the human being. He’s the creator. He reveals the instruction manual and the last and final instruction manual is the Glorious Qur’an.
The Qur’an says in Surah Isra, Chapter No. 17, Verse No. 110,
“Qulid`ullaah ‘Awid`ur-Rahmaan ‘Ayyama Tad`u Falahul ‘Asma’ ul Husna”
“Say: call upon him by Allah or by Rahman, by whichever name you call upon him to him belongs the most beautiful names.”
You can call Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) by any name but it should be a beautiful name. It should be a name given by Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala). It should not conjure up a mental picture. And there are no less than 99 different attributes given to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) in the Qur’an, Ar Rahman, Ar Rahim, Al Hakim, Most Merciful, Most Benevolent, Most Wise… no less than 99 and the crowing one is Allah.
And this verse to Allah belongs the most beautiful name, besides Surah Isra, Chapter No. 17, Verse No. 110, is also mentioned in Surah A’raaf Chapter No. 7 Verse No. 180 and Surah Ta Ha Chapter No. 20 Verse No. 8 and well as Surah Al Hashr Chapter No. 59 Verse No. 24,
“To Allah belong the most beautiful names”
And there are certain criteria as far as the name and attributes of Allah are concerned. It should be a name given by himself and besides that it should be a unique name for example, most of us know that the first man who set foot on the moon he was Neil Armstrong. Now if I have to give an attribute to Neil Armstrong and if I say that Neil Armstrong is an Astronaut. Yes Neil Armstrong is an Astronaut, but it’s not unique, there are thousands of Astronauts. If you reverse it, who’s an Astronaut? The answer will not be Neil Armstrong it can be something else. It can be a thousand people. If I say Neil Armstrong is an Amercian, there are millions of people who are American. Who’s an American? You can give a million names, its not unique belonging to Neil Armstrong alone. So if I have to give a unique attribute to Neil Armstrong, I have to say Neil Armstrong is the first man who set foot on the moon. If you reverse it who’s the first man who set foot on the moon, the reply is Neil Armstrong. So similarly when you give an attribute to Almighty God, it should be unique. If you say Almighty God created a building… Who can create a building? There can be a thousand people who can create a building, but if you say he’s The Creator or the Creator of the Universe… Who’s the creator of the universe? Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala). Ar Raheem, Most Merciful. Who is the Most Merciful? Answer is only one, Allah. So the attribute you give and the name you give should be unique and belong only to Allah and no one else.
Some people may say that why there should be one God. Why cant there be many God’s. If there would have been many God’s surely these God’s would have fought among them and we find this in the mythology of some of the religions. One God fighting with the other God, one God helping the other God to fight the third God. Can you believe in such a God who can be defeated? Who can be killed? And some people say that why can’t there be different God? One God for Sun. One God for Cloud. One God for Wind. Now imagine if there were one God for each, each one blonging….having power over his own little thing. It’s logical to have one God who has power over all things rather than each different… different god fighting among themselves. It’s illogical.
That’s the reason the Qur’an says in Surah Ambiya, Chapter No. 21 Verse No. 22, that
“If there would have been God’s besides Allah surely there would have been confusion in the universe.”
It’s mentioned in Surah Mu’minoon, Chapter No. 23, Verse No. 91, that,
“Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) does not beget a son. If there were gods besides Allah each god would have taken things what they have created and loaded on the other.”
Surely there would have been in fighting amongst them. That’s what we see in the mythology. The best and most logical is only one God. One and only, all powerful. Having power over all things. That’s the reason if you read the scriptures of the major world religions all the scriptures of the major world religions they say that Almighty God is one. He has got no images, he’s not begotten, he’s one and only, absolute and eternal, nothing like him and by the passage of time many of the scriptures almost all besides the Qur’an these scriptures have changed.
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 79,
“Fawaylun Lilladhina Yaktubunal-Kitaaba Bi’aydihim Thumma Yaquluna Hadha Min `Indillahi Liyashtaru Bihi Thamanan Qalila Fawaylulahum Mimma Katabat ‘Aydihim Wa Wayluahum Mimma Yaksibuna”
“Woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say this is from Allah, to traffic for it with a miserable price. Woe to those for what they earn woe to those for what they write.”
So here it’s mentioned in the Qur’an that people write the scripture with their own hand and then say this is from Allah. So by the passage of time all the scriptures that came before the Qur’an they have been changed and since they were not the last and final revelation Almighty God did not think it fit to be preserved. Because those were the previous revelations. But inspite of this corruption, inspite of the manipulation, inspite of the change yet in the remnants of all the world religions, in their scriptures you will find the mention of monotheism, the oneness of Almighty God, that he has got no images, he’s not begotten, he’s one and only, there’s nothing like him. So if you believe in a concept of God it should be according to your scriptures.
There are some religions which are agnostics, you may not call them religions like Buddhism, they don’t comment on God they are silent as far as God is concerned and many ethical systems which I mentioned earlier like Confucianism, Taosim they are more of ethical systems than having a concept of God.
And as far as the people who are atheist like Jainism etc, so those who are agnostic or atheist they can refer to my video cassette ‘Is the Qur’an God’s Word?’ And I gave that earlier also as well as recently in Bombay a couple of months back on the 24th of November, on the second day of the Peace Exhibition in Bombay, the Solution for Humanity… Is the Qur’an God’s Word? If they see this cassette of the talk InshaAllah if the human being is unbiased, with the help of the Qur’an, I’ve proved the existence of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).
As far as Islam is concerned, Islam does not merely believe in Monotheism. Islam believes in Tawheed. Tawheed means unification. It means asserting oneness. It comes from the root word ‘Wahada’ means to unite, to unify, it means to consolidate. Islam does not merely believe in believing in one God, it believes in Tawheed and there are three categories of Tawheed.
Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah, Tawheed Al Asma Was Sifat and Tawheed Al Ibaadah.
In the first category of Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah it means maintaining the Unity of Rabb, Unity of Lordship. Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah is derived from the Arabic word Rabb meaning Lord, Sustainer, Cherisher, meaning that Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) is the creator, the cherisher, the sustainer of everything in the Universe. Everything is dependant on Him and He is independent of anything and everything. Maintaining the unity of lordship of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) that’s called as Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah.
The second category is Tawheed Al Asma Was Sifaat, maintaining the unity if the names and attributes of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala). This is further divided into five sub categories.
Number one is whatever name you give to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) it should be the name that he himself has given him. You cannot give your own names to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala). You cannot say that Allah is Al Ghazib, the angry one. The Qur’an does say he is angry but that’s not one of the names Allah has given himself or the Messenger has given to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).
Number Two, when you describe the attributes of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) you describe it according to how Allah has described himself or the Messenger has described Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) you can’t give your own description and whatever the meaning is you have to take it. You can’t give your own description, allegorical meanings to the description of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).
The third is you cannot give the qualities of the creation of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) to Allah himself. You can’t say that Allah forgets, Na’uzubillah. That’s the quality of his creation you cannot say Allah makes a mistake, like some of the scripture say that God made a mistake, Na’uzubillah. These are the qualities of his creation.
Number four, you cannot give the attributes and qualities of Allah to any of his creation. You can’t say I know a person who is immortal, who’s eternal. These are the qualities of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).
And the fifth category is that you cannot give the name of Allah to any of his creation, if you have to give you have to add ‘Abd’ to it. For example, you cannot say that he is Ar Raheem, you can say Abdur Raheem, the servant of the Most Merciful and you cannot add anything before only Allah, anything else besides Allah, you can’t say Abdur Rasool, he is the servant of Rasool, this is not permitted, it breaks the second category of Tawheed Al Asma Was Sifat.
And the third category is Tawheed Al Ibaadah, maintaining the unity of worship. Ibaadah comes from the Arabic root word ‘Abd’ which means to serve, meaning a slave, meaning a servant, servitude. We have to maintain the unity of worshipping Allah alone and no one else. Tawheed Al Ibaadah means maintaining the unity of worshipping Allah alone and no one else. If you follow the first two categories like Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah saying Allah has got, he’s the Rabb, he’s the sustainer, creator also agreeing with Tawheed Al Asma Was Sifat, giving him good names and attributes, creator etc but if you worship somebody else besides Allah then too your breaking Tawheed. And there are several such examples in the Qur’an. Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) in the Qur’an in
Surah Yunus, Chapter No. 10 Verse No. 31 refers to the pagans of Makkah, refers to the Mushriks and he says that
“When you ask them that who is the one in sustains the things in the heavens and the earth who has power to hear and see, who has the power to give life to the dead and death to the life, who has power to regulate all the affairs, they will say Allah. Then why don’t you show piety to Him”
That means Allah is referring to these pagan Arabs in Makkah. He’s agreeing that they believed in Allah, they called him Allah, they gave him good attributes, good names. Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah was there. Tawheed Al Asma Was Sifat was there, but they worshipped things other than Allah.
And the similar example is given in Surah Zukhruf, Chapter No. 43, Verse No. 87, that
“When you ask these Mushriks that who is the one who gave life to you, they will say Allah. Then why do you join partners with Him”
So here we realize that only following first two categories is not sufficient, following all three categories of Tawheed simultaneously is important. If you break any one of the categories of Tawheed it’s called as Shirk.
‘Shirk’ in Islam is the biggest sin. Shirk in Arabic means ‘associating partners’. In the Islamic terminology it means, ‘Associating partners with Allah. It is the biggest sin. If you break anyone of the three categories of Tawheed, you’re doing Shirk. It’s the biggest sin in Islam and
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Nisa, Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 48,
“Allah forgiveth not that you associate partners with Him anything else if He pleases, He may forgive, but anyone who associates partners with Him has done the most grievous, heinous sin”
The same message is repeated in Surah Nisa, Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 116,
“Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) does not forgive the sin of joining gods with Him, anything else if he pleases he may forgive. But anyone who has joined gods with Allah he has strayed away too far.”
So according to the Qur’an the sin which Allah will never forgive is Shirk. Therefore while doing Da’wah while speaking to anyone human being the best message you can convey is convey the message of Tawheed,
‘Alla Na`buda ‘Illallah
“That we worship none but Allah”
And Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Maidah Chapter No. 5, Verse No. 72, it says,
“Laqad Kafaral Ladhina Qaalu ‘Innallaaha Huwal Masihubnu Maryam”
“They are doing Kufr those who say that: “Allah is Christ the son of Mary.””
“Wa Qaalal Masih”,
“But said Christ”
“Ya Bani ‘Isra’il”,
“O children of Israel!”
“Worship Allah”
“Rabbi Wa Rabbakum”,
“Whose My Lord and your Lord”
“Innahu Mayushrik Billaah”,
“Anyone who associates partners with Allah”
“Faqad Harramallaahu `Alayhil Jannah”
“Allah will make Jannah forbidden for them” Allah will make paradise forbidden for them.
“Wa Ma’wahun Naaru Wa Ma Lilzzalimina Min ‘Ansar”
“And the Fire shall be his dwelling place and he shall have no helpers in the hereafter.”
Jesus Christ (pbuh) said,
“Innahu Mayushrik Billaah”,
“Anyone who associates partners with Allah”
“Faqad Harramallaahu `Alayhil Jannah”
“Allah will make paradise forbidden for him.”
“Wa Ma’wahun Naaru Wa Ma Lilzzalimina Min ‘Ansar”
“And the Fire shall be his dwelling place and he shall have no helpers in the hereafter.”
That’s the reason I started my talk by quoting a verse of the Qur’an from Surah Al Imran, Chapter No. 3 Verse No. 64 which says,
“Qul Ya ‘Ahlal-Kitaab”,
“Say O people of the Book”
“Ta`alaw ‘Ilá Kalimatin Sawa’in Baynana Wa Baynakum”
“Come to common terms as between us and you”
Which is the first term?
“Alla Na`buda ‘Illallah”
“That we worship none but Allah”
Only believing one God is not sufficient, besides believing in one God you also have to worship Him alone and no one else. The first term is,
“Alla Na`buda ‘Illallah”
“That we worship none but Allah, one true Almighty God.”
“Wa La Nushrika Bihi Shay’an”
“That we associate no partners with him”
“Wa La Yattakhidha Ba`duna Ba`dan ‘Arbaban Min Dunillahi”
“That we erect not among ourselves Lords and Patrons other than Allah.”
“Fa’in Tawallaw”
“If then they turn back”
“Faqulush hadu”
“Say ye bear witness”
“Bi’anna Muslimun”
“We are Muslims bowing our will to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).”
And Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Yusuf, Chapter No. 12, Verse No. 106, that
“Most of people do not worship Allah without associating partners with Him”
That means most of the people when they worship Allah they also associate partners with Him. The right thing is worship Him without associating partners.
Allah says in Surah Luqman Chapter No. 31, Verse No. 27, that
“If all the trees on this earth was converted into pens, and all the ocean into ink, backed with seven ocean, yet the words of Allah will not be exhausted.”
I would like to end my talk by giving the quotation of the Glorious Qur’an from Surah Hajj, Chapter No. 22 Verse No. 73 which says,
“Ye men listen to this parable all those who you take for protector besides Allah if all of them gathered to create a fly they cannot even create a fly.”
If all those who you worship besides Allah, even if they gathered they will not be able to create a fly
“And if the fly snatches away something they will not be even able to get it back. Feeble are those who petition, feeble are to those who they petition”
Wa Aakhiru Da’wana Anil Hamdu Lillahi Rabbill Aalameen.
Dr. Zakir Naik
Question & Answer Session
(Duration – 1 hour and 59 Minutes)
Chairman: Now we get into the most interesting part of the evening, the question and answer session. We have three mikes, two for the brothers, one in the front that’s to my left here, one in the back onto my left and one in the right for the sisters. Please give your name and your profession. The preference of order will be for Non-Muslims first, one question at a time. If anybody has to ask the second question they have to get back to the queue and come again. Now I start onto my front left. The first question will be for the Non-Muslim brothers. First will be the mike on to my left, the second back there on to my left and third for the sisters. So we come in a clockwise direction. Yes brother, first give your name and your profession.
Questioner: My name is Krishna Rao. I am working as a General Manager abroad. Luckily today with one of my fortunately with…. I have come here with one of my friend who has brought me here today. Infact, Dr. Zakir, I have seen him on TV and always I had… I mean this is a great opportunity that has, God has given me to see him personally and ask a question which always I had a doubt in my life that why God didn’t create one religion or he didn’t make one religion for everybody So that peace would have been prevailed on this earth? He knew it or He never knew about it that this are the problems which are going to be faced?
Dr. Zakir: The brother’s asked a very good question, very important question. Why did not God create only one religion? Why did he create all the different religions so that there would have been no confusion, no fighting. And I agree with him. It’s a very good question. And if you read the Qur’an,
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Ale Imran ch. No. 3 verse no. 19
“Innad deena inda Allahial-islam”
“The only religion acceptable in the sight of Allah is Islam. Islam means submitting your will to All Mighty God”
So if you read, all the religions, All Mighty God only sent messengers to preach one religion. All the Messengers that came, right from Adam (pbuh) right down, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad peace be upon them all, all the prophets, and our beloved Prophet said there were hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets sent on the face of the earth.
And its mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah Fatir ch. 35 verse no. 24
“In min ummatin illa khalafeeha natheer”
“There is not a nation or a tribe to whom we have not sent a Warner or a guide.”
Allah says in Surah Rad ch no. 13 verse no. 7
“Walikulli qawmin haad”
“And to every people have we sent a warner.”
Now all the messengers that came brother, they taught nothing but submitting their will to All Mighty God and the basic message that all these messengers taught, oneness of God. He did not beget, he has got no mother, he has got no father, he is only one, there’s nothing like him. But due to passage of time all what the Messengers preached, it got corrupted. And if your heard my talk I mentioned that most of the scriptures that came before the Qur’an, they got changed. And Allah says in the Qur’an in several places if we wanted he could made everyone submit his will to God, everyone Muslim. See Muslim, brother; don’t take it as a religion. The real meaning of Islam is it’s a Deen, it’s a way of life, submitting your will to God and Muslim doesn’t mean a person who has a name Zakir, Abdullah, Sultan, Muslim means a person who submits his will to God. If you submit your will to God, in Arabic, I will call you a Muslim. So don’t go on the labels given Sultan, Zakir, Abdullah, Muslim in Arabic means a person who submits his will to God. Anyone who submits his will to God, he’s called as a Muslim. So all the messengers that came they taught that we have to submit our will to God. All of them taught, Monotheism. All taught Tawheed. But by the passage of time all these scriptures kept on changing. And that’s the reason All Mighty God he sent the last and final Messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the last and final revelation Glorious Qur’an. Now all the messengers that came before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), all the revelations that came before the Qur’an they were only meant for those people and for that time. By name 4 are mentioned in the Qur’an, Torah, Injeel, Zaboor and the Qur’an.
Torah is the wahi, the revelation which was given to Moses pbuh.
Zaboor is the wahi given to David pbuh.
Injeel is the wahi, the revalation given to Jesus pbuh and
Qur’an is the last and final revelation given to the last and final messenger given to Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
But Qur’an also says in Surah Rad ch. No. 13 verse no. 38, it says,
“likulli ajalin kitab”
“In every age have We sent a revelation.”
There were several revelations sent down. But all the revelations that came before the Qur’an and all the messengers that came before Prophet Muhammad they were only sent for those people and for that time. That’s the reason All Mighty God did not think it fit to preserve it. But since the Qur’an is the last and final revelation not only sent for the Muslims or the Arabs, it is sent for the whole of humanity. And Prophet Muhammad he is not sent for the Muslims or the Arabs, he has been sent for the whole of humanity that’s the reason he has been prophesied in all the major world religious scriptures.
And this book, the Qur’an, Allah says in Surah Hijr ch. No. 15 verse no. 9
“We have revealed the Qur’an and We shall guard it from corruption.”
So what we realize is that All Mighty God sent messengers to preach only one religion i.e. submitting your will to All Mighty God. In Arabic, I say Islam. Jesus Christ never came to preach Christianity. The word Christianity doesn’t exist in the Bible, do you know that? In the full bible the word Christianity is not there. He didn’t preach Christianity. The word Christian was the nick name given to the followers of Jesus at Antioch. Mentioned in the Book of Acts, nickname.
So Jesus Christ preached Islam. Its mentioned in the Gospel of John ch. No. 5 verse no. 30, Jesus Christ pbuh said that not my will but my Father’s will, God’s will. In Arabic he preached nothing but Islam.
Similarly if you read Bhagvad Geeta, Shri Krishan said that you have to submit your will to God… if you want to say in Arabic he says that you have to accept Islam.
So what we realize that all the messengers taught nothing but submitting your will to God. that’s the reason the Qur’an says in Surah Ale Imran ch. 3 verse no. 19
“Innad deena inda Allahial-islam”
“The only way of life accepted in the sight of God is submitting your will to God.”
What we have to go back to the religious scriptures, go back to the commandment of All Mighty God and submit your will to the commandment of God and then you will be following the straight path. Hope that answers the question brother.
Chairman: Yes, the second question onto my left, the mike behind.
Questioner: Good evening Dr. Zakir Naik. My name is Naresh, I have completed my B.Com and I am looking for a profession in Film Industry. Well, my first question to you is about human evolution. What does the Qur’an say about the human evolution? Because a common man in the common sense thinks that Adam and Eve were the first person, I mean, the cause of human evolution. So if you look into that sense… now for Adam and Eve, he is our great- great- great- great-father I can say so we are like sons and daughters to him. So how does relate for us individuals to marry our own brothers and sisters?
Dr. Zakir: Brother asked a question that what does Qur’an speak about evolution that we came from one common great- great grandparents, Adam and Eve. What he’s talking about is not evolution, it’s about creation. Brother I’m a medical doctor, I’ve passed my MBBS. When you say evolution, theory of evolution, you start thinking of Darwin’s theory, correct? That we have been evolved from Apes. If that’s your question you can refer to my Video cassette Qur’an & Modern Science I have given in detail that, that theory has been proved to be wrong, Darwin’s theory. But your main question is that if we have common great- great grandparents, Adam and Eve how come we are marring our own cousins. That’s your question, correct? It’s not related with monkeys.
Questioner: No it’s not related to monkeys.
Dr. Zakir: Monkey’s question you can refer to my Qur’an and Modern Science.
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Hujurat ch. No. 49 verse no. 13
“Ya ayyuhannasu inna khalaqnakum min zakarin wa onsa waja’alnakum shu’ooban waqaba-ila lita’arafoo inna akramakum inda Allahi atqakum inna Allaha’aleemun khabeer.”
”O Humankind, We have created you from a single pair of male and female, talking about Adam and Eve may peace be upon them. O Humankind, We have created you from a single pair of male and female and have divided you into nations and tribes so that you may recognize each other not that you may despise each other. And the most honored in the sight of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) is the person who has Taqwa, who has God consciousness.”
Now coming to your question, if we have got one common great-great-great grandparents so how come we are marrying our cousins? Today’s science tells us that if you marry, your immediate blood brother and sister, there are high chances of genetic problems. Therefore in Islam and most of the religions marrying your immediate blood, brother and sister, it is prohibited or marrying your immediate blood relations as Qur’an says in Surah Nisa ch. No. 4 verse no. 22, 23, 24 it says that you are not allowed to marry your mother, you aren’t allowed to marry your paternal aunty, your maternal aunty, you are not allowed to marry your sister and the whole list goes on, the immediate blood relations, this is prohibited in the Qur’an and prohibited in most of the religions.
Now as far as marrying second cousins or the first cousins, Islam does not prohibit. 3rd, 4th, 5th most of the religions don’t prohibit but some religions prohibit the marrying of first cousins. Now as far as today’s science tells us that marrying your immediate blood relations, brother-sister or paternal aunty, maternal aunty there are high chances of genetic problems which keeps on decreasing as you keep on… even the first cousins the chances are negligible but there. In third…second cousin, third cousin it is no problem at all. If you marry unknown, even a non-relative, out of the blues yet there can be genetic problem. That is unique but can take place. So based on that in this verse of the Qur’an that Adam and Eve are our common great grandparents therefore we are called as brothers in humanity,
Ya ayyuhan Nas, that we are brothers in humanity.
As far as marrying brothers in humanity, fine as long as they follow the criteria of marriage. There is no problem. Though I agree with you all the human beings they may be your cousins may be third, fourth, fifth, tenth, hundreds, thousands, millions whatever it is, I agree with you we are one big family but there is no prohibition in marrying them and even scientifically its permissible. Only marrying your immediate family members, blood brother, or paternal aunty, maternal aunty there are high chances of genetic problems but the other relatives, So I do agree with you we all human beings are brothers in humanity. There is no problem in marrying them, Islam does not prohibit it and even science does not prohibit that. Hope that answers the question brother.
Chairman: Mike at the back, a Non Muslim brother.
Questioner: Good evening sirs. My name is M.S. Shridharan. I am a bank officer. And I will earning my salary from my bank from the banks main income i.e. interest. I have some Muslim friends who have reservations even taking a food or tea from my home assuming that my source of income is from the main interest income of the bank. Please clarify if the interest as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an is the same that the modern bank is practicing, receiving or paying? Once again my question is incomplete I’m sorry. And I have my own professional difficulty of such… I mean… mobilizing the assets from my Muslim friends are lending loans to them also because they involve receipt or payment of interest. Please clarify the procedures.
Dr. Zakir: Brother being a Non-Muslim. He works in a bank he asked a question that why do Muslims resist; don’t come to his house because he’s earning money from interest. What does it say about interest? And he finds a difficulty in mobilizing funds from the Muslims. Brother the Arabic word motioned is Riba. Riba means interest as well as usury. Some people they think that Riba does not mean interest. But it includes interest as well as usury. Interest according to the dictionary means money earned on money lent. And usury means exorbitant interest. Both usury and interest, both are prohibited.
And the Qur’an mentions the word Riba in no less than 8 different places.
In Surah Ale Imran ch. No. 3 verse no. 130,
in Ch. No. 2 verse no. 275 thrice,
in Surah Baqarah Ch. No. 2 verse no. 276
as well as in Surah Baqarah Ch. No. 2 verse no. 278 and 279.
I’ll just translate the last verse. Surah Baqarah verse no. 278 and 279 says that
“If you give up not your demands of Riba, of interest then take notice of a war from Allah and his Rasool.”
So anyone who deals with interest, gives interest or takes interest, he is waging a war with All Mighty God, Allah and with the Messenger Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallah). It is one of the major sins in Islam, one of the major sins. And one Hadith says that one of the lower level of interest is equivalent to doing Zina, adultery with your mother. Now what is the logic behind it? You can hear my talk on ‘Interest free economy promulgated by the Qur’an’. It’s a big talk. For logically for me to prove to you why interest is Haraam. It will take a few hours which will not be possible now. But in short the reason interest is prohibited because it makes a rich person more rich and a poor person more poor and further more, interest encourages many evils. Like if you know in the 80’s most of the banks funded gambling dens, they funded alcohol bars etc.
In Islam we believing in profit and loss sharing. See today, you being a banker, you know the company which has the least debt is a better company. This interest was started by King George the V (5th), the banking system. He is the main culprit. Previously it wasn’t there and now to make the rich people more rich. If a poor person wants a loan from a bank it is difficult. You want to see what is his assets, how much is he earning. So it’s more difficult for a poor man to get loan.
And further more if you analyze the top companies, the top companies they are debt free companies. Therefore today we find stock listing. You know Anil Ambani, he floated the Reliance power. How many? 1.1 lakh corers. He got hundred times more than what he wanted. No bank could have given him so much money. What he did? He floated, stock. What is stock? It is Islamic system, profit and loss sharing. Correct? In interest it is Haraam because there are many negative factors. In Islam we believe in profit and loss sharing. You know you buy shares, you buy shares of a company, if you make profit, you get profit. If you make loss, you make a loss. It’s not fixed. 8%, 9% and the other person makes a lot of money. So what they do, they float shares. So if you buy stock of a Halaal company as long it’s not a alcohol company, its not bank, its not Haraam activity, it is Islamic.
So we in Islam believe in profit & loss sharing. Anil Ambani, he floated he got hundred times more than what he wanted, correct? 1.1 lakh crores in one hour itself he got more than 10 times than what he wanted. Why? People thought okay if I invest with Anil Ambani I’ll not get that fixed 8%, 9%, 10%, I’ll make 20%, 30%, 50%, you know, and the mutual funds if you are a banker G.M. Basics, no. 1, 116% in one year. So what in Islam we believe in profit and loss sharing. That’s the reason Riba, fixed interest; fixed amount on money earned on money lent is Haraam. For more details refer to my video cassette ‘Interest free economy promulgated by the Qur’an’ that’s the reason if you change your bank from a conventional bank to Islamic bank, InshaAllah, you’ll have Muslim customers, InshaAllah.
And today the Indian government, the RBI, the finance minister hasn’t given permission for a true Islamic bank. But there are people approaching him, I myself spoke to Chidambaram when he came to Saudi Arabia and there are high possibilities, Manmohan Singh, our Prime minister, initially he was our finance minister, he understands finance better. There are high possibilities, InshaAllah-InshaAllah, he is studying the system along with the Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, and the Finance Minister, Mr. Chidambaram, there are high possibilities that very soon that we’ll have a Islamic system. And you surely see to it that you join an Islamic bank. That’s the reason today Citibank has Islamic window, HSBC has Islamic window, most of the International Banks have Islamic window, Why? Because there they find, they’ll make more profit and they’ll give more profit to their clients. It is Islamic.
So if we follow the Shariah, the Qur’an and Sahih hadith you also earn and you let others also earn. Hope that answers the question brother.
Chairman: Can I take a question from a Non-Muslim sister onto my right?
Questioner: My name is Shaanti, my friend Abdul brought me here. Actually I never expected a mass so, you know, huge and though I have been in conversation with this friend Abdul he has cleared a few doubts but coming here after especially hearing you sir I am appalled… appalled by the truth of Islam. But here you… you’ve given the name Peace but in the world so much strive is going on and when there’s something called Peace which you have to go in search of. Don’t you think that you need to address the world in, you know, on the whole?
Dr. Zakir: Sister’s asked a question that she had a little knowledge about Islam from her friend. She came to this talk, she is impressed with the audience, she is appalled with the knowledge and my speech and she said that shouldn’t we speak about peace throughout the world, to the world at large. Sister if you really appreciated the talk and really impressed with the matter I have spoken I would suggest that, I would request you to accept this religion of submitting your will to God. And if you accept, submitting your will to God then is the time you can get true peace. Islam comes from the root word ‘Salaam’ which means peace. Its also derived from the Arabic word ‘Silm’ which means to submit your will to God. So the best way you can get peace is by submitting your will to All Mighty God so first of all, I’ll come to the rest of the world, I am first interested in you sister, directly because you asked a question. First I’d like you to be at total peace. So my request is that if you accept the way of life of submitting your will to All Mighty God and be at peace. I would be very happy sister.
As far as telling the world at large about peace, this is an exhibition, a conference, Peace – The Vision of Islam. We have such exhibitions and this is the 4th such exhibition. We had a similar one in Bombay a couple of months back, from the 23rd of November to 2nd of December in Bombay and the audience here what you see, on the last day, was multiple times more, 200 thousand so if this impressed you may be 10-15 thousand that was 20 times more in Bombay. More than 200 thousand for the last talk of mine. The topic was ‘Peace – The solution for Humanity’ or ‘Is Islam the Solution for Humanity?’ And I do agree with you that these small number 10 thousand, 15 thousand, 200 thousand in Bombay is a very small number. We should proclaim it to the world at large. That’s the reason 2 years back we have started a channel by the name of Peace TV. And this Peace TV, Alhamdulillah, in the past 2 years, at present, it reaches throughout the world, all the countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, Alhumdulillah. And today it has the reaches more than 90% of the world. They can watch if they want to watch but the people that are watching are more than 75 million. It is the largest watched Islamic Channel, Alhumdulillah. Percentage wise little bit more than 1% of the human population. So at least I can bear witness to All Mighty God on the Day of Judgment that we at least gave the message to 1% of the human population, 75 million. We pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) may the viewer ship increase but those who want to watch you only have to put a dish may be of 6,000 Rupees, less than $200 and almost any part of the world you can watch this channel. So we are also conveying this message of Peace, Islam throughout the world. But now I am interested sister that hope you accept this message of Peace.
Questioner: Yes sir, thank you.
Dr. Zakir: Yes the question from this brother onto my left
Questioner: I’m Nanda Gopal, I am a journalist. My question is despite striking similarity of the Concept of God in most of the religions why there is absolutely no compassion and increased intolerance between religions? How do you think this can be stopped? It’s easy to tell to the world because we don’t know where is the world? But you can tell us from a point how it can be stopped at the individual level?
Dr. Zakir: The brother’s asked a very good question that in spite of the striking resemblance, commonalities, similarities between the various world religions why is there intolerance towards the different religions? Why? The basic reply according to me brother it is the people who are the religious leaders. Therefore I say that if you want to understand your religion go back to your scriptures but unfortunately the Thekedars of religion, they want to hold their flock together and they don’t want the masses to read the religious scriptures. Because if the masses read the religious scriptures and follow the religious scriptures directly who will go to them? So the best way is, go back to your scriptures, understand the scripture and follow it. What we realize that though we know very well that all the major religions, they say God is one, God has got no images, there’s no idol worship, yet we find that most of the religions besides Islam, they believe in idol worship. Why?
Because for example if you ask a Hindu priest that Your Vedas are absolutely crystal clear that God has got no image. He will tell me “Yes Dr. Naik I know it’s absolutely clear but…” the ‘but’ comes. God has got no images for the people of higher consciousness. For the people of lower consciousness, they require idol to concentrate. I said where is that mentioned in the scripture? He’ll say No-No that is our philosophy. So religious leaders they bring their philosophy and say that idol is used for concentration. “I do agree with you” they tell me “Dr. Naik the Vedas are against idol worship”, the Vedas are against All Mighty God having images but that is for people of higher consciences. So I tell them that dear Pandatji, Dear Swamiji we Muslims have already reached the higher consciousness, we don’t require any image.
So what we require in this way most of the religious leaders or the priest or the Pandits of most of the religions what they do same way I proved to you very clearly that Jesus Christ (pbuh) he never claimed divinity yet you find that the priest will tell you believe that Jesus Christ (pbuh) died for your sins and you’ll get salvation. Now where did Jesus Christ say that (pbuh)? So what we realize that’s the reason I tell the Hindus go back to your Vedas, I tell the Christian go back to your scriptures. I know there are differences brother. I am not saying that there are no differences in the religions. I can give a longer talk on the differences between Islam, Hinduism & Christianity but what do I say to all the human beings at least believe that one scripture is 100% the word of God. Now most of the human beings won’t have a problem accepting that. The Hindu will say I have got no problem in accepting Vedas as the word of God. The Christian will say I have got no problem accepting Bible to be the 100% the word of God. The Muslim will say I have got no problem in accepting the Qur’an to be the word of God. Then I tell at least let us follow what is common in these scriptures. What is different we will discuss it tomorrow. Let us agree to follow what is common and in my speeches I try and get the commonalities and I prove that all the major scriptures whether it be Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Parsism, Sikhism, Islam all of them say there is one God, he has got no images, He’s not begotten, he has got no parents, lets worship this one God.
All the major scriptures Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Parsism they say there is a Messenger to come his name is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). I can give a talk on Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in the Hindu scriptures. I can give a talk on Muhammad sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in the major world religions. So I say let us agree there is one God who is not begotten, has got no images, has got no idol. Second point, all the major scriptures say there is a Messenger to come and this final Messenger, his name is Prophet Muhammad.
It’s mentioned in the Bible in the Gospel of John ch. No. 16 verse no. 12 to 14, Jesus Christ pbuh says
“I have many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now but for he when the sprit of truth shall come, he shall guide you unto all truth. He shall not speak of himself all that he hears shall he speak, he shall glorify me.”
New Testament talking about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Old Testament, Book of Deuteronomy ch. No. 18 verse no. 18 speaks about the coming of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). Book of Deuteronomy ch. No. 18 verse no. 19 speaks about Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).In the Book of Isaiah ch. No. 29 verse no. 12 speaks about the coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Song of Solomon Ch. No. 5 verse no. 16 in the Old Testament speaks about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In the New Testament Gospel of John ch no. 14 verse no. 16, Gospel of John ch. No. 15 verse no. 26, Gospel of John ch no. 16 verse no. 7, Gospel of John ch. No. 16 verse no. 12 to 14 all these speak about coming of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).
I can only give references Hindu scripture, if you read the Hindu scriptures Bhavishya Purana Parv 3, Khand 3, Adya 3 Sholkas 5 to 8, Bhavishya Purana Parv 3, Khand 3, Adya 3 Sholkas 10 to 27 speak about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Atharva Veda speaks about Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). Rig Veda speaks about Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).
You can give a lecture and in the Kalki Purana it speaks about Kalki Avtar to come. It says that the name of his father will be Vishnuyas, means the servant of God. In Arabic Abdullah which was the name of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam’s). farther.
His mother’s name would be Sumati which means serenity, calm, peace in Arabic it means Aamina which was the name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
It’s mentioned that he’ll be born on the 12th month of Madhav, that’s 12th Rabbi Awwal. It’s mentioned that he’ll have 4 companions talking about the first four Khulfa Rashdeen. It says he will be born in a city of peace talking about Makkah. It says that he will be born in the chief of the tribe of Makkah…. on and on and on… talking about no one but last and final Messenger.
So I tell leave aside the differences let us agree on the commonalities in Hinduism, in Christianity, in Judaism, in Parsism, in Buddhism, in Islam that is that is one God, He begets not, He has got no images, worship him and no one else, the last and final messenger to come is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). So if you agree with these commonalities and you follow his message, all will be united. But the people who are Thekedar of religion, you know Thekedar, means the priest of religion they don’t want to lose their flock. So they prevent the followers to read their scripture. Believe me I have got no problems with Hindus, they love me, they respect me. Believe me, people normally feel scared to speak about religion, I love it. And believe the Non Muslims respect me many a times more than the Muslims. When I walk through the customs, the non Muslim custom officer “Dr. Zakir Naik! Jo bhi kahenge sach kahenge, sach ke sive kuch nahi kehenge.” He will speak the truth, nothing but the truth. As though I am taking oath in the court of law.
So what we realize we speak the truth. So I do agree with you brother the difference of intolerance is because of the religious priest, the religious leaders. Therefore we have to make the scriptures common and come to a common term and the whole humanity would be one brotherhood. Hope that answers the question brother.
Chairman: Thank you Dr. Zakir Naik. Yes can we take a question onto my left? The mike behind…
Questioner: My name is Pascal. I’m a teacher by profession. I’m a Christian. Taking for granted that you agree the Gospel translated into English which we Christians believe. I will quote these examples. No. 1 in all the 4 Gospels when Christ came out of the waters of Baptism there was a voice from heaven saying “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, Listen you to him.” In the same way no. 2 on Mount Tabor when he was transfigured and when his face shown like the sun there was a voice from heaven saying “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Listen you to him.” And some of the times when he cast out the devils they came out of the men proclaiming “Thou son of the living God why have you come to torture us before the time.” And again before the high priest when the high priest asked to him “In the name of the living God, I ask thee are you the son of the living God?” Christ says “Thou has said it” And the priest, and the no. 5 the high priest of the scribes when they accused Jesus before the pilot they said “This man says he is the son of God. He is blaspheming according to our religion. Therefore we want to crucify him” Pilot didn’t know about it. The very reason why they wanted to put Christ on the cross is that he claimed himself to be the son of God because even though he didn’t directly say I’m the son of God, he’s indirectly said. Suppose I say you are Dr. Zakir Naik and you are MBBS doctor and you tell me yes brother you have said it. It’s not about saying that yourself saying I’m Dr. Zakir Naik, MBBS in the same way Christ even though he didn’t say I am the son of God, he has approved it. Perhaps out of modesty he didn’t say I’m the son of God. Again one more example…
Dr. Zakir: Brother, brother your question… brother your question you’ve already quoted 5 verses without giving references. What’s your question brother?
Questioner: No-no I have not come prepared for that. That’s why I not quote…
Dr. Zakir: Fine I’ll give you the reference, no problem brother. I’ll give you the reference, I’ll help you. I’ll help you brother, no problem. What’s your question? Do you mean to say by quoting all these 5 things Jesus claimed divinity?
Questioner: YES!
Dr. Zakir: Fine. I’ll give you a reply. My challenge brother was point out a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that ‘I am God’ or where he says ‘worship me’ I am ready to accept Christianity. You did not point out a single statement, unequivocal statement, in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that I am God or where he says worship me. Here is the Bible brother, this is the King James Version and since you are a teacher and you claim to be a Pastor… you are a Pastor?
Questioner: No, No, No
Dr. Zakir: You are a teacher?
Questioner: I’m a teacher and honorably believer of Christianity.
Dr. Zakir: Fine. There is something like a Red Letter Bible. Whatever Jesus Christ said, it is in red. Now you mentioned 5 things and these things can be clubbed into two things. First you quoted that everywhere… you didn’t quote correctly. What you wanted to quote was the Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16 which says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die but have everlasting life.” It is not in all the 4 Gospels, it is only in Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16. Please note it down you can check it up. Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die but have everlasting life.” And again you quoted in the ending the fifth time that “Jesus Christ said he was the son of God” you said that.
Do you know Bible has got sons of God by the tons… If you read the Bible Adam was the son of God pbuh, Ephraim was the son of God; Israel was a son of God. If you read the Romans ch. No. 8 it says
“All those who are led by the sprit of God they are sons of God.”
If you are a godly person, you are son of God. If I am a Godly person I’m a son of God according to the Bible. But they say no, no, no, no, no, no… Jesus Christ is not a normal son he is the begotten son. As far as your last question son of God, Bible has got sons of God by the tons. Adam is son of God, Ephraim is son of God, Israel is son of God. All those who are led by the sprit of God they are sons of God but the Christian missionary tells me no, no, no Jesus Christ is not a normal son, coming to your first question, he is the begotten son.
And then they quote which you didn’t quote me I am helping you brother, Gospel of John ch. 3 verse no. 16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die but have everlasting life.” Brother, do you know the meaning of the word ‘begotten’? What is the meaning of the word ‘begotten’?
Questioner: No.
Dr. Zakir: What is the meaning of the word ‘begotten’?
Questioner: Begotten is not the sense in which you human sense. See the word ‘begotten’…
Dr. Zakir: I am asking you the meaning of the word ‘begotten’.
Questioner: YES I KNOW.
Dr. Zakir: What is the meaning of the word ‘begotten’?
Questioner: Begotten there are 2 senses. When you say.. When you say of a human being he say begotten means the flesh and blood of his is his son. But when you say of God begotten son it doesn’t mean itself a body, is begotten him. It is to say the close association between the Father and the son that’s all.
Dr. Zakir: If you say son, I say suppose someone comes here and I tell him “O my son” he will not mind because he’s a young boy if I tell him that “Son come here” he will come. If I say “begotten son come here” he may punch me on my jaw insinuating that I had, Na’uzbillah, I had sex with his mother. Fine? If I tell to a small boy “begotten son” or a young boy may be 23 years, you know, I am more than 40 if I say “Begotten son come here” he may punch me on my jaw. Why? Begotten means sired by God. Sired, it belongs to the lower animal functions of sex.
And that’s the reason if you read the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, revised by 32 Christian Scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 different Christian Denominations, they say this word ‘begotten’ in Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16 is an interpolation, is a concoction, is a fabrication and they threw it out of the Bible. Do you know that? If you read the revised standard version of the Bible which is the best seller, revised by 32 Christian Scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 different Christian Denominations they say this word ‘begotten’ in an interpolation, is a concoction, is a fabrication. So the word begotten has been thrown out. So if you say son, God has got sons by the tons in the Bible. So coming to your first question and your last question I have answered it.
Coming to your second and third which you mentioned that he drove out the devils, quote the full verse. You haven’t quoted to me the full verse. Which I quoted in my talk according to the
Gospel of Matthew ch. No. 12 verse no. 28 he said
“I cast out devils with the sprit of God”
Gospel of Luke ch. No. 11 verse no. 20
“I with the finger of God cast out devils”
It doesn’t say he alone does it. He does it with the help of God. That does not mean he’s God. All these verses you quoted they clearly mention that he was a Messenger of God. He wasn’t God himself. That’s the reason I challenged you point out a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that I am God or where he says worship me. And I am ready to accept Christianity. No where Jesus ever said that… just if I tell to the son “Son come here” that does not make him my begotten son. Fine? So same way if you tell me that I will call you Dr. Zakir Naik, fine? And if I don’t object that doesn’t…..It may be true, may be wrong. People say Dr. Zakir Naik Scholar, I don’t consider myself to be a scholar. I consider myself to be a student of knowledge. So people call me scholar and if I continue that doesn’t mean I accept it, they consider me to be a scholar and I don’t consider myself to be a scholar…. always refer to myself as a student of knowledge. A Talibe-ilm.
So you, what you have to point out from the Bible is anywhere in the Bible it should be in red letter, red letter means the words of Jesus Christ (pbuh) point out a single statement, unequivocal statement, an unambiguous statement from the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself said that “I am God” or where he says “worship me”, I’m ready to accept Christianity.
Chairman: Can I take a question from a Non Muslim sister onto my right?
Questioner: My name is Laxmi, I am a journalist. I have two questions the first one is on family planning. I was told by another Muslim friend of mine that you don’t encourage family planning. Now I’m sure probably my grandmother’s generation were more than happy to produce 10-15 children but given the state of affairs today I mean how is it possible to put a stop if you don’t have family planning? Now the second question is; Muslim men are allowed to marry 4-5 times, I think. And they don’t require their wife’s permission, you know, the first wife’s permission to marry. I mean correct me if I am wrong to marry more number of times. So I actually don’t see any logic in this because I believe its one man…one woman that’s the institution of marriage. So please clarify. Thank you.
Dr. Zakir: Sister’s asked 2 questions. Very good questions but long answers. First question is family planning that she said that, the sister, in my grand mother’s time, produce more children, good but now the world is changing. Let see whether your grandmother is right or you are right.
Now is Islam as far as family planning is concerned, family planning is a big word but there is unanimous agreement that as far as permanent method is concerned all the Islamic scholars everyone agreed that it is Haram, Tubectomy, Vasectomy its prohibited. Even abortion it’s prohibited unless it is to save the life of the mother, in that case you can do a permanent method, you can do abortion. For example the doctor tells you that that the lady has heart problem and if she conceives again it may be a danger to her life or if she has multiple cesarean sections 3, 4, 5 one more child will be detrimental to her health then any method is permitted. So as far as permanent methodis concerned, abortion is concerned, unanimous agreement it is Haraam because Qur’an says in Surah Anam in ch. No. 6 verse no. 151 that
“Kill not your children for want of sustenance for its Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala), All Mighty God who will give sustenance to you and your children.”
The message is repeated in Surah Isra Ch. No. 17 verse no. 31
“Kill not your children for want of sustenance for it is Allah Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala), All Mighty God who gives sustenance to you and your children.”
Here we realize based of this verse of the Qur’an killing children is prohibited.
Further more as far as temporary method is concerned I being a medical doctor, as far as contraception is concerned the most common is the Copper T and we learnt in the Medical College that it’s a contraception but we realized that its not a contraception, it’s a contra implantation. The Ovum and the sperm has already met, they formed the Zygote but it is a very early abortion. It’s called as contraception, the right technical word is Contra Implantation. And if you let your imagination a bit ahead it is nothing but an early abortion. So this too is prohibited. The difference of opinion as far as temporary method is concerned. But our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) one person approached the Prophet and said that he used to do Azal i.e. coitus interruptes breaking the act and preventing the fluid of the male to enter the female’s body. The Prophet was silent. Now one group of scholars said that because the prophet was silent he permitted. The other group of scholars said because he was silent he prohibited. Difference of opinion but let’s get back to the main reason.
So as far as Copper T is concerned that too is prohibited, OC pills, oral contraceptive it changes the physiology of the body.
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Rum ch. No. 30 verse no. 30
“Do not change the physiology of the body”
And I being a medical doctor I know there are so many complications for that. Now coming to the basic question that why should a person want to do family planning? Is the basic question. Lets treat the cause, you know, we as medical doctors we prefer treating, killing the germs rather than symptomatic treatment. One thing is symptomatic the other is knowing the cause and killing the cause. Now broadly, majorly there can be 2 reasons why a person wants to do family planning.
One can be because he is poor and poverty prevents him from looking after many children. The other reason may be he’s rich but having more children more spacing he can make them doctors, engineers, etc.
Now coming to the first reason that if a person is poor Islam has the solution for poverty, don’t kill human beings, the solution is Zakaat. In Islam, one of the pillars of Islam is every rich Muslim who has a saving of more than the Nisaab level, more than 85 grams of gold, he or she should give 2.5% of that saving every lunar year in charity. If every rich human being gives Zakaat, poverty will be eradicated from this world. There will not be a single human being who will die of hunger. As far as poverty is there the solution is Zakaat, its not killing human beings.
Now second reason may be I’m rich, I’ve got money but I want to make my son a doctor, but I want to make an engineer so I give spacing. Less children, I can take care of them better. Sister I am the 5th child of my parents, if my parents would have done family planning I wouldn’t have been here today. And do you know sister I am a medical doctor. You know because today’s society the best profession they say is Medical Doctor, right? Am I a boon or a bane for society? Sister, 5th child of my parents, if my parents would have done family planning I wouldn’t have been here. But I gave up my profession of a doctor for a better profession that is spreading the truth.
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Fussilat ch. 41 verse no. 33
“Waman ahsanu qawlan mimman da’aila Allahi wa’amila salihan waqalainnanee mina almuslimeen”
“Who is better in speech than one who invites people to the Lord, to All Mighty God, works righteousness and says I am the one who submits my will to All Mighty God.”
I chose to be a doctor because I thought it was the best profession. It is a good profession I am not against it but I found a better profession from a doctor of a body, I became a doctor of a soul. If I was a medical doctor you wouldn’t have found 10-15 thousand people here, right? You didn’t come to hear a doctor of a body; you came to hear a doctor of a soul. So when I found a better profession I changed from a doctor of a body to a doctor of a soul, so am I a boon or a bane for society? So it’s a fallacy as far as spacing is concerned All Mighty God has given a natural spacing known as Lactation Amenorrhea, breast feeding. The moment you breast feed automatic there is spacing but today’s modern women they don’t want to breast feed because they will lose their figure. All Mighty God has given Lactation Amenorrhea.
So now there is a fallacy what people think that if you have less children, you can educate them better. If you analyze and check the history of the noble prize winners all of them were not the single child. Many were second child, third child, fourth child, fifth child they were noble prize winners, they were intelligent. So it is a misunderstanding. That’s the reason the Qur’an in Surah Anam ch. 6 verse 151 and Surah Isra ch 17 verse 31 it sounds similar.
The first verse Surah Anam ch. 6 verse 151 says
“Kill not your children for want of sustenance for it is Allah Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala), All Mighty God who will give sustenance to you and your child”
This verse is referring to the poor people that if they have one more child even I will die and my children will die.
The next verse of Surah Israh ch. 17 verse 31 the order is reversed
“Kill not your children for want of sustenance for it is All Mighty God who will give sustenance to your child and you.”
Why is the order reversed? Second verse refers to the rich people. Don’t worry if he has more children he will not die, he is worried about his children. So God says he will take care of his children as well as you
And now we realize sister that if you go to America they encourage population and the children wear a T-Shirt “I am my father’s tax saver” the more children you have the less tax you pay. Same in Canada, same in Australia. In India its opposite “Hum doh hamare doh” “Ek ke baad abhi nahi, doh ke baad kabhi nahi” it is the problem with Indian government. You know China, has the maximum population, India no. 2 Do you know sister today the two super power in future which countries are they? China and India, why? Because of population.
So your grandmother is correct. The more population you have the chances of the country to improve. China today is the country which is the maximum improving and India is neck to neck fighting with China.
So the difference of opinion who will be super power in the next 20 years. Some say India some say China, why? America is nowhere, Australia is nowhere, Canada is nowhere. So sister population is a boon, it’s not a bane. You should know how to utilize it. We don’t know how to utilize it. What we have to tell the government you change your laws to utilize the man force, to utilize the population. So your grandmother was correct that the more children you have she will also be better.
And there is a 3rd category sister they aren’t poor, they aren’t bothered about less children I can take care of them better then what they say “Who wants to take the headache of upbringing the children?” you know I am rich no problem with money, I am not bothered whether my son becomes a doctor or an engineer but who wants to take care of looking after the children, 3rd category. You know there are certain communities, you know even Gujratis they marry early, they have children early and by the time they are 35 years old, 40 years old their child is 15 years, 20 years they are sitting on the seat of their business of their father. So by the time they reach 45 they can retire. They don’t have to wait till 60 years. Marry early, have children, children take care of their business, and they relax early. So even the third category if they want to enjoy life it is better they marry early, they have children, they take care of their business, they’ll enjoy life better. So that’s the reason as far as planning is concerned
Allah says in Surah Ale Imran Ch. No. 3 verse no. 54
“Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu wallahukhayru almakireen”
“They planned and plotted Allah too planned, Allah is the best of planners.”
So if you feel All Might God can plan your family better, leave it to All Mighty God. If you can think you can do better, the choice is yours. I believe in All Mighty God, I let him plan my family and that’s the reason I’m here.
Coming to your second question, in Islam men marry 4 times, 5 times and they don’t ask permission from the first wife, why? As far as Polygyny is concerned a man having more than one wife, Islam is the only religion and Qur’an in the only religious scripture on the face of the earth which says ‘marry only one’. There is no religious scripture besides the Qur’an, I am a student of comparative religion which says marry only one. There’s no verse in the Bible, no verse in the Bhagvad Geeta, no verse in the Veda which says marry only one except the Qur’an. If you read the Hindu scriptures in Ramaayan the father of Shri Ram how many wives did he have? How many wives?
Questioner: More than one.
Dr. Zakir: More than one, 3 wives. Fine… Shri Krishan according to Mahabharata how many wives did he have?
Questioner: Unlimited.
Dr. Zakir: not unlimited, you don’t know your scripture well.
Questioner: No.
Dr. Zakir: Did he have 4 wives? No.
Questioner: I have no idea.
Dr. Zakir: Not 4, not 100, not 1,000, 16,108 wives. How many wives he had? 16,108 so why can’t we Muslims have 4? What’s the problem? When Shri Krishna can have 16,108 wives why can’t we have 4?
Further if you read the Vishnu Purana ch no. 24 verse no. 1 it says
“A Brahmin can have up to 4 wives”
If you read the Jewish scriptures it gives you permission to have as many wives as you wish. If you read the Christian Bible it gives you permission to as many wives as you wish. If you read the Bible, Abraham had 3 wives. Solomon, how many wives did he have? He had 700 wives. It is later on, the Church has put a ban that Christian should marry only one, not the Bible. It is the Jewish community married more than one wife. It was in 1950 that Chief Rabbi, Passed the Synoid, that Jews should marry only one. So it is the Rabbi not the Jewish scriptures. And according to Hindu scriptures you can marry as many as you wish it is the Indian Government, in 1954 passed a law called the Hindu Special Marriage Act. Hindu Special Marriage Act which says Hindu should marry only one. It is not the religious scriptures, it is not Baghvad Geeta, it is not Ramaayan, it is not Mahabharata, it is not Veda it is the Indian penal court.
The Indian government which has passed a law in 1954 that Hindus should marry only one but according to the statistics of the status of the women in Islam.
If you read the government documents on page no. 66, 67 it says that Muslims do polygamous marriages, you know what’s the percentage in India? 4.3% How much? In India 4.3 % of the Muslim men do polygamous marriages. The statistics between 1951 to 1961 Hindus how many? 5.06, .7% more than the Muslims in India, according to the Indian government even though it is prohibited according to the Indian law yet they do more polygamous marriages than the…than the Muslims. Why?
Now let’s analyze what does the Qur’an say, Qur’an says in Surah Nisa Ch. 4 verse no. 3
“Marry women of your choice in twos, threes or fours but if you can’t do justice marry only one.”
This statement marry only one is only given in the Qur’an and no other religious scripture, It says marry women of your choice in twos, threes or fours but if you can’t do justice marry only one. So if you want to marry more than one woman one of the criteria of the Qur’an is you should do justice. If you can’t do justice you should marry only one.
Now what are the reasons, logical reasons a person can think that why has Islam permitted certain men to have more than one wife? Many Non-Muslims think it is Fard, it is compulsory for a Muslim man to have more than one woman, to have more than one wife. It’s not compulsory, it is optional, it’s not Fard, it’s not compulsory. How many Muslims men do you know who have more than one wife? How many do you know sister? How many do you know?
Questioner: A few.
Dr. Zakir: How many?
Questioner: A few again
Dr. Zakir: Few means 1, 2, 3 how many?
Questioner: Ya at least about 3.
Dr. Zakir: about 3. Have you heard of Dharmendra?
Questioner: Yaa.
Dr. Zakir: How many wives he has?
Questioner: 2
Dr. Zakir: Muslim or non Muslim?
Questioner: Non-Muslim.
Dr. Zakir: Non Muslim.
Dr. Zakir: Your previous chief minister, what’s her name?
Questioner: Jai Lalita
Dr. Zakir: Yes Hindu or Muslim? … Hindu or Muslim?
Questioner: Hindu.
Dr. Zakir: Hindu, fine. Now these are famous personalities. Fine. How many famous personalities you know in India who have got more than one wife? The three you know may be locality, fine?
Questioner: Ya
Dr. Zakir: Local may be friend, in your neighborhood, may be your colleague. In India there are more Non-Muslims having more than one wife than the Muslims.
Now let us understand what are the logical reasons? Come back to logic now, now by nature if you ask any medical doctor he will tell you male and female are born on equal proportion. Girls and boys are born in equal proportion but any medical doctor, any pediatrician; any children doctor will tell you that the female sex, the female child is stronger than the male child. That’s the reason there are more deaths in the male children as compared to the female children. So in children’s age itself the female children are much more than the male children. As life go on there are people dying due to accidents, due to alcoholism, due to war there are more male dying as compared to females. Today if you analyze in the world there are more females in the world as compared to males. There are few third world countries like India where the male population in more than the female population and do you know why? The reason is because of female feticide and female infanticide.
According to an article, a programme which came on BBC by the name ‘Let her Die’ the programme was assignment. There was a British reporter by the name of Emily Buchanan, she comes to India and she says that every year in India more than 1 million fetuses are being aborted after they are identified that they are females. She says more than 3,000 every day. You multiply, more than a million every year. According to the Tamil Nadu government hospital report, she gives the statistics, out of ten females born alive; do you know how many are put to death? Four…Sister did you know that? Tamil Naidu, your state, your beloved state. According to the government statistics out of 10 female born alive in the government hospital, 4 are put to death. There are bill boards put in Rajasthan and here which says that
“Spend five hundred rupees and save five hundred thousand rupees.”
You know what does it indicate? Spend five hundred rupees, do ultra Sonography, do Amniocentesis and identify the child you are carrying is a female, abort her and save five lakh rupees, five hundred thousand rupees. May be a couple of hundred thousand rupees upbringing her and the remaining hundred thousand in dowry. If you stop this evil practice in India, our beloved country, stop this female infanticide, stop the female feticide even in India the population of female will be more than the male population.
If you see the rest of the world, if you see New York alone there are one million females more than males. In USA alone there are 7.8 million females more than males. In UK alone there are 4 million females more than males. In Germany alone there are 5 million females more than males. In Russia alone there are 9 million females more than males and God alone knows how many millions of females are more than males throughout the world.
Suppose I agree with your philosophy sister, you said, one man – one woman. If I agree with you sister, with your philosophy one man-one woman and suppose my sister happens to be in America or your sister happens to live in America and suppose the market is saturated. One man – one woman, saturated. Yet there will be 7.8 million females who will not find life partners. One man – one woman. Now the option for these 7.8 million females is either marry a man who already has a wife or become public property. You’ll say Dr. Zakir Naik ‘public property’ such a harsh word. Sister it is the most sophisticated word I can use. I cannot use a more sophisticated word than public property.
According to the statistics of America do you know on an average a man before he settles down with a wife he has 8 different sexual partners. Do you know that? ….on an average 8. Some may have 1 some may have 10 some may have 20, 8 sexual partners before he settles down with one. So the only option remaining, so if my sister happens to live in America or if your sister happens to live in America and the option is given to her and suppose the market is saturated, every man has found a woman for himself and unfortunately my sister or if your sister happens to be one of the women who has not found a life partner. The only option for them is either marry a man who already has a wife or become public property. Any modest woman would opt for the first. Sister what would you opt for your sister? Marrying a man who already has a wife or become a public property?
Questioner: My sister is too young to be married.
Dr. Zakir: when she grows up and if she happens to go to America or if you happen to be in America?
Questioner: Her choice.
Dr. Zakir: What would you prefer for her, you are the elder sister. Would you prefer her becoming a public property or marry a man who already has a wife and get equal rights. In Islam if you have a second wife you get equal rights. In America the public property has got no rights, she is degraded, she is dishonored. In Islam she has her equal rights, she gets honor. What would you prefer for your younger sister when she grows up? Sometimes it’s difficult to speak the truth sister, correct? Especially in front of such a large audience. Anyway I have got your answer sister.
Questioner: Thank you.
Dr. Zakir: And your silence speaks for that. So that’s the reason in Islam sister men have been allowed to marry more than one wife is to protect the women not to degrade her.
Regarding your question is it compulsory that the husband should take the permission of the wife. It’s not compulsory because if she wants to protect, if that man wants to protect another woman a normal woman, I agree with you sister no woman under normal circumstances would like to share the husband. You have to agree. This is human nature. But If the woman is a good Muslimah, is a good Muslim woman what she says? Let a small loss take place to prevent a big loss. She will say I know sharing my husband is a loss for me but I would prefer letting a small loss take place for me to prevent my sister becoming public property. She is a good human being. So she would surely give permission to the husband to marry a second woman, If she is a good Muslim woman but talking permission is not Fard, it is preferable. But at least informing is a requirement so that he does justice between the two wives. Hope that answers the question sister.
Questioner: Thank you.
Chairman: Brother onto my left in the front mike. Yes brother your name and your profession please?
Questioner: I am Apaul. My profession, I’m a post-graduate teacher. You call me as a ‘brother’ then what is the difference between the brother and Muslim brother? Second one, I saw that in the exhibition there is the musical instrument put into your… you are not suppose to them, musical instrument. My brothers are not suppose to use the musical instrument means some of the instruments make the mind calm and brings a alpha level. That is Qadar Ibrahim, Malaysia he said that. So is it is the correct reason? I want a correct reason.
Dr. Zakir: Brother asked two questions. The first question is that you call me ‘brother’ so what’s the difference me and the Muslim? There are 2 types of brother in Islam. One is brother in humanity, one is brother in faith. Now all the human beings whether Muslim or Non Muslim he is my brother in humanity because we have common grandparents, Adam and Eve, correct? Now a Muslim is my brother in faith. So if you accept Islam, if you accept, if you submit your will to God from brother of humanity I will call you brother in Faith. So today if you say fine I want to submit my will to God, I want to get peace so from brother I will call you brother in faith.
Two types of brothers, brother in humanity, brother in faith.
Coming to your second question. In the exhibition you saw a cross on the musical instruments; some musical instruments bring serenity, calmness to the mind according to some Malaysian you quoted. So why is it prohibited? If you read there are various hadith of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) who has prohibited Musical instruments, he did permit duff, one side open drum. During weddings, during Eid etc. but as far as all the other instruments are concerned he prohibited it. The reason is because these musical instruments they take you away from All Mighty God and we see this today. The musical instruments, the string instruments, the flute. You know you have rock shows going on and people get frenzy, they take out their clothes and they dance. You hear the film song you know film song, it has music, it is meaningless ‘ek, doh, teen’ What ek, doh, teen? ek, doh, teen, chaar, paanch, che, saat, aath and we keep on repeating, what we keep on repeating? And then we hear the song the hero telling the heroine
“Mein tumhare liye chaand tod ke leke aanuga, mein tumhare liye sitaare tod ke le kein aanuga”
“I’ll get the moon for you, I’ll get the stars for you”
We know it is illogical. Can a lover get a star for the girl? Can he? No but yet we recite why? Music… So with music you go in a Trans and you don’t realize what you are saying and you keep on repeating it. So it takes you away from the truth, takes you away from Al Mighty God. That’s the reason in Islam our beloved Prophet (pbuh), to prevent you from getting intoxicated, it may have some good points also but the loss is more. As the Qur’an says in Surah Baqarah ch. 2 verse no. 219
“When they ask you concerning intoxicants, alcohol tell them in it there is loss and profit but the loss is more than profit.”
In alcohol as a medical doctor I know, you know the beer it keeps you warm. So people tell me Brother Zakir you know the beer is good it keeps you warm. I say if you want to keep yourself warm have honey. Honey will keep you more warm but the honey doesn’t have the kick which the beer gives you. So it’s more for the kick rather than the warmth. But there are good points but the loss is more. Similarly with music it’s more of a loss. And that’s the reason today we find with the musical instruments, the songs, and all we find the people are deviating away from the true message of All Mighty God that’s the reason our beloved Prophet has prohibited the musical instruments. Hope that answers the question.
Questioner: A Flute, particularly flute, will they listen to flute or not? That is my question. See I’m not… I wasn’t asking about the drums and all.
Dr. Zakir: Brother’s….
Questioner: So you tell that, your brother that also brothers who know that is Qur’an brothers who doesn’t know Qur’an. That is also mention the same thing no why don’t you call like that?
Dr. Zakir: You are talking about brothers in faith and brothers in humanity?
Questioner: Yes, yes I couldn’t follow.
Dr. Zakir: two answers both the questions he commented.
Questioner: Yes:
Dr. Zakir: he’s talking about flute. So flute comes in that only.
Questioner: Yes.
Dr. Zakir: Whether it be anyone. It intoxicates so many of the Hindi film songs have got flutes, you know, flutes. Many of the Hindi film songs and may be even Tamilian film songs or Malayalam I don’t know. They have got flute also, it intoxicates a person you know and it’s also mentioned in Bhagvad Geeta. You know Bhagvad Geeta, Shri Krishna uses a flute for what?
Questioner: To bring…
Dr. Zakir: For what?
Questioner: To bring the mind calm.
Dr. Zakir: He used to go on the bank, river bank…
Questioner: Yes
Dr. Zakir: and play flute and do what?
Questioner: doing dancing with the Gopi stri….
Dr. Zakir: Gopi-string correct! This… so we don’t believe in doing that. We believe we respect the women when we see a woman we lower the gaze. If she is not your sister, if she is not your mother, if she is not your wife, when you see a woman the Qur’an says in Surah Nur ch. 24 verse no. 30 that “the man should lower his gaze.”… “the woman should lower her gaze”. We don’t believe in, you know, Gopi-Stri whatever you said. So all these things takes a person away from the truth. That’s the reason whether it be flute, whether it be guitar, whether it be the other instruments, its prohibited.
Coming to your first answer again that why don’t we say brother who follow the Qur’an and brother who don’t follow the Qur’an? Brother there are many people who say they are Muslims and yet they don’t follow the Qur’an. You know I have to say brother who is a Muslim and not following Qur’an. So I say brother in faith. Brother in faith means? Brother who has submitted his will to God. He may not be a good practicing Muslim, Fine? So brother in humanity means you are a human being, I’ll call you brother. But brother in faith means a person who agrees that he has submitted his will to God. So today if you say you want to acquire peace by submitting your will to God first you have to find out what is the will of God. Go to the Veda it will speak about All Mighty God, it will talk about a Messenger to come, his name is Prophet Muhammad, last and final revelation the Qur’an so if you believe in that I will call you brother in faith. So brother in faith is closer to me than brother in humanity but both are brothers to me. Hope that answers the question.
Questioner: Okay, thank you sir.
Chairman: Yes can we take a question onto my left at the back.
Questioner: Ya I’m Vikram. I’m a orator by profession this is a question of my friend. The question is what is the reason behind slaughtering the animals in Bakara Eid? Does this really satisfies Allah? Does this have any scientific reason as other rituals have in Islam like fasting?
Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a question that what is the reason, what is the logic behind slaughtering the animal during Bakri Eid? Does it satisfy Allah? Does it have scientific reasons like the other Islamic rituals have got scientific reasons like fasting etc.
Brother Allah says in Surah Hajj ch. No. 22 (verse 37)
“The blood and the meat does not go to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)”
He does not require blood and meat. It is your piety, your Taqwa which reaches him. So we slaughter the animal not because the blood and meat should go to Allah, that’s in most of the other religions. In the other religions you slaughter the goat for the god. And you leave it on the idol, may be somebody else will come and eat it the priest or someone but you leave it to the idol for god.
Qur’an says in Surah Anam ch 6 verse no. 14,
“Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala), He feedeth everyone but does not require to be fed.”
So when we slaughter the animal we don’t do it so that the meat and the blood go to Allah the logic is it is in remembrance of the incidence of Prophet Abraham (pbuh). When All Mighty God asks Prophet Abraham (pbuh) that who do you love the most in this world after All Mighty God so he says my son. So All Mighty God asks him that will you sacrifice the most beloved thing which you like for me and Prophet Abraham (pbuh) he listens to this commandment and his son tells his father, Ishmael may (pbuh), that father blindfold your eye so that though you love me you should not see me may be your hand would not execute what your God wants. So in this way the incident continues. And when he is about to slaughter his son there is a replacement by a sheep, by a goat. In remembrance to that we commemorate the Bakri Eid.
Now when we slaughter the animal it is a remembrance to the world that All Mighty God does not require human sacrifice. He was testing Prophet Abraham, not that All Mighty God did not know Prophet Abraham will pass in the test or not. He knew it very well that this Prophet of mine, he will pass the test. It is reminding everyone that human sacrifice is prohibited. Even today especially in this country of ours, India every day human beings are being sacrificed in the name of God, which is prohibited. Here we are being reminded that All Mighty God does not require human sacrifice. Further more when we slaughter the animal we do not believe that the meat and the blood don’t go to All Mighty God. When we slaughter the animal we have to give minimum one third to the poor people, other one third, we give to relatives and friends; maximum you can keep is one third. So here again we are sharing. If you want you can give everything to the poor people also. But minimum one third you have to give, one third to your relatives and friends, one third you can eat. It is helping the poor people, feeding the poor people. So here we are being reminded that human sacrifice is prohibited and we are being reminded that All Mighty God does not require blood or the flesh of any animal. At the same time we are helping our poor people to feed them and increase the brotherhood. Hope that answers the question.
Chairman: Can I take a question from a Non-Muslim sister onto my right?
Questioner: Good evening sir. Sir I have got two questions for the evening. First one is what is Shariah coz we follow the Qur’an, the holy book, lifestyle, everything depends upon but what is Shariah because yesterday I saw in BBC punishments are given to the criminals based on what is written in the Shariah. So I want to know what is it. That is my first question. The second question is usually in Hinduism and all we have got the meditation practice by which when we even chant the Shlokas we concentrate on something at least the light but when you chant your Shlokas, when the verses, how do you concentrate on the verses and get into or speak to God. This is my second question sir.
Dr. Zakir: Sister’s asked 2 questions. The first question she wants to know what is Shariah. She heard on the television that according to the Shariah and second question is that what do you concentrate on when you chant something we concentrate on the light, what do you concentrate on?
As far as your first question is concerned what is Shariah? Shariah is a legal system based on the Qur’an and the Sahih Ahadith. So when we say do you follow the Shariah we mean to say do you follow Qur’an and Sahih Ahadith? So if you ask me a ruling that what is according to the Shariah that can we have alcohol according to the Shariah? What you are asking me is the rule laid down by All Mighty God defined in the Qur’an and the Sahih Ahaidith, the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) So if you say what is ruling according to the Shariah so I say okay that can you have alcohol so I say the Shariah says alcohol is prohibited then we give a reference Surah Maidah ch no. 5 verse no. 90. So Shariah means following the legal system of Islam based on the Qur’an and the authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
As far as your second question is concerned that when we chant something we concentrate you know something like the light. What do we concentrate on? When we pray we pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)”, what do we do is we communicate with All Mighty God directly. Prayer is a hotline to God. You know hotline? Hotline to God directly and here what we do is we concentrate on the meaning. We don’t concentrate on an image because we don’t believe that All Mighty God has an image. The moment you do that you are belittling God. Now imagine when you are saying to concentrate on God you are making an idol of All Mighty God, you are belittling God and limiting God to that idol. If suppose the idols falls, the idol breaks. Imagine God cannot help himself, if you consider idol to be God. So we cannot belittle God, we cannot abuse God that’s the reason when we pray we pray to him directly and we concentrate on the meaning. That’s the reason in our Salaah we normally say Salaah in Arabic and I say the best way to concentrate on the Salaah is to understanding the meaning and concentrate on the meaning and then we follow our prayer… when we say pray, in English to pray means to ask for help to beseech. In Arabic Salaah does not merely means to pray. Salaah besides asking for help we are also thanking Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)”, thanking All Mighty God and simultaneously getting guidance from All Mighty God in our Salaah.
For example after Surah Fathia, the Imam, the leader in the Salaah he recites Surah Fathia, he may recite Surah Maidah ch 5 verse no. 90
which says
“Ya Ayyuhal lazeena Amanoo”
“O you have believe”
“Inna Mal Khamru Wal Maysiru”
“Most certainly intoxicants and gambling”
“Wal-ansabu Wal-azlamu”
“Dedications of stones, divination of arrows”
“Rijsun Min Amalish Shaytan”
“These are satan’s handiwork”
“Fajtaniboohu la’allakum Tuflihoon”
“Abstain from the handiwork that you may prosper”
Here besides thanking God, besides asking for help we are getting guidance, don’t have alcohol, don’t gamble, don’t do fortunetelling, don’t do idol worship, here in our Salaah we get guidance from Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) and that’s the reason I call Salaah to be a sought of programming towards righteousness. And that’s the reason our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) and Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) he has said you should offer Salaah minimum 5 times a day because the amount of evil we see around us, the amount of wrong things we see, the sin we see there are high chances we may get deprogrammed. So that’s the reason we offer Salaah, we get programming towards righteousness minimum 5 times a day…5 times a day, we are being programmed towards righteousness. So our Salaah is much more superior than just praying. Pray means to ask for help so besides asking for help we are thanking God and we are getting guidance from All Mighty God so that we can be on the straight path and you can follow the path of the Shariah, follow the path of submitting your will to All Mighty God. Hope that answers the question sister.
Questioner: Thank you. Thank you.
Chairman: Yes can we take a question from this brother onto my left?
Questioner: I’m Nanda Gopal, I am a journalist. My question is despite striking similarity of the Concept of God in most of the religions why there is absolutely no compassion and increased intolerance between religions? How do you think this can be stopped? It’s easy to tell to the world because we don’t know where is the world? But you can tell us from a point how it can be stopped at the individual level?
Dr. Zakir: The brother’s asked a very good question that in spite of the striking resemblance, commonalities, similarities between the various world religions why is there intolerance towards the different religions? Why? The basic reply according to me brother it is the people who are the religious leaders. Therefore I say that if you want to understand your religion go back to your scriptures but unfortunately the Thekedars of religion, they want to hold their flock together and they don’t want the masses to read the religious scriptures. Because if the masses read the religious scriptures and follow the religious scriptures directly who will go to them? So the best way is, go back to your scriptures, understand the scripture and follow it. What we realize that though we know very well that all the major religions, they say God is one, God has got no images, there’s no idol worship, yet we find that most of the religions besides Islam, they believe in idol worship. Why?
Because for example if you ask a Hindu priest that Your Vedas are absolutely crystal clear that God has got no image. He will tell me “Yes Dr. Naik I know it’s absolutely clear but…” the ‘but’ comes. God has got no images for the people of higher consciousness. For the people of lower consciousness, they require idol to concentrate. I said where is that mentioned in the scripture? He’ll say No-No that is our philosophy. So religious leaders they bring their philosophy and say that idol is used for concentration. “I do agree with you” they tell me “Dr. Naik the Vedas are against idol worship”, the Vedas are against All Mighty God having images but that is for people of higher consciences. So I tell them that dear Pandatji, Dear Swamiji we Muslims have already reached the higher consciousness, we don’t require any image.
So what we require in this way most of the religious leaders or the priest or the Pandits of most of the religions what they do same way I proved to you very clearly that Jesus Christ (pbuh) he never claimed divinity yet you find that the priest will tell you believe that Jesus Christ (pbuh) died for your sins and you’ll get salvation. Now where did Jesus Christ say that (pbuh)? So what we realize that’s the reason I tell the Hindus go back to your Vedas, I tell the Christian go back to your scriptures. I know there are differences brother. I am not saying that there are no differences in the religions. I can give a longer talk on the differences between Islam, Hinduism & Christianity but what do I say to all the human beings at least believe that one scripture is 100% the word of God. Now most of the human beings won’t have a problem accepting that. The Hindu will say I have got no problem in accepting Vedas as the word of God. The Christian will say I have got no problem accepting Bible to be the 100% the word of God. The Muslim will say I have got no problem in accepting the Qur’an to be the word of God. Then I tell at least let us follow what is common in these scriptures. What is different we will discuss it tomorrow. Let us agree to follow what is common and in my speeches I try and get the commonalities and I prove that all the major scriptures whether it be Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Parsism, Sikhism, Islam all of them say there is one God, he has got no images, He’s not begotten, he has got no parents, lets worship this one God.
All the major scriptures Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Parsism they say there is a Messenger to come his name is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). I can give a talk on Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in the Hindu scriptures. I can give a talk on Muhammad sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in the major world religions. So I say let us agree there is one God who is not begotten, has got no images, has got no idol. Second point, all the major scriptures say there is a Messenger to come and this final Messenger, his name is Prophet Muhammad.
It’s mentioned in the Bible in the Gospel of John ch. No. 16 verse no. 12 to 14, Jesus Christ pbuh says
“I have many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now but for he when the sprit of truth shall come, he shall guide you unto all truth. He shall not speak of himself all that he hears shall he speak, he shall glorify me.”
New Testament talking about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Old Testament, Book of Deuteronomy ch. No. 18 verse no. 18 speaks about the coming of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). Book of Deuteronomy ch. No. 18 verse no. 19 speaks about Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).In the Book of Isaiah ch. No. 29 verse no. 12 speaks about the coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Song of Solomon Ch. No. 5 verse no. 16 in the Old Testament speaks about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In the New Testament Gospel of John ch no. 14 verse no. 16, Gospel of John ch. No. 15 verse no. 26, Gospel of John ch no. 16 verse no. 7, Gospel of John ch. No. 16 verse no. 12 to 14 all these speak about coming of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).
I can only give references Hindu scripture, if you read the Hindu scriptures Bhavishya Purana Parv 3, Khand 3, Adya 3 Sholkas 5 to 8, Bhavishya Purana Parv 3, Khand 3, Adya 3 Sholkas 10 to 27 speak about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Atharva Veda speaks about Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). Rig Veda speaks about Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).
You can give a lecture and in the Kalki Purana it speaks about Kalki Avtar to come. It says that the name of his father will be Vishnuyas, means the servant of God. In Arabic Abdullah which was the name of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam’s). farther.
His mother’s name would be Sumati which means serenity, calm, peace in Arabic it means Aamina which was the name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
It’s mentioned that he’ll be born on the 12th month of Madhav, that’s 12th Rabbi Awwal. It’s mentioned that he’ll have 4 companions talking about the first four Khulfa Rashdeen. It says he will be born in a city of peace talking about Makkah. It says that he will be born in the chief of the tribe of Makkah…. on and on and on… talking about no one but last and final Messenger.
So I tell leave aside the differences let us agree on the commonalities in Hinduism, in Christianity, in Judaism, in Parsism, in Buddhism, in Islam that is that is one God, He begets not, He has got no images, worship him and no one else, the last and final messenger to come is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). So if you agree with these commonalities and you follow his message, all will be united. But the people who are Thekedar of religion, you know Thekedar, means the priest of religion they don’t want to lose their flock. So they prevent the followers to read their scripture. Believe me I have got no problems with Hindus, they love me, they respect me. Believe me, people normally feel scared to speak about religion, I love it. And believe the Non Muslims respect me many a times more than the Muslims. When I walk through the customs, the non Muslim custom officer “Dr. Zakir Naik! Jo bhi kahenge sach kahenge, sach ke sive kuch nahi kehenge.” He will speak the truth, nothing but the truth. As though I am taking oath in the court of law.
So what we realize we speak the truth. So I do agree with you brother the difference of intolerance is because of the religious priest, the religious leaders. Therefore we have to make the scriptures common and come to a common term and the whole humanity would be one brotherhood. Hope that answers the question brother.
Chairman: Yes can we take a question onto my left? The mike behind…
Questioner: My name is Pascal. I’m a teacher by profession. I’m a Christian. Taking for granted that you agree the Gospel translated into English which we Christians believe. I will quote these examples. No. 1 in all the 4 Gospels when Christ came out of the waters of Baptism there was a voice from heaven saying “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, Listen you to him.” In the same way no. 2 on Mount Tabor when he was transfigured and when his face shown like the sun there was a voice from heaven saying “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Listen you to him.” And some of the times when he cast out the devils they came out of the men proclaiming “Thou son of the living God why have you come to torture us before the time.” And again before the high priest when the high priest asked to him “In the name of the living God, I ask thee are you the son of the living God?” Christ says “Thou has said it” And the priest, and the no. 5 the high priest of the scribes when they accused Jesus before the pilot they said “This man says he is the son of God. He is blaspheming according to our religion. Therefore we want to crucify him” Pilot didn’t know about it. The very reason why they wanted to put Christ on the cross is that he claimed himself to be the son of God because even though he didn’t directly say I’m the son of God, he’s indirectly said. Suppose I say you are Dr. Zakir Naik and you are MBBS doctor and you tell me yes brother you have said it. It’s not about saying that yourself saying I’m Dr. Zakir Naik, MBBS in the same way Christ even though he didn’t say I am the son of God, he has approved it. Perhaps out of modesty he didn’t say I’m the son of God. Again one more example…
Dr. Zakir: Brother, brother your question… brother your question you’ve already quoted 5 verses without giving references. What’s your question brother?
Questioner: No-no I have not come prepared for that. That’s why I not quote…
Dr. Zakir: Fine I’ll give you the reference, no problem brother. I’ll give you the reference, I’ll help you. I’ll help you brother, no problem. What’s your question? Do you mean to say by quoting all these 5 things Jesus claimed divinity?
Questioner: YES!
Dr. Zakir: Fine. I’ll give you a reply. My challenge brother was point out a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that ‘I am God’ or where he says ‘worship me’ I am ready to accept Christianity. You did not point out a single statement, unequivocal statement, in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that I am God or where he says worship me. Here is the Bible brother, this is the King James Version and since you are a teacher and you claim to be a Pastor… you are a Pastor?
Questioner: No, No, No
Dr. Zakir: You are a teacher?
Questioner: I’m a teacher and honorably believer of Christianity.
Dr. Zakir: Fine. There is something like a Red Letter Bible. Whatever Jesus Christ said, it is in red. Now you mentioned 5 things and these things can be clubbed into two things. First you quoted that everywhere… you didn’t quote correctly. What you wanted to quote was the Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16 which says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die but have everlasting life.” It is not in all the 4 Gospels, it is only in Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16. Please note it down you can check it up. Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die but have everlasting life.” And again you quoted in the ending the fifth time that “Jesus Christ said he was the son of God” you said that.
Do you know Bible has got sons of God by the tons… If you read the Bible Adam was the son of God pbuh, Ephraim was the son of God; Israel was a son of God. If you read the Romans ch. No. 8 it says
“All those who are led by the sprit of God they are sons of God.”
If you are a godly person, you are son of God. If I am a Godly person I’m a son of God according to the Bible. But they say no, no, no, no, no, no… Jesus Christ is not a normal son he is the begotten son. As far as your last question son of God, Bible has got sons of God by the tons. Adam is son of God, Ephraim is son of God, Israel is son of God. All those who are led by the sprit of God they are sons of God but the Christian missionary tells me no, no, no Jesus Christ is not a normal son, coming to your first question, he is the begotten son.
And then they quote which you didn’t quote me I am helping you brother, Gospel of John ch. 3 verse no. 16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him shall not die but have everlasting life.” Brother, do you know the meaning of the word ‘begotten’? What is the meaning of the word ‘begotten’?
Questioner: No.
Dr. Zakir: What is the meaning of the word ‘begotten’?
Questioner: Begotten is not the sense in which you human sense. See the word ‘begotten’…
Dr. Zakir: I am asking you the meaning of the word ‘begotten’.
Questioner: YES I KNOW.
Dr. Zakir: What is the meaning of the word ‘begotten’?
Questioner: Begotten there are 2 senses. When you say.. When you say of a human being he say begotten means the flesh and blood of his is his son. But when you say of God begotten son it doesn’t mean itself a body, is begotten him. It is to say the close association between the Father and the son that’s all.
Dr. Zakir: If you say son, I say suppose someone comes here and I tell him “O my son” he will not mind because he’s a young boy if I tell him that “Son come here” he will come. If I say “begotten son come here” he may punch me on my jaw insinuating that I had, Na’uzbillah, I had sex with his mother. Fine? If I tell to a small boy “begotten son” or a young boy may be 23 years, you know, I am more than 40 if I say “Begotten son come here” he may punch me on my jaw. Why? Begotten means sired by God. Sired, it belongs to the lower animal functions of sex.
And that’s the reason if you read the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, revised by 32 Christian Scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 different Christian Denominations, they say this word ‘begotten’ in Gospel of John ch. No. 3 verse no. 16 is an interpolation, is a concoction, is a fabrication and they threw it out of the Bible. Do you know that? If you read the revised standard version of the Bible which is the best seller, revised by 32 Christian Scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 different Christian Denominations they say this word ‘begotten’ in an interpolation, is a concoction, is a fabrication. So the word begotten has been thrown out. So if you say son, God has got sons by the tons in the Bible. So coming to your first question and your last question I have answered it.
Coming to your second and third which you mentioned that he drove out the devils, quote the full verse. You haven’t quoted to me the full verse. Which I quoted in my talk according to the
Gospel of Matthew ch. No. 12 verse no. 28 he said
“I cast out devils with the sprit of God”
Gospel of Luke ch. No. 11 verse no. 20
“I with the finger of God cast out devils”
It doesn’t say he alone does it. He does it with the help of God. That does not mean he’s God. All these verses you quoted they clearly mention that he was a Messenger of God. He wasn’t God himself. That’s the reason I challenged you point out a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself says that I am God or where he says worship me. And I am ready to accept Christianity. No where Jesus ever said that… just if I tell to the son “Son come here” that does not make him my begotten son. Fine? So same way if you tell me that I will call you Dr. Zakir Naik, fine? And if I don’t object that doesn’t…..It may be true, may be wrong. People say Dr. Zakir Naik Scholar, I don’t consider myself to be a scholar. I consider myself to be a student of knowledge. So people call me scholar and if I continue that doesn’t mean I accept it, they consider me to be a scholar and I don’t consider myself to be a scholar…. always refer to myself as a student of knowledge. A Talibe-ilm.
So you, what you have to point out from the Bible is anywhere in the Bible it should be in red letter, red letter means the words of Jesus Christ (pbuh) point out a single statement, unequivocal statement, an unambiguous statement from the complete Bible where Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself said that “I am God” or where he says “worship me”, I’m ready to accept Christianity.
Chairman: Can we take a question from this brother onto my left?
Questioner: I am Mr. Ravindarn.
Chairman: Yes Mr. Ravindarn….
Questioner: …A social worker. I thank to peace organization and Mr. my friend Ayer Iyer. I already note these points of the my journal. Ah… the one God All Mighty.. so I only one question what is the miracle of in Islam. concerning, Solomon 5:16 like that. So I want to know the miracles…So many religions they said miracles-miracles. So I want to know the Islam’s miracles.
Dr. Zakir: Brother’s asked a question what is the miracle of Islam. Then you quoted Song of Solomon 5:16. Song of Solomon is a part of the Bible. Song of Solomon is a part of the Old Testament in the Bible which is Hebrew says
“Hikko mamittakim we kullo MUHUMMUDIM zeh doodee wa zeh raee banout Jerusalem”
It’s a Hebrew quotation. I am quoting the exact because the translation differs. “Hikko mamittakim we kullo MUHUMMUDIM zeh doodee wa zeh raee banout yerushaleim” which means that
“He is most sweet he’s all together lovely, he is my beloved O daughters of Jerusalem.”
Now the original I quoted why? Because the original mentions the word ‘Muhammadim’ In the Hebrew language we add ‘im’ as a plural of respect. To word of Muhammad is added Muhammadim. Like how Elho means God, Elhoim means respect for God. so… but in the translation of the Bible they have translated the proper noun Muhammad as all together lovely. But if you read the song of Solomon ch. 5 verse no. 16 it speaks about the coming of the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He is even mentioned by name.
Now coming to your first question what is the miracle in Islam. There were many miracles in Islam and if you read the Sahih hadith there are no less than 300 miracles which our beloved Prophet did. But the miracle which we boast about is, it is the Glorious Qur’an. This is the miracle of Islam, all the other miracles for example we believe that Moses (pbuh), he parted the sea. Jesus Christ (pbuh), he gave life to the dead. But today if we want to analyze can we go back in time and check whether Moses parted the sea or not? That time people were convinced will you and I can get convinced? So a person who doesn’t have faith in the religious scriptures he cannot go back in time and verify whether Moses (pbuh) did he part the sea or not, did Jesus give life to the dead or not, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) he split the moon but you cannot go back in time. One miracle which was a miracle that time, is today, and will be till eternity is the Glorious Qur’an. It is the miracles of miracles.
And more than a week back i.e. about 8 days back on the 12th of January I gave a talk on ‘Qur’an and Modern Science – Compatible or Incompatible?’ And I proved in the lecture this Qur’an is a miracles of miracles. It’s not only a miracle it’s a miracle of miracles. It’s a miracle of all times.
Previously it was age of miracles it proved itself. Then came the age of literature and poetry. Qur’an is the best Arabic literature available on the face of this earth according to the Muslims and Non Muslim Arabic scholars.
But today if a religious scripture says in a poetic fashion the world is flat, will you believe in it? The answer is no. because today it’s not the age of literature and poetry, today is the age of science and technology. So 8 days back I proved that what the Qur’an has mentioned 1400 years ago science has proved yesterday, 20 years back, 50 years back, 100 years back, 200 years back. Who could have mentioned this in the Qur’an? No one besides the Creator, All Mighty God. So the best miracle, the ultimate miracle, the miracle of miracles it is the Glorious Qur’an.
Chairman: From the sister’s side if there are Non-Muslim sisters we will take the question otherwise we have lot of Non Muslim brothers here.
Questioner: Yes there is a question from a Non-Muslim, she was my neighbor once and she was always asking this.
Chairman: Go ahead sister.
Questioner: okay. Asalamualikum!
Chairman: Walekum Salam!
Questioner: My name is Husna, I am a home maker. My question is i.e. my neighbor’s question is every Muslim follow Qur’an in the whole world why then too many Jamaat? The Non Muslim neighbor always asked me. She says then why do you say one Allah because the so many Jamaat is telling that covering head during the Namaz is not required and shaking the first finger and whatever…
Dr. Zakir: Sister’s asked a question that one of her neighbors asked that if all Muslims believe in one Qur’an, they believe in the same book then why are there so many sects, so many Jamaats? The reply is given in the
Qur’an in Surah Ale Imran ch. No. 3 verse no. 103
“Wa’tasimoo bihablillahi jamee’an wala tafarraqoo”
“Hold to the rope of Allah strongly and be not divided”
the rope of Allah it is the Glorious Qur’an. So we Muslims should hold to the rope of Allah and be not divided.” The rope of Allah it is the glorious Qur’an. So we Muslims should hold to the rope of Allah and be not divided.
As far as making sects is concerned Allah says in Surah Anam ch. No. 6 verse no. 159 that
“O Prophet if anyone makes sects in the religion of Islam you have nothing to do with him.”
So making sects in Islam is haraam…all of us have got one label that is Muslim that’s the reason in my talk in Surah Imran Ch. 3 verse no. 64, I said
“ta’alawila kalimatin sawa-in baynana wabaynakum allana’buda illa Allaha wala nushrika bihishay-an wala yattakhiaa ba’dunaba’dan arbaban min dooni Allahi fa-intawallaw faqooloo ishhadoo bi-anna muslimoon.”
that we bear witness that we are Muslims. We don’t believe in making sects. There is no sects in Islam but unfortunately the people have diverted from Qur’an and Sunnah and they make sects. In Islam, there is no sects in Islam. For more details you can refer to my talk I gave in the last Peace Conference during the last day ‘Unity in the Muslim Ummah’ which will throw light more on this topic. Hope that answers the question.
Chairman: We can take one more last question from a Non-Muslim brother.
Questioner: First of all I would like to show my deep, humble respect, for giving preference to brother in humanity rather than brother of faith. That is my simple, humble, sincere respect for giving preference I like it very much. My questions are one world is true, everybody agrees here. One God, I think the world is slowly accepting. So multi-Gods were there and multi-religions are there. I believe God surely likes to prove that back again like in the past we had one God, one earth one religion. No we have come to one yet many gods many religion. Now God wants to put us back to the same point where we have one God, one earth one religion. How you think it will be established by God or by human beings? Then my second question is between vegetarian and non-vegetarian say which is supreme?
Dr. Zakir: Brother’s has asked 2 questions. Question no. 1 that previously there was one God, one religion, one earth. Now there is one earth many gods, many religions. How can we get back to one God, one earth, one religion? It is by having more such peace exhibitions, having more such functions, having more such talks. Concept of God in major world religions and what we want only giving talk would not be sufficient. After giving the talk the people should implement it. So my request to you would be that you should implement this that there is one God, there is one religion that one God is not begotten, he has got no images, that one religion is to submit your will to All Mighty God and accept this religion.
So if you accept this religion of submitting your will to God. If you are accepting there is one God who has got no images, who is not begotten, who is absolute then we will be one. Otherwise only giving talk would not be sufficient. People should accept the truth and implement it. So my request to you would be brother that accept the religion of Peace and the oneness of All Mighty God and the religion of submitting your will to All Mighty God.
Coming to your second question who is better a person who is a vegetarian or person who is a non vegetarian? I would say it doesn’t make a difference whether a person is a vegetarian or non-vegetarian. A person who accepts the will of God is a better human being irrespective whether he’s a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian. It is not compulsory in Islam that a person should be a non-vegetarian.
In my talk of a debate I’ve told a person can be a good Muslim by being a pure vegetarian. Having non-veg in Islam is not compulsory but why a person should have non-veg I have given a talk on that. There’s a debate I had with a Jain on the topic of ‘Is non-vegetarian food permitted or prohibited?’ but as far as the question is concerned who is better the Qur’an says the person who has Taqwa ch. in Surah Hujuraat 49 verse no. 13 says
“Ya ayyuhannasu inna khalaqnakum min zakarin wa onsa waja’alnakum shu’ooban waqaba-ila lita’arafoo inna akramakum inda Allahi atqakum inna Allaha’aleemun khabeer.”
“O humankind we have created you from a single pair of male and female and have divided you into nations and tribes. So that you shall recognize each other not that you shall despise each other and the most honored in the sight of All Mighty God is the person who has Taqwa.”
The only way you can be superior to other human beings is by Taqwa, it is by piety, it is by God consciousness. Otherwise eating non-veg as long as you are following the commandment of All Mighty God, it is not a sin. I can prove that from Hindu scriptures, from the Christian scriptures as well as from the Qur’an. So main thing is who is better is the person who has Taqwa, who has piety, who has God consciousness. Hope that answers the question.
Wa Aakhiru Da’waana Anil Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Alameen……!
Chairman: Thank you very much. You’ve been a lovely audience Chennai. Thank you very much and may Allah Ta’la reward all of us for the hard work. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam I thank Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala for having given us this wonderful opportunity. An opportunity does not come to most people and who can deny the fact that each and every person who has visited this exhibition has benefited in some form or the other and also tens and thousands of others who have heard this lecture live. I thank you once again Chennai and thank you brothers and sisters for being a wonderful audience.
JazakAllah Khair, Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu……….!